StandUpPaddle circumnavigation STX
Aloha friends,
I was hoping to get a little advice from you all. We've got some friends coming over from STT to STX to circumnavigate the island on Stand Up Paddle Boards. They've done STT and STJ so far, Standing up for a plastic free ocean. The plan is to start at Christiansted, head east then go along the south shore to Frederiksted and finish up along the north shore continuing on back to Christiansted. This will take about a day, more than likely two. About every 15-20 miles they need to stop at beach to resupply with H2O and carbs (they drink what they can carry on their backs). I myself am new to the island, so am still not familiar with all the beaches, what is easily accessible, and what facilities they provide. I was hoping to get from you folks this sort of information. Tague Bay and Haypenny Bay seem like good stops, but I don't know what those beaches provide if anything. Even if it is easily accessible by car, I could meet them with what they need. Frederiksted and Cane Bay seem like the next two possible stops. Please provide all the comments and suggestions you've got!!
Thankyou! Mahalo!
Cramer's Park would be a convenient waypoint for provisioning. If they made it from C'sted to Cramer's in one reasonable stint then you could assume that Cramers -> Haypenny would work (it would be loong but downcurrent) . I would contact the Hovensa Marine Terminal to let them know what is going on...they are at times touchy about who approaches the refinery. Good Hope, Butler Bay and maybe Annaly bay would serve as intermediate waypoints. Good luck.
Haypenny has nothing at all -- not even really any shade.
Definitely contact Hovensa. The shoreline on their property may be restricted.
I've gone out on the Northshore on Jet Skis, around Hamm's Bluff from Csted to Fsted and that is a VERY rough area. I don't know how paddle boards hold up in those kinds of conditions, honestly, and there's nothing around there for awhile. good luck!
It can all be very rough. Southshore waves were big last night around Long Point.
I ocean kayak all the time on Stx.
Unlike STT, there's a much stronger east-west current that sweeps down both the north and southshores.
Going with the current would work, though rough in place, but coming back up through it on the other side will be very tough.
they might was to contact the yacht club and speak to someone who sails the 'around st croix' race...I realize they are not in a sailboat, but I'm sure that the folks who do this race every year could give them some tips....also, I could be wrong since I'm not a sailor but seem to remember the race goes the other direction...YC to C'sted to F'sted and around....might be a reason for that too.....or perhaps not...
The last time I did the around - the - island- race, Hovensa stipulated that racers had to stay outside the sea buoy. And the race usually goes clockwise around the island especially since they've broken it into two days with an overnite in Fsted.
Good luck.
I'm guessing that you've already considered this, but just in case:
- hopefully the team are using GPS units with pre-entered waypoints to make sure that everyone knows exactly where to meet
- Google Earth can be used to explore roads and beaches (I use it to find potential snorkeling sites)
- then, the forum folks here can help to point you to resources to verify the planned roads and beach access points
I've asked questions about potential snorkeling sites. I'm sometimes surprised to hear about sanitation leaks into certain areas (I realize that you're above water.... but, still...)

There has been some talk of having a inter-island paddle board race similar to Hawaii for both stand up and paddle board.
You surely don't mean between STX and STT?!

Yes, the Molokai/ Oahu race is 32 miles
Tito from the crab races told me he wind surfed to STT from STX
Should I believe him?:-o
Matt, Sent you a PM with a gentleman's phone # that can definitely help you or at least discuss options. He swam around STX and mapped it out sections at a time.
Tito from the crab races told me he wind surfed to STT from STX
Should I believe him?:-oMatt, Sent you a PM with a gentleman's phone # that can definitely help you or at least discuss options. He swam around STX and mapped it out sections at a time.
It is possible to windsurf from anywhere to anywhere if you are tough enough (and have the support). Swimming on St Croix around the island is do-able if you cut it off in manageable chunks. The 32 miles from Molokai to Honolulu is much easier than the crossing from St Croix to St Thomas. The Hawaii crossing is shorter and has more favorable currents than stx to stt. They all require more than than I can give at this time in my life. Good Luck
I "stand" corrected...
There was a standup kayaker in yesterday's Queen Louise kayak event and he nearly led the pack the whole way.
He made it through some really rough water around Ham's Bluff and into a stiff breeze into F'sted way ahead of us!
Quite a performance.
We saw that too (I volunteered our boat as an assistance boat for the event) and were impressed!
I "stand" corrected...
There was a standup kayaker in yesterday's Queen Louise kayak event and he nearly led the pack the whole way.
He made it through some really rough water around Ham's Bluff and into a stiff breeze into F'sted way ahead of us!
Quite a performance.
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