Hello All,
In my current situation, I must say that It was a relief to find this site it has already managed to ease my paranoia over my current situation. I guess I should take a breif moment to describe my situation to all of you.
My name is Rob and I am a 26 year old from Kansas City, MO. I am am the Bar Manager at KC's famed Club XO, al local hotspot for years. Recently however, we had to close our doors while some of the owners needed to make "financial adjustments". we recently reopened but shortly thereadter the owners asked me to come in 30 min early to have a talk with me. I was immediatley thinking that I was about to be let go. Instead, the owners have decided to close XO for good in March when their lease runs out. SO the long and the short of it, was that come March I would be out of a job. I was more than slightly pissed. I have worked at XO for over 4 years and i consider the owners friends. However, the owner had told me that he had already made arrangements through one of his contacts to get me on at a hotel on ST.
He gave me a number to the Ritz Carlton on Great Bay.I called them up and they asked me to fax my Resume etc. I get a call three days later that I must come to St louis (the closeest Ritz Carlton from KC), to do their drug screening work etc. After a week, they called back and extended a job offer effective March 15th of next year. I promptly accepted the job offer and kinda blew things off and returned to by normal routine of listening to the drunken rambalings of my customers.
Now after a couple weeks, Its starting to dawn on me the gravity of the situation. Afterall, I will be moving to a place thats more like a foriegn country, than anoteher state. I have no freaking clue about logistics, and a place where i wont know a sole. Thats when I decided to take charge and try to get all the information that I could about what will soon be my new home. That in turn brought me to you guys.
I guess the fact that I have some time on my hands is an advantage. I will be able to bank as much money as I can until march to help cover my edxpences, which from what i can gather from listening to the rest of you, isnt gonna be cheap.Most of my furnature in my appartment is junk, either leftovers from my paretns place, or else nuttin worth moving, I feel the same about my car. Its old and I question weahter or not it would even be worth bringing. Would it just be best for me to show up with my clothing and personal effects and try to find a place thats furnished and then buy an inexpensive car? Where is the Ritz in relation to a cheap residential area or apartment complex?
I would greatly appreciate any and all comments from you guys as I am somewhat at a a loss as how i should proceed with my preperations.
Thanks in advance,
The company is willing to relocate you to a new job but isn't helping with relocating? I'm just curious...not meant as anything other than a question.
From an ex USAF member (who moved a lot), getting to know people on these boards, and having been to the USVI twice myself...
I'm thinking that moving to STT wouldn't really be much different than moving from KC, MO to STL, MO if you don't plan on moving "junk furniture" and are wanting to start over. Heck, I wish I were in your shoes...the weather is perfect in the
The general saying here...and it's really the same for anywhere you up at least 3 months worth of pay to get by. VI places to live...the same for most apts in the US require 1st month up front, deposit, and last month rent. No biggie's the same for most places even in KC if you live in an apt.
About the only thing I could see to be "skeered" about would be the eventual airfare home if you decide you don't like it on the islands...which I find hard to believe from anyone who has been there...hehe. I'd be willing to bet that once you get there, you'd never want to return.
I might tell your company that I'd accept the job if they provide airfare to and from...just in case I didn't like it (if I were worried). Otherwise, I personally would jump on the opportunity. 🙂
Hello Rob,
I have just moved to STT from Kansas City. I know XO well. I went there quite a bit when I was single. I went there when it used to be called Atlantis. It was called something else before that even. I can't believe they are closing it. Has Westport changed that much? Funny thing. Since we moved here, we have run into all kinds of people from K.C.
You are moving to another country so to speak, but if you would like to live a slower pace and relax and enjoy warm weather than I think you will like it here. The irony kills me right now. As I write this we are experiencing a Tropical Storm, likely to turn into another Hurricane as it passes. But for the most part, the weather is beautiful here. There isn't going to be a club like K.C's XO here that locals go to since the population is something like a suburb in K.C. However, you will have tourists coming thru constantly that will make it a different environment for you.
If I were you, I would just come with personal items, lots of summer clothes, and money. You can find furnished places or if you have to, many people when leaving the island have a sale and you could find 'cheaper' items to furnish your place. Living here is a lot more expensive than K.C., but not so much more than say D.C. or New York. You also might want to order one of the planning kits above. They helped me plan my move and adjustment.
NO worries about moving here. It is like relocating anywhere, you have to have an open mind to other's ways of doing things and a good attitude. Do have a backup plan in case it just isn't your style here. Some people need fast paced living or just don't fit in here, you never know til you try.
Say hello to K.C. for me. I miss my friends there. Did Johnny Dare open his bar at Stanford's old place yet?
Hi Rob,
I just wrote you a lovely response, but thanks to Jeanne, she zapped it from my computer and I have to start over! I'll stay a little more brief as I don't know if she'll strike again! =)
You'll absolutely love STT! My fiance and I have been here for two weeks, after a 1 1/2 years of planning. We did absolutely EVERYTHING backwards - we did the research well - we spent a year deciding which island would work for us, even took a pre-move visit to the Bahamas and before we even came down to STT last April, we knew this was the island for us. We're the people that just decided to up and sell everything we own and make the move, for no reason other than we want to. I'm 25, he's 32 and we're getting married next May - we made a choice, do we want to get married, raise a family, then retire down here? Didn't have to think about that for more than a second, we hated New England, I couldn't convince him to go to the Midwest and so we decided to take the plunge. In April, we started doing everything backwards. We bought a house on our pre-move visit (which has still been the best decision we've made so far), but then we had to rush back to Boston and sell our house. We moved down with no jobs and not as much cash as we'd like. The first two weeks, we've been settling in and now, we're on the serious hunt for employment! In fact, I was at the Ritz last night, submitting a resume!
Some people I've noticed, plan for years and years, with long, long term goals of getting down here. Maybe they're a little more secure than we are when they finally arrive (financially and such), but we just decided to do it. I think if you'll have a job when you get down here, that's the best advantage you could possibly have. You'll meet a ton of people that way and will have an instant income. As for your what you love and get rid of the rest. We brought nothing down - the house already had a dining room set and some beds. We've found some great furniture stores on the island but the best way we've come to furnish our house is moving sales! We just got a great deal on a dresser and nightstand from a guy that's business is moving him back to the mainland - the set was only 3 mos old. We kick ourselves for passing on a wicker dresser we saw at another yard sale for $75 - because the next day we saw it in the store for $400. Just buy the basics and build from there.
As for a car, we got a great deal on a Jeep Liberty from Budget Rentals - they sell off their vehicles to keep newere cars in their fleet. Ours is a 2003 with less than 14k miles, and it's about $3 or 4k less than what the same car would go for in the states. There was some bumper damage, but they're fixing that for us for free. I would HIGHLY recommend them - if you finance, you can get a Wrangler for about $180/mo.
Anyway, I've rambled a lot longer than I expected to or that Jeanne would allow. If you have any questions, feel free to email me directly.
Good luck!
Hey Teresa,
Wow, how cool to get a responce from someone thats from KC. I never would have imagined. I am upset that XO is goin under too but from what I hear flappin in the breeeze, the owners have decided to move to a new location in CHicago. Those guys are all about their profit. And by the way, Johnny Dare's is open for buisness now right next to kelly's in the old stanfords building. I personally avoid the place myself as most of its clientele look like a whitetrash nightmare gone awry. Johnnny dares it what the whole world would be doing on friday night if the nazi's had won the war. LOL.
I guess i shouldnt sound elietist but hey we all hold our own respective bars up to be the best.
Thanks for all the quality info guys.I will definatley take all of it into consideration. For those of you that are wondering the Ritz will be paying for my airfare expences, but I already researched on the travel sites, and a one way from kc isnt nuttin. Like 300 bones at the most.
So i guess the best way for me to approach this situation is just to show up "balls in hand", with just my personal stuff and as much cash as i can bank.
I did some quick numbers pluging and If a cut down on my Jagermeister cunsumption, and lock my current high maint girl in a closet til march I could possibly have 4 maybe even 5 grand at my disposal by then. Besides my Clothing the only other things that I feel absoluetley must acompany me are my XBOX (with a reserve copy of HALO) and my PS2 with at least one copy of Madden 2005.
Another quick question. I will certainly not be bringing amber (the girl from the closet) with me when i come to ST. Is there a vibrant dating scene there. It seems like most of you on here or are either married or damn close. I am not ready to run up the white flag just yet and I guess if my dating life were a ship id be flying the skull and crossbones so to speak.
Again thanks for all the info, and I look forward to kickin with you all come March. Afterall, you guys will be the only people i know there.
Just stopping in to extend moral support and tell you to hang on to Teresa as an invaluable friend to have during this process. She is amazing, and can relate to everything you're thinking and feeling now (andthat will come to you later on, too!), but more importantly, she and the other residents of this board can help you get answers and calm your nerves.
We know you can do this -- we've been there in some form or another and survived it all. Focus on the fact that you're coming here with a job at a great place in hand as a huge leg up on most folks making the move. You laready have the right attitude about the extra months in KS as a time to save $$ and plan your transition.
Gotta run to take further advantage of the power being on in case it doesn't last.
Welcome -- look forward to seeing you here more often!
Hi Rob - Janelle again, I noticed in my first response, I didn't change the name Stu from the posting. You're probably thinking two men planning to get married in May should have stayed in Boston! =) Anyway - to answer your question on the dating scene - I don't think you'll have much of a problem. I've noticed a lot of people here in their mid-20s and not all of them are taken. Working at the Ritz, you'll probably meet a lot of transient (sp?) workers, but just walking around Red Hook, there are a lot of people our age there that seem to have settled in to STT, with or without a significant other.
Congrats on the job offer Rob! just a word on the singles situation - St. Thomas is a very SMALL island. I'm married, but most of my single friends complain that the dating choices are very limited. You see the same people everywhere, etc., etc. Though there is nightlife, it is definitely not like an even medium-sized city in the states - I'm from Orlando and there is no comparison. HOWEVER, if you are a laid-back type who just wants to hang with a few friends, loves the water and can enjoy the beauty of the island, you will love it. Oh, and don't bother cutting back on the Jager - it's very cheap here!
I can believe all the support that I have recieved from you guys, both on the board and from emails. You guys seem like a really tight nit community, and thats helpful when you are a "fish outta water" like myself. Already you guys are making me feel like this situation is goin alot better.
I also got a really nice email from a dude named Brandon who is the pool side bartender from the Ritz Carlton. He seems like a really nice guy., and more importantly, he says that most service people at the Ritz are hauling down the big bank roll like they just left First National with a ski mask on. He said typical day shifts will net you 50-75 dollars, while night shifts are normally good for 200 plus. Thats very good money, and the benifits are nice as well. I will admit my demeanor is gonna have to change tending bar at the Ritz. Im certain the clientele will vary greatly from my typical saturday night of dingy scantily clad girls, and druken dudes doing everything in there power to get laid but im a very flexible guy. I can don my mask of quasi-sophisticated if need be.
Brandon did say that the Ritz is on the extreme East end of the island which kinda sucks as far as commuting goes. I wonder what part of the island would be a good place for me to set up shop and construct my new bachelor pad? I wonder if by march Teresa will have any friends to hook me up with? LOL. I am not overly concerned about the girls issue. I have never had much of a problem in that department before, Ill just have alot less to choose from. Speaking of chics, I am gonna tell Amber (again the girl from the closet) either today or tomorrow about my plans. Part of me just wanted to ride the situation out like nuttin was up until like a week before I leave, but chances are she would come after me with a baseball bat at the very least if I did that. Oh well, I can handle being girlfriendless for a few months.
Finacially, things are goin well, ie got a little over two grand and saving. Tonight at club xo, we host DJ Tiesto from the neatherlands, which im sure will bring the crowds running. Im planning on limiting my nights out to the bars to once a week, to conserve as much cash as humanly possible.
On a Final note, I hope everyone from the ST was safe from the tropical storm. Ivan just laid waste to many places here ststeside, so i hope nobody has any on their stuff messed up. Gotta Run all. Have a great day!!!
I final note. I am also into aggressive skating (rollerblades), any skateparks on the islands with halfpipes etc? Just curious
Hello Rob,
No skateboard parks. Good luck with your moving plans.
Thanks for the info islander, maybe someone needs to build a half pipe
I lived in STT for 4 months earlier this year, and plan to return at the end of hurricane season, just wanted to let you know there are a lot of 20 somethings on the island, who just arrived on island with pretty much nothing. I actually had a friend who used to work at the Ritz and hated it but hopefully that wont be you! haha not trying to scare you. Beware, there are significantly more male than female statesiders living on the island, but everyone is really friendly. The more the merrier. You'll see what I mean when you get there. A lot of young people will arive Oct/Nov, so you are getting there just in time. Beware of island cars bc you don't know what they've been though, and prepare to pay a few more thousand than you would in the states. I'm considering bringing my car this time when I go back. Anyway, good luck! You'll love it.
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