Shark Attack?
cruzaniron, i thought i had heard about another one more recently. thanks for the memory jog
The GVI does not like to acknowledge shark attacks under any circumstances. Scares the tourists.
The GVI does not like to acknowledge shark attacks under any circumstances. Scares the tourists.
That's plain daft and hopefully it was a tongue in cheek comment.
I've only spear fished a few times and saw both bull and tigers big enough to kill me and I'm not a small man. It is their world. I respect it.
Was this blue water spearfishing????? I spear fished a LOT and never once have seen a shark while spearfishing. The only sharks I've seen in the VI are nurse, lemons and carib reefs. Diving on wrecks, and all over STJ and BVI's too. I know and have friends who've seen other species but so so so rare. Hell I have to travel to Bahamas, Africa and St. Martin for my sharks pics.
I agree with CaribSTX. I bet that is the case, makes sense and I am 100% for it. Last thing we need is mindless killing of more sharks. Right now - they are in big big trouble.
Neither were "blue water". Neither were from fish I speared. Like I said, I'm not prolific at all spear fishing. Been less than a dozen times. Maybe the sea Gods are telling me to stop because I haven't wanted to after those encounters.
We saw a bull shark outside the reef at buck island a few years ago.
We went back inside the reef 🙂 That day we saw a reef, nurse and lemon as well.
I was diving and the wife was snorkeling. She saw the nurse and reef. Her first sharks 🙂
While diving we see reef sharks nearly every dive. Especially when spearing lionfish.
I used to dive a lot, years ago, both professionally and for fun. I was always either in or on the water.
Rarely saw big sharks aside from Nurse, Reeftips or Lemons. Did see a Hammerhead, once, diving around Sinking Rock in the cut, east of Salt Island. Gave me a fright but it just slowly swam by, swinging its big head back and forth. It was quite beautiful, once my initial shock wore off.
When the UDT diver was killed in Magens Bay all those years ago, they closed the beach and baited the waters to catch the shark responsible which the did, along with many others. I remember going up to Drakes Seat with my parents to look down on the bay during the period. Magens still gets a few sharks. You can see them in the early evenings with their fins breaking surface every now and then.
How could I forget? ! First shark I ever saw was here diving about 5 years ago and it was a hammerhead.
Where did you see the Hammerhead? That is a spot I want to dive on my upcoming PMV.
Where did you see the Hammerhead? That is a spot I want to dive on my upcoming PMV.
Salt river west on north shore
welp....there's a black tipped shark that likes to swim along the tideline at cowpet. I've named her Ophelia and I swim with her often. She's tiny, though - 3 feet? I hardly think the association would allow her to hang around if she were a danger.
In what I estimate close to 1,000 days in the water in the last 3.3 years I have never once seen a shark big enough to kill,
And how many times have you dove the south shore of STX?
South Shore is where both of these bodies washed up.
It is an area known for large Tiger and Bull Sharks.
I will admit, I have a healthy respect for Bull sharks. They ARE unpredictable, territorial and generally have a bad attitude. The Tigers don't scare me near as much, they are big but normally not aggressive. However, any shark can get aggressive if it smells food and senses a fish in distress. Divers get bit mostly by accident when they keep their catch attached to themselves or try and fight the shark for it. Always remember, you are in his world and he is the apex predator in his domain.
I agree - my run in with bulls (about 5 times - one was BIG) always made me a bit nervous. I don't think they have a bad attitude - I think they're just... really stupid. Kind of like a big oaf. No other shark makes me pay attention more than them. Including whites and tigers. They are beautiful though and deserve much respect. Hammerheads are my fav. I think they are just the most amazing animal.
Both bulls and tigers between Green Cay and Chenay Bay at certain times of the year. Nice little reef off to the right of Chenay. Very nice diverse ecosystem.
How could I forget? ! First shark I ever saw was here diving about 5 years ago and it was a hammerhead.
I hate you a little that was your first shark. 😉 Ive only seen one, once in the bahamas and it was forever ago, it took off and I wasn't into photography then so no pics.
Gonna have to go dive Chenay tomorrow now lol. Snorkeled but never dove - reef must be pretty far out?
I am not even going to tell my baited hammer head dive at 2 am story. Not smart but not ONE shark which is why I have a hard time believing in all these big sharks inshore. I really want to see some hammerheads here.
Now blue water, a whole different ballgame - I've seen some good sized sharks including silkies and bulls. I've seen a couple good sized lemons in shore but they're pretty rare still and so flighty. Clearly hammerheads are pretty obvious for ID lol but maybe some of the others are misidentified. Someone told me that local fishermen chum and shoot sharks from the boat to keep their numbers down from eating the fish. Not sure how true it is but the person who told me said they've seen it. If I saw it, I would seriously consider my options.
When we move back to STT I'd like to get my marine science masters and then do something with shark research. I feel so drawn to them.
In what I estimate close to 1,000 days in the water in the last 3.3 years I have never once seen a shark big enough to kill,
And how many times have you dove the south shore of STX?
South Shore is where both of these bodies washed up.
It is an area known for large Tiger and Bull Sharks.
Only a few times so far. Not one shark ever. Even after spearing quite a few lionfish. Ill have to make sure I focus on south vs west.
Oh there's sharks around that's for sure! For the most part nothing to be concerned about. I love sharks and being from east coast of Florida and having spent a lot of time diving in the Bahamas, have seen plenty. The VI shark populations are nothing compared to FL, Bahamas, and TCI. I also lived in Kauai where the threat of tiger sharks is very real when surfing, especially after a good rain. Here are a few encounters I've had in the VI and an encounter a close friend has had:
- Friend was freedive spearfishing off south drop of STT and was rushed by a Tiger shark. His Puerto Rican dive partner saved his life by taking the shark out before it had a chance to engulf him with its open jaws. 13' tiger which was brought back to the dock and then given away to people in smith bay. Heard is was quite good. He still has the jaws and they fit over his head!
- I speared a nice yellow tail jack off Sunsi Beach STT and was rushed by a bull. He did not get the fish but was on me the whole time until I reached shore
- Speared a nice permit off north shore STX. Had seen a couple sharks in the area. Brought fish to boat and went back to the spot where they were congregating and speared another permit. Was then surrounded by sharks. All reef sharks so no worries. But man they were like a pack of hungry dogs. Coming from behind and ganging up with pack mentality.
- Was swimming with my son in about 4' of water in Coakley Bay off east end of STX. He was 2 or 3 at the time and I was tossing him around and pushing him into waves. At one point I was lifting him out of the water to toss him up and I saw this 8' shark about 2' behind him. As soon as I lifted him up, shark made immediate U-turn. Pretty sure it was a reef shark. I wasn't too fazed but that little incident is burned into my mind. My son had no idea lol.
- My last encounter was pretty cool. Was surfing out on an outer reef at an undisclosed spot on STX. Saw a nice wave come through and saw a nice 8' shark cruising in the top of the wave with his dorsal fin slicing through the water. I was out by myself and it was about 5:30 in the evening. Put me a little on edge but did not end the session. I did come in earlier than I normally would have.
- Don't forget about the quite large Tiger the Frenchies caught off inner brass a couple years ago
We are quite lucky in the VI that there are not more shark problems. But I do think its a sign of an unbalanced eco system. From old fisherman and divers I've talked to, there were many more sharks around in the past. I think the dwindling food supply on the reefs has impacted the shark populations. But there are plenty of tigers and bulls out there and they do come close in to shore, so can never rule it out.
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