Setting Up Web Camera BBVI
Has anyone in the VI had any success setting up a Panasonic Web Camera so it can be viewed anywhere using using BroadBandVI as their ISP?
The Viewnet option needs to be used when you don't have a static IP. The problem seems to be that because BBVI uses WiFi to deliver their signal that there are at least three levels of NAT so the information your router needs for port forwarding is lost.
While for extra fees I can get BBVI to give me a static IP I thought I would check if anyone had figured out how to link up a camera with a dynamic IP and
Have you asked BBVI about this? What do they say?
The tech I spoke with did not think it could be made to work because of the multiple (3X) NAT translations the request had to pass through.
That is that tech's opinion. I'm looking to see if anyone can prove him wrong and I can get the camera to work on BBVI's dynamic IP.
Don't know all this techno lingo but if your camera is some sort of fancy dancy (my lingo) thing different from the web cam in my window, then maybe not, but I use Broadband and my web cam is up and running.
Triple Nat'ing is a huge problem. I hate double natting (Nat'd by my ISP then Nat'd in my router). Unfortunately even Innovative has begun to do this as IPv4 addresses start to run out.
Maybe PM beeski from this board and see if he can help (he's one of the BBVI principals).
That is what I want to know. Can I go on the internet from anywhere in the world and see the images that your camera is picking up?
If yes then it would help me to know what settings you used on both your camera and the router.
Triple Nat'ing is a huge problem. I hate double natting (Nat'd by my ISP then Nat'd in my router). Unfortunately even Innovative has begun to do this as IPv4 addresses start to run out.
Maybe PM beeski from this board and see if he can help (he's one of the BBVI principals).
As Sean mentioned, the world is running out of IPv4 space, so we are pressured to NAT (multiple people use the same IP) as much as possible. We are testing IPv6, the new standard which will be rolling out in the next few years. In the meantime Jim Dandy, you'll probably need a public to get your camera to work.
Anybody have any new info on the OPs question?
Don't think it's a problem anymore. We set up a webcam about 2-3 months ago. Also installed a UPS system so when WAPA decides to go dark, we have about 6-10 hours of enough battery backup for the BBVI modem and the web cam.
For those who may be interested in the view and the weather, we have installed a web cam at our vacation rental home overlooking Flamingo Bay, Saba, sunsets, passing ships and the west end of St. Thomas. We value our and our guests privacy so it only points out toward the water/sunset and pans over to St. Thomas and there is no audio. Thought it would be nice to look at the view even if we're not able to be there all the time and possibly others may be interested as well. You can get to the web cam via
Then, user name is flamingo and the password is pointusvi (all lower case letters). Click on the tab entitled "Single" and click on the preset choices.
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