St. Croix
If you have found this website, you have begun your journey. The place where an American can live, breathe, and operate a business in an island setting has never been more prominent. I love it here, and I would never go back to the real world.
I love the people, the places, and the things that comprise this oasis in a desert of American unpatience. The best part however, is the pace of things here. You must buy into the lifestyle completely, or you will surely be disappointed.
I have reached a new level here. Life has become something so much more.
As I sit alongside the north shore, I can only think about everyone else who is rotting away on the mainland.
This is what life is all about. Call me simple, but I will argue that I am much more complex than the average person who lusts after riches in the big city.
I started my own business when I was still on the mainland, only hoping to see my net worth afford me the luxuries of island life.
The USVI is a good place to start your quest for the best life has to offer. Because you are an American, you will find that many problems are overcome easily by moving to the VI, as opposed to a foriegn country.
Once you get a feel for it, and keep your business on the up-side, you can start to pursue other locations such as Belize, Cayman, and Costa Rica.
Don't worry, man soon come.
Phil -
I am glad St. Croix is treating you well. I am curious, did you move your business to the island? Can I ask what type of business it is? I am in the process of researching employment opportunities down there and I am always looking for a new resource to check out.
Any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much,
I agree wholeheartedly with Phil. I have only been here since June 3 but I am in love with this place! Most of the people are very friendly and will go way out of their way to help you. When I was job hunting here in May, I simply drove around and arrived unexpectedly at possible employers. They all dropped what they were doing and took time to give me names, phone numbers, leads, directions, whatever else I needed. I can't see that happening much in Cleveland. People are just too high strung to stop and chat for a while.
I love the cosmopolitan atmosphere. You meet many people from other islands in the Caribbean and from places all over the world who have moved here for one reason or another. With Continentals, it's usually the weather up north. Everyone has a story to tell.
Needless to say, it's a very beautiful place. Right now from my apartment on a mountain I can look out the window and see the Caribbean Sea, Green Cay, and the mansion where I will likely start work in a few days as an estate gardener. You can drive around to the beaches and many of them are deserted. You have your own private beach (use common sense). Many of the back roads in the mountains, with striking views, are virtually deserted. You often feel you have the whole place to yourself. If you love peace and quiet, it's here.
It's hard to put into words, but there is something very magical about this place. Perhaps it's because it sits here alone with no other major islands very close by. It gives it a uniqueness. You know your somewhere special and everyone else seems to sense it.
If you live up north and can live with annoyances like the power going out every now and then (have a flashlight), long lines almost everywhere (read the paper while waiting), insects getting into your place (sealing the windows and doors like Fort Knox does wonders), then by all means pay this beautiful place a visit. Chances are you'll go back home, pack your things, and be willing to swim back here if you have to!
Will be there on vacation first week of August and I envy people like yourself very much. I myself am still in this corporate rat race.
Please attend the get together in STX on August 8th. As of yet, no location has been set. Just the date.
Stay tuned for details.
Thank you for the imput. I am in the process of making my move to Stx and it will be permanett (till this old man dies anyway) I am taking my time to do it right and remove all the problems I can before I make the move. I am always happy to read about others who have gone on before me for they make it easier for me with their advice. rockportjohn
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