Standby Generator
Hopefully Frances will pass us by, but to be prepared for future storms I found a good source for portable Honda generators.
The unit I am interested in is the Honda EU3000is. This generator provides 3KW of power and is very quiet 59db. It is also very fuel efficent. Three KWs is enough to run most homes if you practice power managment. According to Honda, they don't have any authorized dealers in the VI and they were vague about PR. My Spanish isn't good enough to deal with the person Honda referred me to in PR.
I found a source to purchase this model for $1676. This price is delivered to the dock in Florida. Wise Equipment Sales in Schaumburg, IL.. runs an online store through e-bay, but they also run a brick and mortar store in Schaumburg which I have visited. Wise also offers other sizes and manufacture's equipment. The 4.5KW Honda can be had for $2,300.
You will then have to arrange to ship the generator from FL to the VI. (VI Cargo at is one way to handle this type of shipment.) Wise Equipment's price, from what I have been able to find, is a very good prices for a Honda generator. The bargain price makes it worth the hassel to import a generator and pay the taxes, shipping and duties.
Yes, I know you can purchase other manufactures generators on STX for less, but these generators don't offer the same features, particularly the low noise level of the Honda. Most generators are much noisier at between 72- 80 db and the Honda's power for this model is clean so you can run a PC off it.
Hope nobody needs a generator soon, but I thought I would pass this information on.
PS I don't work for Wise or Honda nor am I an expert on standby power generators.
there is a home depot on st.tomas and they sell honda generators might call them to see if they carry the one you want
How loud is 59dc (what is it comparable to), and how much fuel does the thing hold? Thank you.
When the 17 year Brood X cicadas hatched this year around DC and started singing, the 100 decibel noise level they produced was compared to a jackhammer. You could hear it inside buildings that were closed up tightly, and you had to talk very loud to converse outside and be heard over their constant noise. We left DC to move here at their peak, and the first thing both of us noticed when we arrived at the STX airport was how quiet it was outside.
Post Edited (08-31-04 07:55)
Here is a comparison of db levels
45 - Suburban living room
60 - Normal speech
70 - Vac cleaner
80 - Inside car 50 mph
120 - Rock & roll bar
This particular generator is quiet, I have started one up at the dealer's showroom.
Gas Tank 3.4 gallons.
Run time tated load 7.2 hours
Run time 1/4 load 20 hrs
I`ve been looking at some of the higher reliability standby generators, and the people worth a look are www.electric They advertise a 4.5Kw generator , open frame type for $2099 , and a 6.5Kw closed frame type for $2199 .. Not a bad price, now the good part.. they`re Diesel powered, brand new , and they advertise FREE SHIPPING to boot... The brand is ETQ China origin I think, but a one year warranty makes it tough to beat...........Good Luck with your search.........Pete
I would advise you to actually listen to a generator run under load. If you get a generator that puts out 78 db are you and particularly your neighbors going to be able put up with the noise?
It is one thing if it is run for a couple of days, but what if WAPA's plant takes a big hit and you have to depend on your generator for electricity for weeks or months? This isn't hypothetical, it has happened after past storms in the VI.
If my neighbor had a loud generator running, was drinking cold beer, playing his stereo while I was sweating in the dark I sure wouldn't be happy listening to the noise of the generator. The fumes from a diesel would just make it worse.
Just my opinion.
Jim, WAPA never takes a hit. It's the lines that fall. The main units at WAPA are built in a bomb proof building, at least by WW II standards. The have worked dilegently to secure lines, some underground, some with poles better planted than before. They rebounded masterfully after Marilyn, not taking up to six months as they did after Hugo.
Since we had not been hit by hurricane since 1928, I believe everything had been trail and error lately. Lots of new building codes and the like have our homes better prepared for storms. If I remember correctly, after Bertha came, nine months after Marilyn, the island was back on line within a week.
Lots of noisey generators in the neighbrhoods. You get used to it. Heard people talking about those Honda generators. Personally I don't think it's worth paying three times as much for a portable generator for short term usage and some quiet. And then again, one that can't ru sqat! An averge home in the days before gadgets like microwaves and computers took 7000 watts to run. The most you could run with 3000 is probably a pump and some lights.
I have a 25KW Kubota generator. It's silent and can run the entire house, A/C, water heaters and all! Not saying that it's necessary, but you can pick one of those up for around $8K to $10K. So, why spend $2,300 on something you can get for $800 that's a little noisier?
Beside that, you just go next door and put your beer in his fridge ...
I didn't mean to imply that WAPA loses its plants, in utility jargon outside plant means distribution cables. However, given the number of generators that WAPA currently has down for maintenance, they currently don't have much extra generating capacity in reserve. If WAPA does lose a plant or generator power supplies could be tight.
Also there is a big difference between 59 db and 79 db. I believe the dbs are measured on a log scale.
One of the reason people come to the VI is for the peace and quiet. I enjoy the solitude so I am willing to pay the extra money to keep it quiet.
A bigger generator means using more fuel. With the current price of gasoline, using a 3kw generator means it will cost me $0.75 per hour or about $0.25 per kw.
In any case anyone buying a generator will have to decide what works for them. I just started this post because I found a source for a nice generator at a decent price.
No problem. Have you checked Home Depot? Are the prices similar?
We bought a gene at CostuLess for $670. Coleman 5500 with a wheel kit. Made a test start of it and it didn't sound too loud, although I certainly wouldn't want it in my living room.
We've been priicing and comparing generators all over STX and that's the one I've been leaning toward. While I'm delighted you didn't need it over the last few days, I will admit wanting some first hand reports of how well it worked for you, including what you were able to run from it all at once and how often it needed a fuel refill. If you ever decide to do a longer test run, would you please post what you learn?
Related question: how many filled 5 gallon gas cans are you including in your storm preparation supplies?
HC, yet another Hurricane Virgin (who is knocking on wood that she stays that way)
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