St John Female on Today Show
Um, CruzanIron, I think we have to call them transgender, but I'm going to quote from "Trans101*: Primer and Vocabulary"
Agender - define their identity as neither a man nor a woman while others would define agender as not having any gender.
Androgynous- having neither a clearly masculine or feminine appearance or blending masculine and feminine.
Bigender/Trigender/Pangender - people who feel they are two, three, or all genders. They may shift between these genders or be all of them at the same time.
And there are more.
So, can anybody other than the person referred to determine if they are man or woman?
Ha, ha (can't say "he, he!" because it may not be politically correct, though the other day somebody said older people use ha, ha, and younger people use he, he!)
We all may be "wrong"! That's why we have names.
This is the best thread we've had in a while.
Yeah, it was getting kind of boring on this forum. It never stays dull for long!
Bring out the sharp tongues!
So using the word "female" instead of "woman" is possibly, "inflammatory, graphic and (of) adult nature"? We be entering a whole new era of ultrasensitivity. Who'd a thunk that a simple meandering thought could produce such digression. I'll try not to write my meandering thoughts here in future. 😀
OldTart,....I, for one, do not see female as inflammatory, graphic or of adult nature, but it seems some here do. I do have one thought rattling around my male brain,.......on your taxes, job applications, driver's license or just about any other official document, the question always arises: Gender?,........the only two possible choices are to check the box that indicates male or the box that indicates female. I've never seen any other choices, not man or woman. Not boy or girl not testosterone rich nor estrogen rich. Not double X chromosome nor XY chromosome. My point,....other than the one on the top of my head is, Female, woman or girl pretty much mean the same thing in common usage. That being, having a genotype containing an XX sex chromosome configuration.
My suggestion of a no holds barred, possibly inflammatory, graphic or of adult nature, duly warned and voluntarily subscribed section is merely to provide a fun place to vent, discuss, debate and possibly learn about topics not suitable to the general audience. Now wait,.......what's all this fuss about again??? I forget,.... Must be getting old! Lol!
Edit: As a 4th or 5th career, I now find myself working as a MALE Critical Care Nurse. The more mature population often refers to me as a male nurse,......I must admit, that moniker, for some reason, makes me cringe a little. Seems to carry some sort of negative connotation. I prefer the term guy nurse or better yet, just nurse. I do not, however, get worked up about being called a male nurse. I'm a red blooded, heterosexual, God fearing American man, me what you like,....I can take it! Lol!!!
1. .I, for one, do not see female as inflammatory, graphic or of adult nature, but it seems some here do.
2. My suggestion of a no holds barred, possibly inflammatory, graphic or of adult nature, duly warned and voluntarily subscribed section is merely to provide a fun place to vent, discuss, debate and possibly learn about topics not suitable to the general audience.!
1. I, for one, see nothing in any post to suggest such a thing.
2. If you deem definition and discussion of gender as a topic "unsuitable to the general audience" or that it falls into the category of, "inflammatory, graphic or of adult nature" then I'm completely out to sea. There are thousands of internet forums which address the subject but if you feel the VINow website needs such a "fun" section then suggest it to the administrator. I think the suggestion would go down like a zinc cupcake but one never knows until one asks ...
1. .I, for one, do not see female as inflammatory, graphic or of adult nature, but it seems some here do.
2. My suggestion of a no holds barred, possibly inflammatory, graphic or of adult nature, duly warned and voluntarily subscribed section is merely to provide a fun place to vent, discuss, debate and possibly learn about topics not suitable to the general audience.!1. I, for one, see nothing in any post to suggest such a thing.
2. If you deem definition and discussion of gender as a topic "unsuitable to the general audience" or that it falls into the category of, "inflammatory, graphic or of adult nature" then I'm completely out to sea. There are thousands of internet forums which address the subject but if you feel the VINow website needs such a "fun" section then suggest it to the administrator. I think the suggestion would go down like a zinc cupcake but one never knows until one asks ...
White flag up, truce please! I'm just at a loss as to why the original poster's post turned into a heated debate??? As far as the probable zinc cupcake,'re probably right,...BUT,...Having a place on this site where you can really say what you feel about, government, potholes, spending, ineptitude, politics or whatever, might turn out to be an,......interesting read.
.Having a place on this site where you can really say what you feel about, government, potholes, spending, ineptitude, politics or whatever, might turn out to be an,......interesting read.
You can express your opinion on any subject you choose which relates to living in the USVI. If it's not relative specifically to the USVI, there is the "Coconut" forum. Not sure what else is needed.
Disrespectful? Seriously?! I am a female..a woman.. I was in the military for years so female is normal to me, well been normal to me since I was born....
Pdmargie: You will get a kick here in the VI...Your patients will call you "Doctor" and the women/female/girl nurses, "Nurse", or "Nursie".
Pdmargie: You will get a kick here in the VI...Your patients will call you "Doctor" and the women/female/girl nurses, "Nurse", or "Nursie".
Lol,.....that kind of happens here in the states too. Apparently the way I look, act, speak and carry myself and simply being male, makes many patients assume I'm the doctor, despite my large, prominently displayed photo I.D. badge which states my credentials to the contrary. I actually had a half hour long conversation with a cardiologist in the ICU about fly fishing and then he started to tell me to write orders on one of his patients. Even he though I was a Resident Physician. Boy was he surprised, and a bit annoyed, when he found out I couldn't write those orders, the actual Resident wasn't currently on the unit and he'd have to write the orders himself! Lol! Actually, I technically could have written his orders as verbal orders but a page long verbal order from a physician who is actual at the bedside is frowned upon.
.Having a place on this site where you can really say what you feel about, government, potholes, spending, ineptitude, politics or whatever, might turn out to be an,......interesting read.
You can express your opinion on any subject you choose which relates to living in the USVI. If it's not relative specifically to the USVI, there is the "Coconut" forum. Not sure what else is needed.
The "coconut" forum would not be an appropriate venue for the sometimes necessary, profanity enhanced, honest feelings of some folks about volatile topics which may, or may not be related to moving to or living in the USVI. I'm sure the moderator here has removed many a post that fits that description. All I suggest is giving those posts a place to live, which the general audience may choose to view or not view by specific subscription to and informed consent of, that place.
The "coconut" forum would not be an appropriate venue for the sometimes necessary, profanity enhanced, honest feelings of some folks about volatile topics which may, or may not be related to moving to or living in the USVI.
Regardless the subject, if a forum discussion (even more so a written one) requires enhancement by profanity for points to be made, all that demonstrates is that the participants lack the basic skills to rationally, politely and effectively communicate.
The "coconut" forum would not be an appropriate venue for the sometimes necessary, profanity enhanced, honest feelings of some folks about volatile topics which may, or may not be related to moving to or living in the USVI.
Regardless the subject, if a forum discussion (even more so a written one) requires enhancement by profanity for points to be made, all that demonstrates is that the participants lack the basic skills to rationally, politely and effectively communicate.
Exactly my point.
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