Staffing an office
I am wondering about the workforce in St Thomas. I am considering opening a branch office (telemarketing center) to sell a service throughout the US. Please tell me about the workforce (i.e. education, clear english, motivated, abundance of candidates?) also, are there other call centers in St Thomas?
education? the majority of our high schools are currently unaccredited because we were doing so poorly.
clear english? no. even when speaking 'clear' english, much of the grammar is incorrect; subject : object pronouns always swapped, verb agreement issues, lots of problems. you wonder why, until you see thier teachers on the local news, striking for better pay or whatever, and realize everyone is *taught* this way
motivated? visit st thomas first. go visit some workers in action, walk through the tutu park mall and do some shopping, eat at a local fast food restaurant, and go to WAPA and try and get some electric service hooked up or something. did you have *fun*?? these are the sort of low-pay employees youll be recruiting. i believe youd have to have very motivated *buyers* to sell to.
abundance? yep. plenty of unemployed.
despite all this, it still might be worth it for you. go find stuff about "EDC benefits" on the web, there are huge tax benefits to opening a business here that employs locals, youd have to check [maybe with a local lawyer] whether your type of business would meet those req's or not
good luck.
youd? what kind of word is that anonymous? Learn it in your accredited school? Don't throw stones, you don't like it, leave. It is an option!
Larry, you will find people to work. Just bear in mind that the islands are on 'manana' time. Island pace is rather slow. Embarassingly slow. Some folks move here for that pace, other's can't cope with it and move on. Some have made millions others have lost. It depends on how well you can operate your business.
Chances are you will get a lot of applicants, and you can weed through and find acceptable employees to do what you want. You may even find people like 'youd' above to work for you. But caution, they could be your worst enemy!
same way as i used 'youll'
not ignorance, laziness and dislike of those little (')'s
fair enough though
and i like it here, ive been here for years and ill see hundreds more leave long before i do. i wouldnt [ooh, there i go again. there shouldve been a little ' there] envy larry's position though, trying to staff an office with low-wage earners from these islands, who have to be articulate on the phone, and deal with *people* in order to run a successful business.
I don't envy him either! But in my experience, having been born here, and been here most all of my life, other then the college years and the time away in the real world years, do know that you can find them if you search for them, and low wages, well that's another story. You do get what you pay for no matter where!
Where did the subject of low wages come up? As a matter of fact the average hourly wage be will $10 an hour- many will earn up to $25 an hour. I am not looking for a place to exploit the labor. I am looking at St Thomas for a change in my life & of course the EDC benifits are attractive. I also would like to open other businesses once there- things that cater to the tourism industry. The idea of moving to St Thomas has many dimensions to it.
I would hope that I could find well spoken employees- that are sales minded. I would think the university could provide this? Anymore info would be appreciated. Thanks
You will find both well educated employees to hire, as well as non-educated yet dedicated and great employees and of course you will find employees that you rather not employ. And these three types you would find everywhere! The university does have a great number of good employee material - that would be a good place to look. Interview carefully, select those you think would work, train them and care for them well and you'll have good employees. I have worked in St. Thomas with employees who have been with the same company for any where from 7 to 30 years, dedicated and hard workers. It goes without saying that you will find employees that don't work out as well.
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