Sex offenders Moving to USVI
It seems that the only sex offenders that are tolerated are catholic priests. When they are caught they are simply moved to a new halfway house (catholic church or school). Maybe your boyfriends father should enter the priesthood.
Doesn't he have to get permission to leave the mainland? I hope you won't allow him around your students.
I'm pretty sure the citizens of STT will want your head on a platter, when they find out you brought a "sex offender" to the island.
If you don't care about yourself, think about the children.
Right on Swan!! I have a brother who is a child molester. Let me tell, you to those animals, a child is a child. They don't care who the child belong to. My brother not only molested me and my sisters, I just discovered that he was doing his daughters. That got him life.
These cons can not be rehabilitated. I use to think it was a mental thing. But after watching my brother and other child molesters go in and out of jail over and over again for the same thing, I refuse to believe its a mental thing.
The sick part of all this is these mf don't feel as if they're doing any thing wrong.
Good Evening! My boyfriend and I are considering moving to the Island of St. Thomas in roughly a year. I will be a licensed teacher in May 2012 in art education and would like to start my career on the islands. He does not have a degree and is a wonderful in sales.
From what I have read, teaching jobs are available as well as retail sales.
My biggest concerns are: 1. Crime rate is high, though it was said its mainly over illegal drugs and is not usually random acts. Is this true? How bad does it affect everyday life?
2. My boyfriends dad is in jail in North Carolina. Once he is out ( 4 years after our move) he would be relocating with us. He would be a registered sex offender. I have not been able to find any information about his convictions keeping him from moving to the USVI.
Good morning,
Uniquemonique's last post regarding her child molester brother prompts me to revisit this thread with another comment. First, thank you for sharing, Monique. I am so sorry for your losses as a result of this crime.
Violet: When I first read the Title of your post - Sex offenders moving to the USVI - I became upset. (Are you doing the islands a favor?) Then you proceeded to express your concern about high crime in the USVI, possible drug related and not random acts of violence, and how may this impact yor everyday life? Really?
Yet in the same breath, you announce that you wish to ultimately drag a sex offender ( the lowest of the lowest form of life) with you to the island community of STT. This monster you are considering bringing to the islands, Violet, has NO conscious, NO regrets of his crimes, is extremely violent, obsesses endlessly over his next hunt, DESTROYS the lives of children - families - communities, prowls for the next kill, and can NOT be rehabilitated ...EVER. He DOESN'T WANT to be cured; and he can't, even if he wanted to be.
Are you seriously concerned about how possible drug related "crime" on the islands will affect your everyday life?
Are you serious about blessing the islands with the worst of ALL criminals who roam the planet?
Ask a victim like Monique whose childhood was robbed, who likely suffered from guilt imposed upon her by her monster brother, whose trust in people was taken away as a result, and who was also forced to live a lifetime of painful memories.
The monster you might bring to the USVI does NOT care about the neighbors.
The monster you might bring to the USVI does NOT care about the community.
The monster you might bring to the USVI does NOT care about the children;
The monster you might bring to the USVI does NOT care. Period; DO YOU?
Do yourself and everyone else a favor - THINK about it.
I agree with Swans, keep out
Monique, I am very sorry what your brother put you & your sister through. I hope you are reporting him to child protection services and the proper authorities, because he is molesting his own daughters! They need to get out of that situation ASAP!
Swan, I agree with you 100%.
They are master manipulators, too. They will say they are rehabilitated, just to get their prison sentence reduced. Should be locked away forever in the general poulation, so the other prisioners can deal with them. It should be announced that in fact they are child molestors, etc., so they can't lie about their crime(s) to the other prisoners. No segregation in prison for them, because they fear for their life. They already ruined too many lives.
Onthespot, BTW, exposing oneself to other's is usually a precursor to more violent sexual offenses. Just like a serial killer starts by killing animals first, then humans.
They are master manipulators, too. They will say they are rehabilitated, just to get their prison sentence reduced. Should be locked away forever in the general poulation, so the other prisioners can deal with them. It should be announced that in fact they are child molestors, etc., so they can't lie about their crime(s) to the other prisoners. No segregation in prison for them, because they fear for their life. They already ruined too many lives.
Well, segregation is a fact these days. They stick the child molesters, some rapists, and most police officers in specially segregated units, usually one uniform unit for all of them to live together in.
Trust me, they try to put the child molesters in general population, but the guards always let the prisoners know who is a child molester. I had a cellmate that liked to prey on child molesters. That was his thing. He would go befriend the new guys, talk to them, tell them he is a child molester, get them to admit it, and then beat them. He never got into trouble for beating a molester...
I need to post and slow some of you down. First of all a lot of misinformation here.
There is a subset of sex offenders that are exactly what you say, serial predators that can't stop.
Sex Offenders as a whole group though have one of the lowest recidivism rates of all. That is an empirical fact. Murderers and sex offenders are the two lowest.
Most molestation's come form people the child already knows, close to the family. It is extremely rare that someone from the SO registry molests a child.
It doesn't take a lot to make someone a sex offender these days and yes you can do serious time for not serious crimes. It depends on the state you are in. For example in VA talking to a teen about sex and/or online will get you a 5 year mandatory minimum. Period. No contact, no attempt at contact. Other states this would be a 1 year crime. So do say that because he is doing 4 more years he has to have done something horrible is a false assumption. Now Violet said ti was serious, so maybe it was. Maybe he is one of the real sick ones who can't stop himself. But you don't know that just because of his sex offender status nor his prison time.
That's enough, I can post links and studies if you all need it. But don't berate this poor girl without knowing the whole situation.
Phoenix, welcome to the board.
I think everyone has really, really, slowed down here, like since 2011....LOL
Chances are excellent the OP doesn't even follow the board any longer.
i was wondering why a post about 6 years old was getting dredged up
I don't know if this is something for you to consider or not as you consider moving here with someone who is a convicted sex offender. Here's the info.
There are very few services on island, if any, for mental health. Any that have been in existence have been severely cut. So if this individual needs regular therapy or good medication, I would not bring him here. I know of two specific examples of people who moved here and are not doing well because a) they cannot get the medication they need to manage their mental health issues, and b) they cannot get regular counseling and therapy treatment.
So if that's related (and it likely is), please consider that and do not bring someone in need of good mental health services to these islands where there are few.
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