Speech/language therapist
Does anyone know a speech/language therapist with whom I could correspond? My husband and I are in the research phase of possibly relocating--STX or STT. I have been reading the message board for several months and have explored the VI Department of Education's website. Would like to know about traveling therapy companies vs. direct contracting with the Department of Ed, and maybe opportunities outside of the schools. I have several years of experience mostly with school aged children (including those with hearing impairment, autism, cerebral palsy, and many other challenges).
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If you come down and walk into the offices of the department of education or social services, they won't want to let you leave. They need specialty therapists badly.
Try PM'ing East Ender who may have knowledge in this area.
Hello, everyone.
This is my first post on this forum, although I have been reading the postings for over a month now. I, too, would like to email someone about speech-language positions available on St. Thomas. I am a speech-language therapist with about 8 years experience, ASHA certified and state certified and licensed contemplating a move to St Thomas. I've been reading that specialists are sorely needed; however, I've contacted the VI BOE (on a few occasions) as well as a contracting agency. I've yet to hear from the former. The latter contacted me but never got back to me. I would really like to talk to someone who can gibe me some insight.
Even for skilled and much-needed positions such as yours, phone and e-mail contacts are difficult.
Many many people think about relocating to the VI. Employers here have learned that most who inquire never follow through by actually coming. So they aren't that interested in spending time answering questions over the phone or by e-mail.
If you are seriously interested, schedule a trip down. You can call ahead and arrange face to face appointments while you are here.
But be aware that things usually move slowly here and your sense of urgency may not be shared by the hiring agencies, even tho it should be.
Good luck.
Give Richards Healtcare a call....most of the contract therapists on this island (speech, physical and occupational) are with them and have nice things to say of the company.
Good evening.
Thanks a lot for your input. I will follow up on your suggestions.
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