spider bite
does anyone know of a good treatment for a spider bite?yesterday i used a crushed clove of garlic with a hot compress several times throughout the day. i was told this would help draw out any venom,poison,etc. today i wouldn't say it was inflamed,but it is slightly sore and has the "bull"s eye look",red mark,surrounded by a whitesh pink circle which is surrounded by a larger purpleish brown circle.the whole area is probably about an inch and 1/2 in diameter. i have also been feeling a little weak and tired,coincidence or connection??any thoughts or advice would GREATLY be appreciated. thanks!
Google is your friend: http://firstaid.about.com/od/bitesstings/qt/07_spider_bites.htm
Sounds like a doctor's visit is in your future...
brown recluse? GO SEE THE DOCTOR, please, t could be very serious. Time wasted gets you nothing and could cost you everything.
Yes it does sound like a brown recluse bite. The brownish bit is said to indicate the onset of gangrene. A quick and thorough course of antibiotics should kick it, and minimize after-effects. Good luck.
Warning, Disgusting, Disturbing and Horrifying photos if you visit images.google.com and enter recluse spider bite in the search bar. http://images.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=565&q=brown+recluse+bite&btnG=Search+Images&gbv=2&oq=brown+recluse+bite&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=undefined&gs_sm=s&gs_upl=2777l5463l0l18l16l0l5l5l0l225l1629l2.7.2l11

does anyone know of a good treatment for a spider bite?yesterday i used a crushed clove of garlic with a hot compress several times throughout the day. i was told this would help draw out any venom,poison,etc. today i wouldn't say it was inflamed,but it is slightly sore and has the "bull"s eye look",red mark,surrounded by a whitesh pink circle which is surrounded by a larger purpleish brown circle.the whole area is probably about an inch and 1/2 in diameter. i have also been feeling a little weak and tired,coincidence or connection??any thoughts or advice would GREATLY be appreciated. thanks!
Lily: Can you give an update on your situation?
Thank you,
Is the Brown Recluse common in the vi? The pics of spider bites do look pretty scary. Hope your bite isn't too bad.

oh my!
my advice is for you to see the doc asap, because it sounds like brown recluse. they are here, and i believe they are quite common. not sure if they are indigenous.
not to be messed with.
does anyone know of a good treatment for a spider bite?yesterday i used a crushed clove of garlic with a hot compress several times throughout the day. i was told this would help draw out any venom,poison,etc. today i wouldn't say it was inflamed,but it is slightly sore and has the "bull"s eye look",red mark,surrounded by a whitesh pink circle which is surrounded by a larger purpleish brown circle.the whole area is probably about an inch and 1/2 in diameter. i have also been feeling a little weak and tired,coincidence or connection??any thoughts or advice would GREATLY be appreciated. thanks!
Lily: Can you give an update on your situation?
Thank you,
i think i have been very lucky.no real inflamation,pain,or swelling left today.the "bull's eye apperance still remains,but seems to be fading.i will definately keep an eye on it and continue with peroxide and antibiotic cream. believe me i wil not mess with this. thanks for all your advice and concerns. "YOU PEOPLE" are the best!!! lets all hope the power stays on!! thanks again!
Ah ...I love this board.... Do you want to play Doctor ???? Although well meaning in your collective responses lily1025 is in need of a professional. Not a witch doctor,not a friend, not a med student....Gangrene smells,infections can foster under the skin without signs of progression.....sooooo lily1025 if you like walking upright on two legs get your butt to the hospital..
Go to the doctor!!!

Good morning Lily,
A month has passed since the onset of the spider bite. How are you? Did you require medical intervention or did this resolve on its own with a little help from your own treatment?
Thank you for an update.

Swan: Lily posted this on July 20th on another thread.
Help...I have the same terrible rash from the "dumbcane pant"..I was pulling of leaves for quite a while and I ......am in misery...Did you ever get rid of it? I have had it for 3 days..what can I do ..will I ever get rid of it?
i finally did get rid of it,but it took about 2 weeks. the castor oil seemed to help,but it might have been starting to clear up on its own. i wouldn't heitate to use it along with cortisone cream.if its really bad you might want to see a dr. for a more powerful rx cream than over the counter. it will go away, good luck.
Good morning Lily,
A month has passed since the onset of the spider bite. How are you? Did you require medical intervention or did this resolve on its own with a little help from your own treatment? thanks for your concern.i heeded everyone's advice and did see a dr. she prescribed 10 days of an antibiotic and questioned whether it could be a spider bite or a staph infection.it has cleared up.i think there may be smaller brown recluse that don't emit a large dose of venom,but whio knows,just my opinion.guess i was lucky.thanks again for everyone's concern and advice!
Thank you for an update.
I take it you are okay... good deal!

" thanks for your concern.i heeded everyone's advice and did see a dr. she prescribed 10 days of an antibiotic and questioned whether it could be a spider bite or a staph infection.it has cleared up.i think there may be smaller brown recluse that don't emit a large dose of venom,but whio knows,just my opinion.guess i was lucky.thanks again for everyone's concern and advice!"
Above is Lily's response that seemed to have somehow gotten entwined in my post:D
We are all pleased that this turned out well for you! Take care now and many thanks for the update.
Brown Recluse spiders are way overrated as a potential harm to humans. Their teeth are too small to successfully puncture the skin of most healthy humans. While *all* spiders are venomous (they use the venom to digest their prey), most are harmless to humans. When you get a nasty skin bite-like reaction, it is usually a staff infection. Antibiotics are required, and as staff is pretty antibiotic resistant it may take some time to clear up. Some people may be sensitive to spider saliva, and react differently than others. But please stop blaming innocent spiders and let them get on with their job of eating mosquitos!
that doesn't make sense chinchuri...brown recluse spiders are one of the most dangerous bites one can get...i know people that have had chunks of their body parts cut out from the poison in the bites...one lady in the US was bitten and did not know it, went into a coma and had to have her breast removed because of the poison in the bite. brown recluse bites are nothing to be fooled with and do need medical attention...just my humble opinion...the bites sometimes do not look bad but then one day, all of a sudden, one might have to be hospitalized because the gangrene has gone under grown so to speak or sepsis has set in due to unknown infections related to the bite...they are very very dangerous indeed...again, just my humble opinion...bless
definately a recluse...thats their tell tale sign of a bite...go see a doctor before it gets worse
Wikipedia partially agrees with chinchiri
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