What is the best auto shippers available? I got a quote from oklahoma to stx for 2220.00 shipped to miami and on a roll on roll off ship and can not put any belongings in truck! Is this reasonable?

Shipping the vehicle from Oklahoma to Miami to be placed on a ship to STX for $2220 seems a little high but that's my opinion. Driving the vehicle to a port city (Jacksonville, Fl, Medley Fl, Port Lauderdale, FL, or Miami area) on the east coast would incur less shipping charges I'm sure. Finally it's standard for most of these sea shippers to not allow any personal items in your vehicle, thanks to Homeland Security mandates following the NYC trade centers being "blown ujp" on 9/11.
Jumbie -STX
I shipped a car from Dallas and it was around that number. I did not drive it to the port in FLL as gas, hotel, meals for 4 and all would have roughly cost me the same and taken more time. Just be prepared to pay duties, registration, insurance and road taxes once you get here. Overall my car costs me about $3500, empty. It's an older Honda Passport, American VIN.
We just used Top Of the Line and are extremely satisfied. as a matter of fact, my husband is picking up our car today. Andre is the owner and wow, he's been incredible!
So you'd be looking at around 5k to get your car here, is it worth that much money? Or would you be better off buying here? Even if Homeland Security let you leave anything thing in the car it would be stolen. Leave absolutely NOTHING in the car, the will even steal things like shift knobs.

I've too thought about this, but for around $3500, I would rather buy something for that price when I get to the Islands.
Heck, I only paid $2500 for the car, not going to pay a grand more than that to have it shipped.
Good info here.
I have a 2001 ford f 150 pickup i think i could sell it for three grand! But to me its worth more! How much does an extended cab about the same year cost there? And how availiale are they? Im a carpenter and need a truck! What should i do? What would a veteran islander do? Pirate
Checking Tropical they will not allow anything in the car. If you ship the car make sure that you copy all documents. Put them in the car and keep them as you travel.

I wouldn't ship a vehicle here...there are plenty available for sale here...lots of people move here and ship their vehicles...then sell them when they move back to America in 6 six months cuz they can't afford to ship it advice is to sell it there and buy something here...lots of trucks available, too, Pirate...
and we have the opposite opinion. We shipped our cars/trucks. We know them, how they've been maintained, and what to expect from them. We also know what needs our vehicles have to fill on stx...and shipped cars/trucks that filled those needs. We preferred to spend the money shipping cars we knew rather than buying a whatever and having lots of issues. It is however sometimes possible to get a really good deal on a good used car on island, especially as mentioned here, if someone is leaving, but you have to be lucky with timing or know the right person, or just be lucky.

It is a personal choice - spending money you will never recoup to ship your 'known' vehicle or use that few thousand $$ plus your money from your car sold stateside to get a good vehicle here - if you need a car immediately on arrival - you may have to rent one anyway - whether you are looking for one here or waiting for yours to arrive.

I guess my opinion differs for several reasons...probably the #1 fact being that I am a mechanic and I 'know' all vehicles, so owning one does not preclude me from trusting it. And the deals are there, in my opinion, regardless of who you know or timing...I mean, heck, read the Island Trader and, of the hundreds of vehicles for sale, probably 20% of them are "Leaving Island"...and, I think in the US the mindset about cars is different than here. Back there, your car is part of your personality...your "image' as it were...while here, the majority of people I know couldn't care less about what they drive, it's just a way of getting to and from...but, I'll admit, the majority of people I know are from the States, not locals....and, besides, on a 3 X 12 island, one really doesn't spend much time in their car, ya know? So, there's my summation, FWIW...
I know many "locals". Some care about what kind of car they drive in and take great pride in them. You see them at the car washes hanging out, washing, waxing, etc. their cars. They use after-market parts/kits to make the car look better, like many people do in the "states".
Then you see other "locals" that drive "island cars", being held together with rope & duct tape.
Sometimes there are car show events on island, just like motorcycle events.
A few months ago I saw a group of Ford Mustangs driving in town. I guess there is a Mustang club because it included older to newer models.
For me I shipped my car down, after looking at many "island cars" that were overpriced for the condition they were in. So, I used the money that I was going to buy a car on island to ship my car down. It was well worth it.
Marty, your motorcycle(s) are part of your "image"/"personality" & I'm sure you take very good care of them and have great pride in them. You just wouldn't ride any "ole" motorcycle.
I am in the similar situation and am contemplating the move from AZ to STT. I plan to drive to FL, then make the journey from there. Is it really not worth it to ship my vehicle?
I have a 2006 Toyota 4Runner (4x4) and absolutely love it. Very reliable & good condition. I really don't want to get rid of it & I would want a truck or jeep or something similar if I had to sell it....honestly, I personally couldn't handle an "island car" with needed work done. Can I buy something similar in STT to what I have?? I plan to pay off my 4Runner before my move to have one less bill to worry about......
Or would it just not be worth it.....

If it is paid for - it is very hard to ship one with payments due - and you are willing to trade the $1500 or so for peace of mind.
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