St Croix Ferry

The ferry has been down all week. I called yesterday and the Island Lynx manager has a recording that states that the ferry's probelms are not mechanical but "financial" in nature. He also states that they " are confident of overcoming these problems". Does anybody know more about this? They'd just announced that they had reduced fares round trip to STT to $68. Sure is a lot better than the $136 I'm poaying to go to STT on Monday for business.
Ya, Ive seen the Island Lynx docked with no action all week in Gallows Bay STX. I thought it might be due to lack of demand, guess not. I hope they get it running soon. The planes are expensive. I haven't heard any details though. Good luck with business Iguana, I hope Cape Air doesn't cut into your profits too much.
When Island Lynx first started up, there were lot of people that thought there might be 'cash flow' problems down the pike, hmmm, better keep an eye on this. The usual ferry operator decided not to come down from the East Coast as there was not enough revenue to be split between 2 operators. It would be a shame if StX ended up with none. The plane option is very expensive.

Make sure when you call SeaBorne you ask for the Super Saver fare. I found that if I didn't ask, I got a fare of $85 each way. With the Super Saver you can get as low as $55 each way. $110 round trip = based on availability.
how do you qualify for the Super Saver program?

I just asked for it. I don't know if there is any other requirement.
Is the ferry still down? If so, does anyone know if it will be up and running over the Christmas holidays?
Ferry is still not running. I would absolutely NOT count on the ferry now or at Christmas. Make another plan.
Was going to chime in and add that, no, it is not functioning yet, but Linda J beat me to it.
For Seaborne Super Saver, no requirements are necessary except for space availability. Just be sure and ask.
There's an article is today's (10/12/06) Avis regarding the discontinuation of ferry service by Island Lynx. Sounds like financial trouble.
Maybe the VI government should subsidize ferry operators between STT and STX, to help keep them running. It would boost tourism and business on both islands, and contribute to the impression that stuff can run dependably around here.
I do agree with you on this on STXBOB.
It is also a commuity service. I'm sure that the goverment subsudizes the buses on STX. I don't know if there are buses on STT, but if there are I'm sure they are subsudized also.
The ferry has trouble because not enough people ride it. And it is usually a rough, long ride.
The bus services on STT and STX are government-run (VITRAN.) The inter-island ferries between STT and STJ are government-subsidized but if you go to STT Source, our on-line newspaper, read the V.I. Daily News (also online) and The Avis (not onlne) you will find information on that current issue and many others.
It's unfortunate that the STT/STX ferries have over the years failed. They may be subsidized to some degree and I hope that Lynx can sort out its problems soon as I'd really like to take the trip to visit all my longtime buds over there!
I think one of the major problems here in the USVI is that many remove themselves from the mainland to here to set up a business without totally understanding all the pitfalls of doing business here.
Leaving aside what is generally regarded as a government-based anti-business environment, this is not a place to make an immediate recovery on an investment. Such a small community as ours needs time to assimilate new ventures, knowing that so many fail so quickly. We're so used to quickening our breath and then, when we decide to actually check out that new business, it's already gone. Caribbean time indeed but based on caution because both people and businesses come and go like the wind.
I've perpetuated this post and should have separated and posted on business in general separately. Sorry!
Kevin Rames is a long time resident and is exceedingly au fait with Island practice - I don't think Lynx failed due to VI problems - unsound business plan maybe.
If only they get the Senators and all other Government inter Island travelers to go on the boat, they can save the treasury money and help the Lynx out as well! Oops, it makes too much sense! Sorry.
Like that is ever going to happen - however, that used to be a side benefit of flying to STT during the week - one had the local politicos and big wigs as a captive audience for 30 mins and one could complain loudly about their various and sundry failures all the way there!!!

The STX Source states that the VI Port Authority has terminated the contract with Island Lynx. There is a possibility that Fast Ferry from Boston MA will return but don't count your chickens before they're hatched. So, if you have to go to STT... you'll be flying and good luck getting anything for under $136. While there are cheaper flight options available it won't help you much with short notice during the week.
And another article on the story:
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