STT -General Questions regarding Upcoming Relocation (Cowpet Area)
Good afternoon all,
1. Mail- What "Address" do I forward my current mail too if I am staying in a beach condo... and do not have permenant residence set up. I was directed by Sugar Estate post office to use "General Delivery" as there are no post office boxes available. Please describe general delivery.
2. Are Shacklee products sold on Island?
3. Opinions on Banking preferences for business purposes?
4. Where do I buy Really Strong Whole bean Coffee!!?
Thanks in advance...
Craig: There are a good number of people who use Red Hook Mail Service, especially boaters and east enders. Phone is (340)779-1890. Don't know about Shaklee... Banking- probably Scotiabank. And strong whole coffee beans? Lately I've been getting San Francisco brand at Cost-U-Less in a 2# bag for about $9- it comes in expresso and French (or Freedom) roast. They sell Starbucks at Marina Market and Green Mountain (?) at Grateful Deli...probably not the variety you are used to, but you will soon learn to enjoy what you get! (Or order on the Internet!)
Is Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee available on the Island?
Yes, you can also get the Blue Mountain Coffee and other Caribbean coffees from in the coffee section, there is also a tea section.
Banco Popular for banking has always worked well for me.
I hate Scotia so much that i take a ferry from St. John to Red hook to bank at Banco Popular. Scotia has screwed me so many times that whenever I hear about someone banking there, I really feel sorry for them. Their tellers are always busted. They hold onto funds twice as long as the other banks. They tell you one thing and do another. I am rowled up.
Scotia Bank sucks!!!!!!
Good morning... Thanks East Ender... again. Chris, your giong to have an anyeurysm one day 😉 up your meds. When you use the term busted, what are you refering to?
Are you guys refering to typical checking account stuff or mortgage/ business banking?
Does Cost-U-Less have a pharmacy? a wine selection?
Anchorage Condos vs Sapphire Beach Resort for vacation (with children) I've read quite a bit about both beaches and accomodations... any comments?
Thanks, Craig
Main Entry: re·fer
Pronunciation: ri-'f&r
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): re·ferred; re·fer·ring
Etymology: Middle English referren, from Latin referre to bring back, report, refer, from re- + ferre to carry —more at
Craig: I am not as passionate about my bank as Chris is...Our family uses First Bank and BancoPopular for business and personal. This is mostly because they were Citibank and Chase when we opened our accounts. Now they have been sold and resold, are both headquartered in PR and if it were up to me, I would change to a bank that doesn't send you stuff in Spanish...
Cost-U-Less has no pharmacy, but does have a good liquor and wine selection with good prices.
Re: the two complexes- Anchorage is a condo complex, doesn't have the amenities of a hotel, but Sapphire does. They are both pretty good for kids- Anchorage has a lot of local kids for play mates (they have 3 bedroom condos so are popular for family living), Sapphire has a longer beach and more interesting pool. Sapphire has the marina on property for day trips, Anchorage is a 5 min trip into Red Hook. Sapphire has rooms right on the beach, where Anchorage's are a ways back... What's up with vacationing? I thought you were moving???
Hello Craig,
I refer to typical accout stuff, personal and business, cd, checking, savings....
Cost U Less - they have wine and liqour yes, so does Kmart and the grocery stores. Pharmacy - I don't think so, LOL I am trying to picture their interior, haven't been there for a while and I keep getting images of PriceSmart.... in any case pharmacies K-mart has a large one, its popular. There is one in a drug/convience store in Havensight - they are real freindly and nice there, there is one in Sugar Estate across from the post office, in town there are two, there is good one in Red Hook. Lots of pharmacies. And lots of wine and alcohol..... I don't think you are suppose to mix those two though 🙂
PriceSmart just opened a pharmacy. But CostuLEss has the better wine selection.
East Ender and I apparently drink the same coffee, San Fran brand at Cost U Less, but sometimes I splurge on Espresso Roast at Beans, Bytes and Websites. I believe they roast their own beans. Teh result is EXCELLENT.
Banking: Banco Popular has as times driven me crazy, but the main branch seems the most reasonable.
Good afternoon... East Ender thanks for the insight!
Re- Vacation, the answer is as such... we live in Michigan. June 3rd it was 52* and raining. Today it is much nicer... 63* deg. and raining ; ) Winter and spring have been brutal, Therefore our relocation consists of first and foremost... toes in the sand, fun and sun. I'll start searching for permenent residence, schools, neighborhoods etc. when on island. I think when we move to to second residence the vacation is officially over... make sense?
Islander- We had a Bon Voyage party yesterday... 30 family members saying things like... "you'll be back in a year" " biggest mistake of your life" and... "what are you going to do with the leather couch... and that TV" well anyway you were right... it has been reconfirmed... mixing the two is a mistake!
See ya, Craig
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