shooting today of T...
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shooting today of Tim from Big Kahuna?

Posts: 457
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Does anyone have any "real" news of what happened last night to Tim from Big Kahuna? I know for certain he was shot multiple times and died after what some say was an ambush outside his home in Mandahl. No matter what...senseless. I only had met him a handful of times from stopping in at happy hour (my office is directly over the Big Kahuna). Always a seemed like a great guy, always had a smile.
Seriously, what are people thinking....It is NOT okay to take someones life.....

Posted : January 21, 2011 1:02 am
Posts: 277
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info i found

Posted : January 21, 2011 6:33 pm
Posts: 336
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I never met him but from the postings I read he was a great person. My condolences to his family

Posted : January 22, 2011 4:24 am
Posts: 15
Active Member

I totally agee with you and It's such a shame in what happened to a totally a very nice guy that was respected by all that knew him.
My sincere condolences to his family and friends. I understand that there will be a memorial at the big Kahuna's on Sunday. I will try to find out more. I dont know what's happening to the islands anymore and more should be done about major crimes and we should all write a letter to the governor and demand a major crackdown on these type of crimes. The Virgin Islands depend on tourism and more news like this will have a large impact down the road. My prayers to his family.

Posted : January 22, 2011 2:06 pm
Posts: 312
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Would anyone like to take a guess at the profile of the shooter(s).?:-X

Posted : January 22, 2011 3:42 pm
A Davis
Posts: 687
Honorable Member

Would anyone like to take a guess at the profile of the shooter(s).?:-X

it doesn't pay to be coy on this board. speak your mind.

Posted : January 22, 2011 6:56 pm
Posts: 312
Reputable Member

anita..". it doesn't pay"......??? Really ! Apparently it doesn't pay to be a hard working regular joe either,cause some unemployable punk lookin for a quick score may wanna take what cha got....Can ya dig it baby.? The thugs running loose and victimizing innocent people with no care for what carnage they leave behind deserve some old fashion street justice.Yea I said it.!!! Hang them on the town square and let their" BROTHERS" watch them dangle and pee on themselves. "Your society " will continue to count bodies until law abiding citizens take back and defend themselves .with the society most people want .Law and Order. Right now you have neither ! I haven't heard of many white on black crimes, have you?Yea I said it ! open your eyes to the problem and quit defending those young black guys robbing your neighbors. If a fellow white man killed my son or daughter I 'd feel exactly the same way. Hang em high judge!!!! and you better get to them before I do .So please save your milk toast mama attitude and realize your own veiled threat is laughable. I will leave you with this thought....It takes a savage to conquer a savage....Was that coy enough for you????

Posted : January 23, 2011 1:05 am
Posts: 119
Estimable Member

Poorthang spoke his mind, but tell us what you really think! You're really gonna hear it now.

Posted : January 23, 2011 2:02 am
Posts: 97
Trusted Member


Understandably you are upset. I can't imagine there is a decent person that would not be upset by the senseless and despicable act committed against Tim Metzger. However, no matter how upset you are it does not give you the right to be offensive. "milk toast mama"? Really?

Why the need to express yourself in lame 1970's slang? Why the animus toward Anita? Could the answer be in your advocating "street justice" which you define as hanging black men in the street so their "BROTHERS" can watch them swing? Hmm, seems to me what you are advocating is called lynching not law and order. Not cool!

The issues raised by this murder are ones of violent crime and what to do about it, not race. And it is particularly repugnant of you to play the race card, especially before more details of what happened are known. Think about it. Even if it was an attempted robbery, do you really think that the perpetrators targeted Tim and his boss because they are white? It was the bank robber Willie Sutton who replied "Because that's where the money is." when asked why he robbed banks.

And by the way "Savage", it's "Milquetoast."

Posted : January 23, 2011 4:02 am
Posts: 593
Honorable Member

In a place where 75.6% (as of the 2000 census) of the population is black, there's a good chance that anything that happens was done by a black person, whether it's murder or helping a little old lady cross the street. I don't see how anyone can possibly blame any particular race for the homicide rate. A "not my fault, not my problem" attitude never helps fix anything.

Posted : January 23, 2011 10:50 am
Posts: 812
Prominent Member

<img class="go2wpf-bbcode" src=" http://upload.wikim">

These images are a work of a United States Department of Justice employee, taken or made during the course of an employee's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain. Public domain

From the same source:
In 2005, 2.7% of African Americans became the victim of a violent crime, compared to 2.0% of Whites. African Americans were overall 35% more likely to sustain a violent crime. The likelihood of being murdered was drastically higher for African Americans.In 2004 African Americans constituted roughly 13.4% of the general population, yet, nearly half, 49%, of all murder victims in 2005 were African American.

Asians commit less than 1/2% of these crimes!

I'm not trying to start a race war or having others misconstrue what I'm posting(always a good possibility here).
What motivated me to post these statistics, were related to the statistics regarding race population & how that related to homicides roadrunner posted, though I can understand his/her point.

Well, Anita & Poorthang certainly don't take any $%!
And, I agree with both on many points.

And I'm sure both agree this murder is a tragedy, & most would agree with Sailermans post.

I wish I knew this man, my condolences to his family.

Posted : January 23, 2011 1:41 pm
Posts: 312
Reputable Member

A public display of justice rendered by the society of Law and order(court system) is not lynching. Street justice happens when you see someone do the act and take immediate action to whoop his ass or start shootin back. Why are we so afraid to profile ...because the milk toast (i like my spelling better)mama ATTITUDE allows for coddling those who seek to game the system by using their poor pathetic upbringing;lazy ass lifestyle, and overall contempt for the laws that keeps us civil.We feel up and make disrobe 99.9 % of the population at the airports when we have the statistics to prove that the likely hood of a terrorist is the guy who just shaved all his hair off his body,paid cash, and oooohhh no I'M gonna say it ..............from the Middle East....!!!!!! ( I'M so proud I didn't say Towelhead);) Man I love being coy...

Posted : January 23, 2011 1:58 pm
Posts: 97
Trusted Member

I have started a new thread, "Violent Crime", rather than continuing this exchange in the thread inquiring about what happened to Tim Metzger. It seemed appropriate due to the broadness of the issues of violent crime and what to do about it. I hope Poorthang and others wishing to express their views will do so there.

My sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Metzger. Lets hope that the perpetrators are brought swiftly to justice, and that his loss is the catalyst for positive change.


Posted : January 23, 2011 10:18 pm
Posts: 171
Estimable Member

poorthing you make me wanna punch you in eye and i am basically quiet and non violent...what horrible things you have said...there was no reason for you to attack anita in that way...and your prejudice can well stand to remain off the the tone of your post it seems you are a truck driving with a gun rack confederate flag in the back kinda guy...your post was also disrespectful to the family of the deceased. shame shame shame on you....SMT, snappin my neck and rollin my eyes!!!

Posted : January 23, 2011 11:56 pm
A Davis
Posts: 687
Honorable Member

anita..". it doesn't pay"......??? Really ! Apparently it doesn't pay to be a hard working regular joe either,cause some unemployable punk lookin for a quick score may wanna take what cha got....Can ya dig it baby.? The thugs running loose and victimizing innocent people with no care for what carnage they leave behind deserve some old fashion street justice.Yea I said it.!!! Hang them on the town square and let their" BROTHERS" watch them dangle and pee on themselves. "Your society " will continue to count bodies until law abiding citizens take back and defend themselves .with the society most people want .Law and Order. Right now you have neither ! I haven't heard of many white on black crimes, have you?Yea I said it ! open your eyes to the problem and quit defending those young black guys robbing your neighbors. If a fellow white man killed my son or daughter I 'd feel exactly the same way. Hang em high judge!!!! and you better get to them before I do .So please save your milk toast mama attitude and realize your own veiled threat is laughable. I will leave you with this thought....It takes a savage to conquer a savage....Was that coy enough for you????

i don't see the point in "profiling" as evil has no profile. relax ur spirit. i'm not after ya.

Posted : January 24, 2011 4:46 am
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

Ok.... Here's my take on things... from an outsider's viewpoint.

First, I spent time in law enforcement as public safety chief in a small city in a very corrupt part of texas, so my view is from a professional standpoint as well as personal.

Crime does not have color... it comes in and from all colors, shapes, sizes, political affiliations, etc. To categorize crimes or to profile the act of criminal activity is not the way to stop it, nor is publicly advocating hanging them in the town square.

If you want to stop crime, there are certainly ways and methods to do this but the first and foremost is public education and crime prevention tactics. Public officials and agencies should be urged to take greater action and get more involved in community crime prevention efforts. If more people got involved (with a clear head and with intelligence and objectivity) in community affairs such as crime prevention, an impact might be made.

I really don't understand why a person, racist or otherwise, would want to spread unintelligent and uninformed advice, and to spread racism and hatred, or try to incite anarchy or vigilantism. If a person wants to get involved I'm sure that there are methods and manners available in the community. If there isn't then start some... legally, ethically, and morally correct. You can't fight hatred with hatred and you can't stop racism with more racism. You can only fix things thru intelligence, understanding, and common sense.

Posted : January 24, 2011 7:59 am
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