I understand she held a press conference today. I'm not going to kill any more brain cells looking at it. It is posted on line somewhere.
Thanks! I'll look for it. I don't like her, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't be on the ballot. If they managed to take people we don't like off the ballot, we wouldn't have a democracy.
Arturo Watlington, Chairman of the Joint Board, disagrees with St Croix. Another example of why the VI needs one Board of Elections.
Great opinion piece on "whatever her name is."
Great opinion piece on "whatever her name is."
The problem is that the people who vote for her either can't, won't or don't read while thousands of residents eligible to vote simply don't because of that hackneyed "my vote won't make a difference".
I'll admit i didn't vote until I moved to the VI. I was one of those my vote won't make a difference people. I've seen what a small group can accomplish here, so i changed my way of thinking. a Group of us were at dinner one night years ago and a friend said to everyone "if you don't vote, don't bitch".
Stxsailor, now that you're voting, please encourage others to do so. We also need diverse candidates running for office. The candidates the last election were not as inclusive as previous elections. Encourage people to run for office who are informed, have ideas, and can get things done. We need people with vision if VI is ever to move forward.
I don't think we have any candidates with an environmental platform. None of them seem to know about the various non profits that are making a difference like My Brothers Workshop and the Marine Vocational Program. None of them promote recycling. I could go on.
Get ready for 2018. Should be an interesting election year for VI.
Spartygrad for governor
Spartygrad for governor
If I'm still here I'm running for some office..I will not be running on an environmental platform though MS411. There are some things happening now that may have me elsewhere though
But is Spartygrad your real name?
I'd never run as IslandHops, I'd have to use my real name - Slartibartfast.

I'd never run as IslandHops, I'd have to use my real name - Slartibartfast.
"No board member expressed support for Hansen but members Barbara Jackson McIntosh and Raymond Williams indicated that they thought it would be wiser to turn the matter over to an investigative agency such as the Attorney General’s Office to determine if any fraud had been committed."
I very much doubt it's "Bye Chucky" as I doubt the name discrepancy amounts to the legal definition of fraud. The Board should have done exactly what these two members opined and sought a qualified legal opinion before jumping the gun. More wasted money.
Cart before horse with which the AG agrees:

Walker's comments were mostly regarding the Democratic Party objection. That is completely irrelevant. He failed to discuss AT ALL the requirement that your LEGAL NAME has to be on the ballot.
Walker's comments were mostly regarding the Democratic Party objection. That is completely irrelevant. He failed to discuss AT ALL the requirement that your LEGAL NAME has to be on the ballot.
First things first.
Walker's comments were mostly regarding the Democratic Party objection. That is completely irrelevant. He failed to discuss AT ALL the requirement that your LEGAL NAME has to be on the ballot.
if a tree falls in the forest, does anyone even care who was wielding the chainsaw?
According to the law ones legal name must be used to register to vote or for candidacy for office. Chucky go home - do not pass go, do not collect $200.
(This message approved by Slartibartfast for Senate 2018)
looks like she is allowed to run after all
looks like she is allowed to run after all
And rightfully, legally so ...
Up to STX now to make sure she's not reelected.

Chuckie Alicia Hansen or whatever her name is should be barred for life from running for public office. Of course that same thing applies to a lot of current public office holders.
I'm with you, Jumbie.
You'd think the voters on STX would learn.
It reminds me of the saying:
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
However, when people elect to be fooled time and time again and elect this ethically challenged, screeching shrew of a thief, whose moronic, bad bills and waste of taxpayer money they admire, I guess her family and cronies will once more reap the benefits.
Tho she was a write in last election and lost, so maybe......and hopefully, she'll lose again and stay the hell off the ballot in the future.
(Sorry for the rant.)
Ok, so my usual voting guidelines now go out the door.
Normally, I suggest that people only vote for the candidates they really want to be elected - and this is usually less than the possible 7. The reason is that you could mathematically eliminate one of your preferred candidates if you vote for the full 7, by adding to the tally of someone who ends up with a higher total.
But that's out this go round.
So vote for 7 candidates - just to oppose princess chooky.
Imo, Chucky and Trump have things in common:
They both appeal to those who feel the "elites" don't care about them.
They both know how to use the media to their advantage.
They both know how to appeal to their base and keep them motivated.
They both hire lawyers that can win.
There may be more similarities.

Imo, Chucky and Hilary have things in common:
They both appeal to those who feel the "elites" don't care about them.
They both know how to use the media to their advantage.
They both know how to appeal to their base and keep them motivated.
They both hire lawyers that can win.
There may be more similarities.
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