Solar Power and STX questions
Hiya all,
Trip plans finally in stone!! Coming back to STX for 2 weeks to have some fun and talk to everyone about solar power! YaY! Moving to STT towards end of summer(praying for no major hurricanes), but many visits and people to see on STX too!
We are staying at sugar beach from May 5th to the 20th We stayed at Pelican Cove last time, can anyone compare the two? Ate at Duggans(wasn't impressed for the price), cheeseburgers(good food/live music), pelican cove(fantastic food), little Mexican place in christiansted and lots of conch wherever we could find a different variety 🙂 If we are staying at sugar beach, where is the closest food market with everything? Fresh fish, steaks, veggies etc
I don't want to break the rules but i admit we are coming down to do business, however i feel that talking about solar power and the need to get power to the people of USVI is paramount. The situation has become critical for many and we are here to try to help. Taking full advantage of the Virgin Island Energy Office rebates and utilizing WAPA net metering, coupled with great sun power and the highest electric rates on any US soil in the world and the solar electric systems are making ALOT more sense. System payback is now well under 10 years and if energy prices keep doing what they are expected to do, 6-8 years is more like it, then decades of free power!!
Solar power is the answer!!
So...who wants to chat about solar power and whats fun on STX!!
Thanks for all the replies in advance,
Cory K
"System payback is now well under 10 years and if energy prices keep doing what they are expected to do, 6-8 years is more like it, then decades of free power!! "
Are you assuming that there will be no maintence, cell failures, degradation of power output, etc. etc.?
I am all for it as well as wind power but lets be realistic, nothing last forever or performs as it did when new for decades.
Heepajeep, The only maintenance that is needed is a cloth to clean panels. Unless your talking about emergency backup battery system, in which case they have to be monitored/maintained monthly and need to be replaced every 5-10 years depending on battery type and your usage. As for panel degradation, all solar cells do this. Monocrystalline degradation is the slowest of all the panels and are warrantied to produce at least 80% rated power after 25 years, and 90% is expected. The panels are the longest lived component of a PV system and are designed to withstand all types of weather, this includes tropical environments. We use monocrystalline panels that carry a 25 year warranty. 30+ years is to be expected, and in some cases they are still working after 40.

solar is being revolutionized now. a german firm has created liquid solar cells that are 5 times more efficient than the current technology. i am waiting for that because the ROI is 1-2 years. i work for an energy consulting company and green power is the way to go, but early adopters are going to pay out the #@%. i intend to install some of the current solar arrays for all things "converter".... that is to say, for all the things that use a transformer and draw power all the time even if the device is not connected, i.e. cell phones, game systems, electric shaver, etc. anyway, that's my 2¢. green power is the future, but it's not quite there just yet. think 2015 and we can all go off-grid. i admire your enthusiasm and if there is any place that solar need be dominant, it is in the VI. Hope to see you down there, God-willing.

Just remember that this is a relocation forum not a place for free advertising. Good luck with your move.
I didn't see any reference to a company . Sometimes mentioning a company is a form of advertising but then sometimes people ask questions that need specific answers.
I would not think that a referral to a solar power firm would be out of line in a post about solar power.
Just MHO.
I am not trying to break the rules and im sorry if i have. I am moving back to the carribbean, and have been lurking on this board for years and now that its finally happening i want to tell the world how, what, where, why and how! haha
I know that many poeple are searching for answers to the WAPA problem and Im sorry if i offended anyone or broke rules, all i want is to talk to people about solar and get to know new people who are interested in the same. Im just as happy if you tell me where to find the best version of Conch 🙂

i thought your post was harmless for what it's worth.
have a glorious day!
Believe it or not, Cory, the stew(ed) conch at Molly Molone's in Red Hook is very popular with the locals. An Irish pub...go figure!
Any conch suggestions on STX?

I went to Molly Malone's in July and was disappointed because the place smelled like hot trash. Anyone know if that's a usual occurance or not for them? I wouldn't mind making it a regular hang out since I liked the menu and there was a half-decent beer selection.
I've had a good experience every time I've been to Molly Malone's . . . the place was clean, no bad smells and decent service. I was even in their kitchen once (had to get some help for a lady who got her car stuck on a small wall behind the place) and was pleasantly surprised that it was pretty clean too.
I worked at Molly's for a long time. The "hot trash smell" is certainly not normal. Who knows, could have been coming from somewhere else and just blowing through, since it's open air.
Simkiss, if you enjoy happy hour, Molly's has a very eclectic bunch of regulars. You'll definitely catch me there when I am on STT.
And, btw, I did not mis-spell it. It really is Molone's. Apparently there was a mistake made on the sign or something like that, and it was easier to change the name.
Goalusa, Hotel on the Cay has great conch salad.
At the Ag-Fair on STX, they had conch cakes and a spicy conch and rice, we ate it every day 🙂 As for Molly Mollones on STT ive been there a few times for a beer, ususally late night when we wanted a change of scenery. Maybe the smell was on a stagnant hot day and someone didnt take out the trash 🙂
Thank you for the replies so far about conch and the PM's about solar, i really appreciate it.
Im so looking forward to making the move back to the VI to make solar power a reality!
There is a good supermarket near Sugar Beach, it is called Food Town and it is just west of 5 Corners on the northside road (75). It has very little parking so I kind of ignored it at first, but it has a nice selection. Expensive, of course.
I had the best buttered conch at a restaurant in Christiansted called Kim's. It is right on King St., or whatever the name is of the street you are on when you drive into town from the west. It is a pink building. They also have good local juices, I loved the sorrel. My husband got a whole fish that was also excellent. And they had mac and cheese for the kids! So glad that is a local specialty everywhere!
Have a great trip!

God-willing we will meet you there, Jaunita. I'm glad to know the odor was unusual. If you've ever been to north Jersey, you know what I mean.
Kims is the best.
Had no problem with Cory's post as well and am excited to know that more options will be available for those who are interested in Solar as we are. The battery system is the week link, anxious to know what will happen there. Good Luck Cory and keep us posted!

I didn't say there WAS anything wrong with his post but better to have a reminder about the advertising since we know what's happened before with that issue. Also, he needs to be aware he's not the only solar company down here.
simkiss posted:
"i intend to install some of the current solar arrays for all things "converter".... that is to say, for all the things that use a transformer and draw power all the time even if the device is not connected, i.e. cell phones, game systems, electric shaver, etc. anyway, that's my 2¢. green power is the future,"
I think you mean to recharge things when not in actual use?
"Also, he needs to be aware he's not the only solar company down here."
No way? So im not the first one? wink wink
Thanks for reminding me Trade.
Are you interested in solar power? 🙂

yes, that and some other things that use transformers but do not charge a battery. i going to attempt rather than to unplug things which have transformers but do not charge to use them only, if possible, when the arrays are collecting sunlight. we'll see how long that lasts, but i want to give it a shot.

Sure I am, Corey but since I won't be here long enough to make it pay I won't be your customer & our condo rules would have to change which they won't currently. One owner had solar hot water before Marilyn but that's no longer allowed here. 🙂 🙂 🙂
You wont be here long enough?, as in your moving or dying? I hope moving haha
No seriously, it adds value to your house if you sell with system, or you can take the panels with you if you move.
Silly condo association, sounds like they want to pay alot more for electricity to heat water and charge you some extra!
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