have not heard about that dixie
Once again...you all wonder why I left????
With all due respect:
Nope, I sure don't. You've pounded it into our heads until we're blue in the face! *-)
Congrats on making it out alive, and I do hope you enjoy your life away from here. Meanwhile, most of us are doing what we can to make the best of a bad situation here with regard to the increasing crime. Some of us stay because we choose to, while others stay because they're unable to leave ... this is home for many who have nowhere else to go. Others have businesses and homes and can't just cut and run.
Old Tart....
I do know how to look up old posts.
I did not complain about STX when I lived there because I didn't want to insult all of those who love it.
I'll be down in Feb...Let's get together!
Because you no longer live here, it's now OK to insult us? Not cool, IMO.
P.S. Don't forget to grab a flak jacket at the airport upon arrival in Feb. 😉
what about flare guns???? works in the movies.
My understanding is that if you're in close contact you can effectively blow a nice hole in someone's gut with them. I kept one around for quite a long time after being robbed once and then, a few years ago, I was again robbed. I grabbed the flare gun and, as one of the robbers approached me, I took off the safety and squeezed the trigger. So many thoughts came rushing back of the previous (deadly) robbery and even I was taken surprise by the force of sheer anger which overtook me. And the damned gun jammed. My fault entirely. I'd left it sitting around all that time and the shell casing had corroded and rendered the whole thing useless. The kid grabbed it and tossed it to one side and then got me on the ground and banged me up until I decided it was time to stop fighting back and instead "play dead".
I did go out and buy a new flare gun and, although I've now closed my business so have less to worry about, I keep it around AND check it every once in a while to make sure it's still in working order and not all gummed up! And I too keep wasp spray around - many have found it to be highly effective as it shoots out a good distance with a lot of force.
I will say one thing - you can talk up a storm about what you'd if you were caught in a robbery or attacked or faced with any violent situation but unless you have experience with those kinds of situations you will never know what your reaction is going to be until it happens to you. Hope those of you who've never had it happen to you never do!
Rotor glad you and your wife are ok
omg OT you are lucky. and to have survived it twice.
your right until you have had the experience you dont know what you would do. ........run would be my first thought.
guess the best defense is to always be aware whether at home or on the streets, and try to out smart (or run) them.
do they still teach self defense classes on STX? the police should offer a free course to teach women how to protect themselves. men too.
just like fighting terrorists, we have to be aware. (and bring them all to justice)
The title of the article makes me sick... that punk wasn't a victim of anything. He terrorized people in their own home, carried an automatic weapon and didn't comply with police orders. He would have done it to more people had he not been stopped. He is not a victim. His death saved future victims.
IMHO, It falls on the parents... How you were raised and having parents watch over you as you grow is critical on who you become.. I will always be eternally grateful to my parents... As soon as they got a feeling I was getting side tracked with the wrong "friends" they put their foot down...
I no longer live in STX, but I go there about every other month and I am proud of it. It is painful to read the news and see something so tragic.. I for one am thankful a good family got spared, but I feel bad on the fact that 2 human beings died and how a youngster might end up with a ruined life..
I hope the healing process is effective for all the parties involved...
It also goes to show, there is good in the police force... Good people willing to put their lives in danger...
I really don't know what she was trying to say in he article. Good home, wanted nothing, brought up the right way, well then how did he end up in a group of three with 7 weapons including an automatic one? Just doesn't sit well with me.
I really don't know what she was trying to say in he article. Good home, wanted nothing, brought up the right way, well then how did he end up in a group of three with 7 weapons including an automatic one? Just doesn't sit well with me.
Exactly Right. Well put.
I really don't know what she was trying to say in he article. Good home, wanted nothing, brought up the right way, well then how did he end up in a group of three with 7 weapons including an automatic one? Just doesn't sit well with me.
My exact sentiments also. I was saddened reading what she wrote but when I got to the end of it my only thought was, "Well then , what DO you suggest as prevention when you've described his whole upbringing as being so perfect? That obviously didn't work out too well so what do we do next?" There was probably a whole lot of suspicious behavior that the family overlooked ...
so sad that she thinks her cousin is the victim. really? what about the people he and his friends terrorized. They are the true victims. it does sadden me when anyone gets killed-family left behind to ponder the questions we all ask. Why? Sensless. Yes!
Lets also think about the other people he victimised. You know this cant be his first time.
Callous as I might be with these situations, I wonder how big his funeral will be, since he was brought up so well. Should just be dumped in a grave with no fanfare as far as I am concerned.
Dixie asked a good question:
"do they still teach self defense classes on STX? the police should offer a free course to teach women how to protect themselves. men too."
If anyone knows of a self defense class would they please post it? Also it would be interesting to find out how many people would go to a self defense class.
Dixie asked a good question:
"do they still teach self defense classes on STX? the police should offer a free course to teach women how to protect themselves. men too."
If anyone knows of a self defense class would they please post it? Also it would be interesting to find out how many people would go to a self defense class.
Martial Arts takes years and thousands of dollars. While self defense is a great idea against an un armed assailant, it's difficult to defend against anything that extends your opponents reach or gives any tactical advantage. Like being larger or stronger than you are. Nevermind a gun. It's not a Jackie Chan movie. You can get yourself dead in a big hurry.*-)
Bit late there, NoOne - that article was linked yesterday!
Bit late there, NoOne - that article was linked yesterday!
Woops! My fault.
I wasn't really thinking of martial arts, just guidance and maybe some common sense ideas. For example, Alarms systems? dogs? what do you tell 911? how to react to intruders? Mrs Roto is commended for her actions, it is hard to know how to react. and training couldn't really hurt could it? I would like to think I could be as brave as she was, and maybe that can be taught as well.
I wasn't really thinking of martial arts, just guidance and maybe some common sense ideas. For example, Alarms systems? dogs? what do you tell 911? how to react to intruders? Mrs Roto is commended for her actions, it is hard to know how to react. and training couldn't really hurt could it? I would like to think I could be as brave as she was, and maybe that can be taught as well.
When a neighborhood joins together to set up a neighborhood watch program, the VIPD works with the group to assist them in implementing the guidelines. Officers come to the meetings and advise residents' on what's needed to better protect their homes, and have a wealth of information to share. My experience with such groups has been nothing but positive and the officers have gone out of their way to take time to answer all the questions you've raised. They have qualified personnel who'll come to the homes and advise on specifics and address all the concerns in a professional but kindly and helpful manner. These watch programs have proven time and time again that community groups can and do make a huge difference.
I wasn't really thinking of martial arts, just guidance and maybe some common sense ideas. For example, Alarms systems? dogs? what do you tell 911? how to react to intruders? Mrs Roto is commended for her actions, it is hard to know how to react. and training couldn't really hurt could it? I would like to think I could be as brave as she was, and maybe that can be taught as well.
Hi, You did say self defense right? What a basic self defense class will teach are moves to help you escape an attacker. Like for instance how to escape from a choke hold. Softening their grip so you can get out of it. And not allways a good old fashioned kick in the crotch either. It's all basic Martial Arts stuff you'd learn if you took Karate. The advanced comes later.8-)
There is a dojo in Princess that offers self-defense classes and martial arts. http://sunsudojo.com/
Alda at Sunsu is a 9th degree black belt. She can teach you self defense!
What's best practices for when u get in a situation like rotor or old tart? I wonder if its best to just comply or try to resist or fight back?
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