Looks like great fun and learning experiences!
The Danish government an Soren Blak from the Danish Council, have extended two opportunities for students and teachers to visit and engage two very different types of vessels that will be in the territory in commemoration of the Transfer Centennial. While both types of vessels are designated warships, they are used almost exclusively to train young cadets to become professional sailors and officers.
The sailing vessels Svanen and Thyra are 60 ft. Bermuda sloop rigged international open-ocean racers that will be competing in this year’s St. Thomas International Regatta (STIR) March 24-26. These smaller boats are ideal for older students, juniors and seniors, who have a career interest in the naval or maritime services, industry or are involved in similar programs at your respective schools. The tall ship Danmark, is scheduled to arrive in St. Thomas March 28 and remains there until April 1 when she arrives in St. Croix. At 234 ft. it is a much larger training ship and international nautical ambassador for the Government of Denmark. This is more in line with visitations similar to that of the tall ship El Galeón. It can handle larger classes and a variety of interest levels. We highly encourage the Danmark for general interest public visits for students.
Here are the tentative tour dates and times for visits:
Ship(s) Location Dates Times
SVANEN/THYRA Yacht Haven Grande 20-21 March 10:00-3:00
DANMARK Crown Bay 29-30 March 10:00-4:00
DANMARK Christiansted, St. Croix 1 April Tentative
These dates and times are subject to change. Please stay tuned to your local radio and television stations for updates on the visit schedules. You may also contact to your local team at the VI Centennial Foundation (VICF) or 340 Group VI (340GVI) for assistance at (340) 244-3590 or (340) 513-8191. VICF and 340GVI are proud to partner with the VI Transfer Centennial Commission and our local Danish representatives and societies to bring additional maritime educational opportunities to our local students and the general community.
that would be neat
They will be cool to see. Also I heard that massive Spanish? Ship that's been in STT is coming to Stx? I'd love to check it out...
The Danmark is on it's way into Crown Harbor now. Expected to arrive around 11. Binoculars out and viewing from my porch! Full sail, looking great.
It's a beautiful ship.
I'm sorry not to be there to see it sailing in and visit it, once again.
Hope y'all go visit while it's in port!
Here's a Facebook post from Ronnie Lockhart at Crystal Palace.

The Danmark is on it's way into Crown Harbor now. Expected to arrive around 11. Binoculars out and viewing from my porch! Full sail, looking great.
That is truly a lucky view and wonderful uncommon sight.!

I called the Port Authority on Wed. morning to confirm the hours for visiting the DANMARK - a very nice conversation with the Public Relations office confirmed that the ship would be open to the public for boarding Wed.&Thurs at Crown Bay from 10am -4pm.
At 11am our family finally found parking and went to the reception tent. We were informed by more than 1 person, in Centennial Shirts at the reception tent, that today [Wed.] was school children ONLY and Thurs. was reserved for ship maintenance or invited guests only.
The ship would be moved to WICO dock and 'open to the public only on Sat.
This was very disappointing!! - being turned away after a fair amount of time wasted traveling and searching for parking with 2 cruise ships in Crown Bay and innumerable empty spots with Taxi parking only sitting unused.
As of right now -[ per the Danish Consulate no less] - the ship will move to WICO and be open on Sat from 10-3.
My Danish Couchsurfing houseguest was crew on the Danmark a few years ago, and his sister is on it now. Supposedly they are moving tomorrow morning from Crown Bay to the Waterfront for the ceremonies. We're heading down at 9 just to get a good spot. Todays VI Daily News said road closing at 1:30 and restricted parking in many areas. It also featured a picture of his sister on page 3. That was nice-even if it was with Mapphole. Anyone get to the fort celebration last night? That was a treat. Figured I'd go while it was open, because it will probably be 11 years before it opens again. (yes they say April, but........) We talked to one of the Danish racing ships at YHG and captain said he is lowering the Danish flag sometime between 3-5. No specific time.
Supposed to be in STX tomorrow.
Sorry but don't know where or their schedule.
"The 234-foot, square-rigged sailing ship will be open for public tours on Monday April 3 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and on Tuesday April 4 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Tours are free and open to the public with a valid photo ID.
The Danmark was built by the Nakskov Shipyard in Lolland and launched in 1932. She weighs 790 gross tons, with a 17-foot draft and 32-foot beam, and complement of 26 sails. The Danmark has been in nearly continuous use since its launch to train officers of the Danish merchant marine, except for a four-year period during World War II when Denmark lent the vessel to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy to train its cadets. A bronze plaque aboard the Danmark’s mainmast commemorates her service to the U.S. as USCGC Danmark (WIX-283). The Danmark is currently sailing with 80 cadets and 19 crew."
The Danmark arrived in St. Thomas on March 28, where she, her cadets and officers participated in several official events of the V.I. Transfer Centennial such as a parade, reception and public tours.
For more information, contact the VI Centennial Transfer Commission at (340) 772-1000, ext 4719
it is a shame they will only be having tours during the day when most people work
Go on your lunch hour!
i have a lunch 1/2 hour. i work out east. the ship is out west. would not work at all.
that would take a good 3 hours out of my work day
Call in sick!
Came in yesterday late afternoon at the Fsted Pier. Rigging is amazing. Got to party with some of the crew at the Coconut Cup and wow they're all so nice! All very young as well. They had a blast at Freedom City Surf, we all did lol!
The crew mentioned that they will set the sails when they leave... which I will try to get pics and try to visit tomorrow. A few from last night/yesterday.
Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing. I'm a tall ship affectionado, my Dad has made ships in bottles all my life so raised with a love for them. The Danmark was the most beautifully maintained, and the crew so polite and wonderful. The 80 crew face a very competitive process to attend the training course. The rigging is amazing. When she goes back into port in Copenhagen before the next training class, every single line comes down to be stored. As they left STT, the crew lined up, waved hankerchiefs, and bowed like a line of Rockettes. It was a moving sight. If you can, watch them prepare the ship when they depart.
How do you post pictures here? I have a few nice ones of her under sail as she left STT.
nice pictures AandA. would have loved to go see it in person.
did you post more photos somewhere else?
Sadly no, I got sick over the weekend so I wasn't able to go today for the walk through 🙁 I do have a LOT of photos from Coconut Cup but I have to cull and edit so it'll be a couple weeks.
im sorry to hear that. hope you feel better
Tall Ship Danmark
Don Hebert
Here's another:
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