Nice try, CruzanIron, but the "elites" are supporting Clinton. Trump has very little support from "elites" based on msm reporting.
But he does have the support of everyone whose lost a decent job in the last 15 + years.
The former industrial mid-west and southern US, the heartland of industrial production and the good paying labor unions that supported it, is in shambles.
The Democrats signed off on NAFTA, and the latest Pan-Pacific agreement will be the final nail in our economic coffin.
This countries wealth, built upon decades of industrial superiority, is all but gone.
We don't build many things the rest of the world is intrested in anymore, and our own government seems to have done far more to discourage manufacturing than promoting it.
Right here in STX, look what happened to HOVENSA. The jobs, the tax dollars, and so many other economic residuals received from that operation will never be replaced.
Margaret Thatcher once stated, "Socialism is a great thing, until you run out of other people's money".
This countries Credit Card is just about maxed out! We cant continue down this same path for very much longer, we need a change, quickly.

But he does have the support of everyone whose lost a decent job in the last 15 + years.
The former industrial mid-west and southern US, the heartland of industrial production and the good paying labor unions that supported it, is in shambles.
The Democrats signed off on NAFTA, and the latest Pan-Pacific agreement will be the final nail in our economic coffin.
This countries wealth, built upon decades of industrial superiority, is all but gone.
We don't build many things the rest of the world is intrested in anymore, and our own government seems to have done far more to discourage manufacturing than promoting it.
Right here in STX, look what happened to HOVENSA. The jobs, the tax dollars, and so many other economic residuals received from that operation will never be replaced.
Margaret Thatcher once stated, "Socialism is a great thing, until you run out of other people's money".
This countries Credit Card is just about maxed out! We cant continue down this same path for very much longer, we need a change, quickly.
But he does have the support of everyone whose lost a decent job in the last 15 + years.
The former industrial mid-west and southern US, the heartland of industrial production and the good paying labor unions that supported it, is in shambles.
The Democrats signed off on NAFTA, and the latest Pan-Pacific agreement will be the final nail in our economic coffin.
This countries wealth, built upon decades of industrial superiority, is all but gone.
We don't build many things the rest of the world is intrested in anymore, and our own government seems to have done far more to discourage manufacturing than promoting it.
Right here in STX, look what happened to HOVENSA. The jobs, the tax dollars, and so many other economic residuals received from that operation will never be replaced.
Margaret Thatcher once stated, "Socialism is a great thing, until you run out of other people's money".
This countries Credit Card is just about maxed out! We cant continue down this same path for very much longer, we need a change, quickly.
But he does have the support of everyone whose lost a decent job in the last 15 + years.
The former industrial mid-west and southern US, the heartland of industrial production and the good paying labor unions that supported it, is in shambles.
The Democrats signed off on NAFTA, and the latest Pan-Pacific agreement will be the final nail in our economic coffin.
This countries wealth, built upon decades of industrial superiority, is all but gone.
We don't build many things the rest of the world is intrested in anymore, and our own government seems to have done far more to discourage manufacturing than promoting it.
Right here in STX, look what happened to HOVENSA. The jobs, the tax dollars, and so many other economic residuals received from that operation will never be replaced.
Margaret Thatcher once stated, "Socialism is a great thing, until you run out of other people's money".
This countries Credit Card is just about maxed out! We cant continue down this same path for very much longer, we need a change, quickly.(tu)(tu)
But he does have the support of everyone whose lost a decent job in the last 15 + years.
The former industrial mid-west and southern US, the heartland of industrial production and the good paying labor unions that supported it, is in shambles.
The Democrats signed off on NAFTA, and the latest Pan-Pacific agreement will be the final nail in our economic coffin.
This countries wealth, built upon decades of industrial superiority, is all but gone.
We don't build many things the rest of the world is intrested in anymore, and our own government seems to have done far more to discourage manufacturing than promoting it.
Right here in STX, look what happened to HOVENSA. The jobs, the tax dollars, and so many other economic residuals received from that operation will never be replaced.
Margaret Thatcher once stated, "Socialism is a great thing, until you run out of other people's money".
This countries Credit Card is just about maxed out! We cant continue down this same path for very much longer, we need a change, quickly.(tu)(tu)
Trump is far from being anyone's prime choice, but this countries/territories government officials can not continue to act so irresponsibly.
Current example:
But he does have the support of everyone whose lost a decent job in the last 15 + years.
The former industrial mid-west and southern US, the heartland of industrial production and the good paying labor unions that supported it, is in shambles.
The Democrats signed off on NAFTA, and the latest Pan-Pacific agreement will be the final nail in our economic coffin.
This countries wealth, built upon decades of industrial superiority, is all but gone.
We don't build many things the rest of the world is intrested in anymore, and our own government seems to have done far more to discourage manufacturing than promoting it.
Right here in STX, look what happened to HOVENSA. The jobs, the tax dollars, and so many other economic residuals received from that operation will never be replaced.
Margaret Thatcher once stated, "Socialism is a great thing, until you run out of other people's money".
This countries Credit Card is just about maxed out! We cant continue down this same path for very much longer, we need a change, quickly.(tu)(tu)
Oh, for Pete's sake. The sky is not falling.
Manufacturing has been going down for 40 years. Service industry, which is far more than flipping burgers and ringing up goods at Walmart, is steadily climbing. We do need to stop the leakage, and increase our exports, but the only thing I've seen Trump propose that will possibly not backfire on us and put us in worse shape, is a reduction in corporate taxes. His tariff proposals will not bring jobs back here. We tried that with tires a few years back, and all that did was shift tire imports from China to other countries. He'd end up playing whack a mole with tariffs and inviting retaliation. Kicking out illegal immigrants and refusing refugees will not directly increase American jobs in the long run either. I'd have better confidence in him negotiating better trade deals only if he showed a propensity toward compromise, which, clearly, isn't there.
Many manufacturing jobs these days require higher skill sets. We need a shift toward educating workers to be able to handle that. That is what H1-B fees were supposed to pay for, before we started using those funds to train models and hair stylists. We also need some more government investment (primarily in loans) in emerging technologies, cause there aren't enough private investors willing to foot the bill on these risky projects. We already have that program, and it has been moderately successful. There are actually some smaller ET businesses here who have had to go to China to manufacture, because China was willing to subsidize the start-up, and they couldn't find investors here, public or private.
As for Hovensa, that happened on the mainland too. But they were able to alleviate some of it by specializing fuel refinement at some sites, and by piping nearby shale-derived material to existing refineries. In other words, they adapted. That's not economically feasible here, so I agree that losing Hovensa was bad for us and will never be replaced. But we've been able to adapt our usage of that site somewhat. What we haven't done is taken any concrete steps to replace the rest of what we lost in refining with other industries, even though it's been years now since the handwriting appeared on the wall (which was well before Hovensa actually announced it was shutting down). I see a lot of blather about new resorts, and adding Chinese tourists, etc, and also a lot stalling on workable ideas (like hemp farming, which would be a boon to STX). But not much else.
With fossil fuels, we're watching the automobile overtake the horse and buggy. While fossil energy jobs went down, and then flattened somewhat, there's been a steady rise, and in the last few years, an explosion, of renewable energy jobs. The same would would be true for manufacturing, with a dedicated commitment toward making it so by properly investing in more suitable education and emerging tech. Let Mexico make the cars. The USA can design and build build the machinery and robotics Mexico needs to make those cars.
We have too many people wringing their hands, and blaming presidents for our situation, and thus supporting a would-be emperor, who's already demonstrated his lack of wardrobe. We should be concentrating on getting pragmatic thinkers into Congress, since they, not the administration, hold the purse strings and can actually do something substantial to redirect our policies.
We can start at home and properly educate the next crop of voters, so we can eventually eliminate people like Chucky (Remember Chucky? The subject of this thread?)
"Manufacturing has been going down for 40 years"
Employment has been going up since '10
Total $ is upward sloping
40 years ago we began bringing in cheaply manufactured goods from Japan. The Japanese quickly became difficult to exploit as workers demanded more, so places like Communist China and poverty stricken South America were exploited next.
2008/09 was rock bottom, the world economy had nowhere to go but up.
Number of low paying jobs without benefits has increased, the number of high paying jobs with benefits has decreased.
Even the, once consideted good municipal jobs, take years longer to get to full pay, have decreased health and welfare benefits, and work until far older in age before any consideration of retirement.
"Upward sloping" for who?

Are we still talking about the Virgin Islands? I have a feeling the thread is getting hijacked.
I'm done.
Woopie for Chucky!
I wish someone would monitor sign placement on the roadways. Hers especially is a hazard on Lowery Hill Road. It blocks your vision as you try to pull out.
Complain to Public Work.

I wish someone would monitor sign placement on the roadways. Hers especially is a hazard on Lowery Hill Road. It blocks your vision as you try to pull out.
Can you 'accidentally' knock it down with your vehicle? Or a borrowed one?
Never know when your brakes go out at 2:00 in the morning... 😎
How about knocking down "Chucky" with your vehicle at 2:00 in the morning?
Sorry... I just couldn't help myself on that one. That was just sooooo wrong!
But good.
If I were a praying man I would pray she is elected. To prove what an utter farce elections are
Please register to vote.
I am. Doesn't mean I will.
40 years ago we began bringing in cheaply manufactured goods from Japan. The Japanese quickly became difficult to exploit as workers demanded more, so places like Communist China and poverty stricken South America were exploited next.
2008/09 was rock bottom, the world economy had nowhere to go but up.
Number of low paying jobs without benefits has increased, the number of high paying jobs with benefits has decreased.
Even the, once consideted good municipal jobs, take years longer to get to full pay, have decreased health and welfare benefits, and work until far older in age before any consideration of retirement.
"Upward sloping" for who?
40 years ago we began bringing in cheaply manufactured goods from Japan. The Japanese quickly became difficult to exploit as workers demanded more, so places like Communist China and poverty stricken South America were exploited next.
2008/09 was rock bottom, the world economy had nowhere to go but up.
Number of low paying jobs without benefits has increased, the number of high paying jobs with benefits has decreased.
Even the, once consideted good municipal jobs, take years longer to get to full pay, have decreased health and welfare benefits, and work until far older in age before any consideration of retirement.
"Upward sloping" for who?
I know you're done, but I'll answer your question anyway.
If you pay attention to the statistics over the last decade and a half, it is upward sloping for the wealthiest among us, with most of the money being transferred from the middle class to the upper middle and upper classes. Now that Trump has officially embraced the Republican trickle up philosophy, don't be surprised with the continued trajectory if he gets elected.
Now back to Chucky . . . .
Saw her at No Bones yesterday, chatting people up and passing out flyers on her way out. Was sincerely hoping she come over to us so I could tell her I'd vote for her if she could serve me better fish than what I was eating at the time. But I must have been giving off a bad aura . . . .
She seems to be a hard campaigner. People on STT are saying they aren't seeing much campaigning from our candidates.
She seems to be a hard campaigner. People on STT are saying they aren't seeing much campaigning from our candidates.
Weird.. I see Janelle Sarauw (sp) campaigning everywhere
Jean Forde too.
Janette Millin Young is organizing a cleanup at the Dorothea Tot Lot next weekend as part of her campaign.
I don't even care and I am.seeing it
Well that's good news. I saw one at the Chamber function. It wasn't either of those.
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