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St Mary's Catholic School
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Does anyone have a child in St Mary's? We are moving to the island August 1st and considering sending our son (3rd grade) there. There wasn't a whole lot of information on their website ex. tuition. My husband is on the island now for a few weeks for work and will be contacting the school. I just wanted some opinions. Any advice would be great!
Posted : March 30, 2014 10:55 pm
Maybe you could PM Jwsommer on this board. Her kids go to school there, and as far as I have read, she is very happy with the school and with their lower tuition.
Posted : March 31, 2014 12:06 pm
My wife went to St. Peter & Paul Catholic School on St. Thomas, but that was back in the late 60's and eraly 70's and she liked it.
Posted : March 31, 2014 2:24 pm
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