Shipping Cars
Hi, I know this subject has been beaten to death but can a car be shipped without plates and a valid registration? Thanks:-)
Best to contact Motor Vechicle Dept. directly.
Best to contact Motor Vechicle Dept. directly.
The Motor Vehicle Department does not do the shipping. I think he/she wants to know if it can be shipped without plates. Maybe customs would be a better bet.
If they are to be shipped without plates, you still have to go to inspection lane once here. Will DMV accept you driving a car in missing plates?
Call them.
New car dealers do all the time, Bill of sale-proof of ownership would be required. However the vehicle is not going anyplace unless towed or VI Plates and proof of Insurance on it.
Are you asking if the car can be shipped from or to the USVI with no plates? They are absolutely not required when shipping to the USVI. I've done it twice. I strip the plates in FL and return them to the respective stateside DMV. Once the car is here, get valid USVI insurance, pay the IRB road tax, clear customs, then go to the BMV for a moving permit. That allows you to drive the car from container port to the BMV with no plates. You then get the car inspected, registered, and plated. If you start at 8AM, you can get it all done in one day.
I can't speak for doing it the other way around; have never done it. I have a friend that just drove his car (shipped back to the states) from FL to CA with VI plates, but I'd bet that wasn't legal.
Lately, I've been seeing several cars on the roads with plates from the states on Stt.
I just saw one with California plates. What is up with that? :S
Why don't they have VI plates?
Is it legal driving with plates from the states?
You can drive a vehicle with stateside plates for up to 90 days, but you'll be a target for cops for sure. I drove my car with Ontario plates in the VI for some time and was never bothered.
If they are to be shipped without plates, you still have to go to inspection lane once here. Will DMV accept you driving a car in missing plates?
Call them.
Really? Thanks for the heads up. I did not know you couldn't drive your car without plates. Next you're going to tell me I need a driver license and insurance. What B.S.;)
Try reading the original question a few more times.
New car dealers do all the time, Bill of sale-proof of ownership would be required. However the vehicle is not going anyplace unless towed or VI Plates and proof of Insurance on it.
New cars are not titled until sold. That's why they can be shipped without plates. Different scenario.
Thanks to StCroixBeachBoy for your post.
My car didn't have state plates on them when I shipped it down to Stt, but for the life of me I don't remember if I turned them in here or if they were turned in the states.
I didn't ship my car. Someone else did and they don't remember anything about the plates either.
The only reason why I remember my car didn't have plates on them is because I do remember driving from the shipyard to BMV without them and thinking what if I get pulled over by the police. 😮
i had to take my plates off of my car when shipping it
Hi, I know this subject has been beaten to death but can a car be shipped without plates and a valid registration? Thanks:-)
I've shipped vehicles to STX from NJ and FL. Both times I need to provide only the title. Which has nothing to do with registration or plates. Shippers don't care if the vehicle they are shipping is registered. They just need to know you are the legal owner.
Lately, I've been seeing several cars on the roads with plates from the states on Stt.
I just saw one with California plates. What is up with that? :S
Why don't they have VI plates?
Is it legal driving with plates from the states?
People on military assignment can drive their vehicles with stateside plates providing their assignment is temporary and they maintain residency in the state from which the vehicle is registered.
Lately, I've been seeing several cars on the roads with plates from the states on Stt.
I just saw one with California plates. What is up with that? :S
Why don't they have VI plates?
Is it legal driving with plates from the states?People on military assignment can drive their vehicles with stateside plates providing their assignment is temporary and they maintain residency in the state from which the vehicle is registered.
That is what I thinking-military assignment, but I just wanted someone to confirm that. Thanks!
It is also my understanding that military people are able to drive on stateside plates but I dont know any of the ins and outs of how that works. As far as shipping your car here, the best thing to do is turn in your plates as they will be no use to you on the island. You can ship your car with no plates and when it gets to the island you have to pay road tax and such and then go to the BMV with all of your paperwork and I believe they will give you a temp plate to drive the car from where it is to the bmv to do an inspection. But yes you will first need insurance.
I didn't get temp plates. They just gave me my regular VI plates that have been on my car since I shipped it here. You pay for a permit to drive your car from the shipping yard to BMV.
I did have insurance before the car was actually on island because you need to have insurance and you need to turn in a copy of your insurance when you register your car.
Your insurance carrier gives you 2 copies every year when you reapply for insurance.
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