Spiders and Creepy Crawlies
We bought the moving to the VI book (very informative).
Didnt like the chapter on insects though.
How common are these centipedes and scorpions.
Are there any spiders to worry about?
Anything elese....snakes?
We have nothing like that in Ireland.
Are bites and stings to kids common or serious?
Common to see:
Centipedes and millepedes are very common. Centipedes bite quickly like a scorpion and are as bad as a bee or wasp sting UNLESS you are allergic to them the way some are to bees, then its very serious. Millipedes are not poisonous but some people do have a reaction to the clear/milky stuff they emit on their back. So basically don't pick them up, sweep them up. Also the pesticides won't kill them, but they're harmless. Sugar ants are a much bigger pain in the arse to most of us. You have to keep your kitchen super clean and alot of us store everything in the fridge once its open.
Uncommon to see:
Scorpions are not common at all. There are these tiny 6 inch snakes that are not common at all and are harmless, very hard to find them. Spiders that are here that are dangerous have been brought in, like a brown recluse.
Basically people (mostly transplants not locals) have their house sprayed once a month at the cost of $30 to $50 (depends on your house size) and you will have very little to worry about. Pesticides most companies use are pet and child friendly. So if you see something in your house it is usually dying.
You will have bugs to worry about if you move to ANY tropical enviroment (hot and humid). Frankly the bugs I grew up with in south texas were much worse. You really only have to worry about centipedes and frankly they are not agressive the way a wasp or a bee can be. They try to avoid you. Its just us humans are big and clumsy.
It's the tropics, lots of creepy crawlies. Children need to be educated, but still, bites are possible. No snakes. Well, except the 9 foot anaconda (or was it a boa constrictor) that was a pet and got dumped into the forest.
Well....the spiders here are pretty scary. Getting bitten by Brown Recluse spider is the worst expierence ive ever had from a insect bite. They can kill a small child and some of the bites turn necrotic(skin/red blood cells die). They are VERY scary, you dont feel the bite and they are small and fast. That being said, they are reclusive by their very nature and they are mostly scavengers. Most people get bitten while sleeping, like i did or under the water heater or in a wood pile. They arent aggressive and bites only happen when you roll over on them or disturb them.
You can do a search for "Brown Recluse" on this board for my spider saga back in July.
Sooo many types of insects but for most the biggest pain are simply the mosquitoes, sand flies and insectgs attracted to light when there is no wind!
There are ALOT of tyopes of lizards N geckos to take care of the spiders, i guess i didnt have any in my room back in july LOL
Cory K.
Centipedes seem to be the most scary things to worry about here. they can hide anywhere. I have just learned to check before i put things on or go to bed. Some people have worse reactions then others. I was lucky and just had a small reaction. They are worse to look at then their bite. Have seen some that were as big as a small snake.
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