Some questions - St. Thomas move in January
Hi there. After reading so many posts on the board I am hoping to get a summary of various subjects related to moving as well as island life. My husband will be going for a few weeks in December to scope things out and I will be visiting in early January. we have moved around quite a bit in the states( a year here, a year there). the last time we moved we packed my car with everything we could and bought what we needed when we arrived. i am gathering this is not easy to do in the VI.
Can anyone explain shipping containers to me? I understand there is alot of paperwork involved as well as expense and taxes. My husband and I have gotten used to moving everything we own in one or two suitcases, but my one year old daughter needs a crib, high chair, etc.
Mosquito this a good thing to bring?
Hi-speed internet service - does it exist?
Cell phones - I have sprint, but is it better to get a local cell phone?
How best to become a local??
I've heard people complain about the rain. how bad is it? what are your other top complaints?
I'm on overload right now trying to think of all of the questions I have, but if anyone has any other advice (aside from doing a pre-move visit) feel free. I am attempting to keep my expectations in check and realize that the VI is not the mainland, but hoping it will be another good experience for our family.
I live on St. John, so I can't answer many of your questions, but let me put in my two cents regarding cell phones. I have Sprint, and on St. John, I only get service in town, and even then it's only one or two bars. Sprint service on St. Thomas is definitely better than it is on St. John, but from what I hear, Cingular has better service overall, especially on St. John. You can get a local number with Sprint, which I did at the Sprint store in Ohio before I moved down.
Good luck!
Hi Renee,
Can't help you with the shipping container thing much as I moved down with very little. I know of some people that loaded up their things and got them to Tropical Shipping and sent them down with very little trouble. You don't have to fill a container if you don't want to. I do know that when people have shipped their vehicles (going up) that the vehicles sometimes get broke into and things stolen. So be careful there.
SPRINT- I have sprint service in STT and it has been the best service I have had so far. Been thru Cingular, and our local phone service. Sprint it is for me!
Mosquito netting- I have used them, but not anymore. Fans work for me. I would probably want one for the crib tho.
High Speed Internet- Yes, it is here, but last I knew very expensive. I am going to be cking into cost on that soon and see if it will be worth it for me.
BECOMING A LOCAL- Biggest tip of all- Always greet everyone with GOOD MORNING, GOOD AFTERNOON, OR GOOD NIGHT (depending on the time of day, obviously). I also nod or wave to anyone I have eye contact with. I rarely have any negativity here!
RAIN- Surprised to hear that you have heard complaining about the rain!!!! When it rains here, it is usually short and sometimes hard, but it rarely lasts for very long. It is neat here as you can watch it rain in front of you and not on you! or you can watch it coming at you! In the states, it simply rained ALL around you! When we do get an overcast day, which is rare also, we love it as it makes for a wonderful day to do yard work! If we get alot of rain, we can get more mosquitoes, it is short lived tho. Also if we get a large spell of rain, expect flying termites, no biggie, but keep the lights out at night! Go to the other forum and see "Bugs and Villas" which I posted!
The hardest part is adjusting to island life. Things do not move along here like they do in the states! The biggest thing I have learned is PATIENCE!!!!!!! 🙂 Extremely important if you are going to live here! You will not accomplish as many errands here as you do in the states. Remember, keep smiling, no matter what. Anger will get you nowhere!!!!! It will make what you are trying to accomplish take 10 times longer! Take a deep breath and relax, Don't worry, be happy attitude works!
"This is my first time looking at this forum, I hang out on the other one. I am assuming there is most likely alot of info posted like mine. ck them out!
Just happened to think- there was a mom's group that meets at Megan's Bay on a certain day a week. We also have a local LLL leader that can put you in contact with other mom's. This will help you get to know people!
Enjoy! and accept that life will be very different! Go shopping before you get here! 🙂
A huge thank you to you! I was hoping my post would get some responses and yours was just what I was looking for! Thankfully I am a very patient person, especially since I have spent some time in the south (I am originally from Chicago). Having a baby also teaches you that what you expect is not always what you get.
Just a couple more questions if you don't mentioned to go shopping before I came down. Anything in particular you would recommend? I am guessing that I should stock up on the baby essentials (diapers, wipes, etc.)
I am also planning on using the post office to send quite a bit of stuff depending on whether or not we find a furnished house to rent. If we don't find a furnished house, I was thinking I would send things like non-breakable kitchen items, linens, etc.
How is Kmart as compared to the mainland?? Do you think I could buy a crib on St. Thomas?
Thanks again for your help. I would love any info on the Mom's group or LLL contact person.
As for shopping, wow, so much to think about! Definitely anything that you can get cheaper up there that you know you will need, GET! I would also suggest any decorative things that you really like, GET! I got some paper lanterns for one the villas I take care of here for $10 each, see them up there for $2!!! K-Mart is good for sure, BUT there are times when I simply can't get the basic stuff I need. One time I went in with a list....clothes pins, dust pan, broom and can't remember what else, but I couldn't get ONE THING on that list! Mind you they have gotten them in! Just can't always get what you need when you need it!!! 🙂 The whole island is dependant on one store as well as people from other islands shopping there also! When you go into to K-Mart and you see something you really like- GET IT!!! It won't be there when you go back to get it! I learned that lesson quick!
Yes, you CAN get a crib at K-Mart. Tho you might not have alot of choices! (depends at the time of purchase).
LLL Leader- Sue 340-777-1431. Call her before you come so you have some more info and feed back!
I am very surprised that you didn't get more responses, I thought your letter was what this sight was for! Am glad I was of some help to you!!! 🙂
Andrea266, thanx for responding!
another big thanks to you. it sounds like I should be prepared for the unexpected. i'm sure I will post again when our pre-move visit gets a little closer (in january I hope).
for now, happy thanksgiving a little early!
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