Serious Question....
I have a question for you. My wife and I are thinking about moving to St. Thomas because we are U.S. Citizens and it's the easiest place in the Caribbean to move, not worry about VISA's, and gain professional employment. Anyway, I want the straight scoop from anyone about the Island of St. Thomas and it's crime rates. Assuming, there should be something to worry about.
To put it plainly, if two white Americans move to St. Thomas, where should we live and where shouldn't we go near. I only mean this from a crime point of view, not from a race point of view. We live in D.C. and most of our friends are of another race, but I still know enough not to go near the SourthEast portion after dark. I hear many stories and I am asking bluntly because I truly want an honest answer from someone willing to give it,
Also, anything else not in the usual moving guide would be extremely helpful for two people willing to change their life and live in what we always thought was "paradise."
just moved here about 6 weeks ago with my family. many people will tell you that like anywhere there are specific areas that have more crime than others. i have a child so crime was also a concern for me. downtown after dark is someplace we've been told not to be, so we haven't been. we live on the south side of the island, frenchman's bay near the marriot and feel safe day to day.
as i'm sure you've considered, things move more slowly here but that's part of the charm. so far we love it. the locals are very friendly.
good luck
The scope... well crime is for the most part in the USVI contained in certain areas as you mentioned and often times fall into one of three categories. Murders are high within drug related communities... Domestic Abuse/Violence and Child rapes. Yes there are areas I would not recommend people hang around in regardless of if you are white, just as a matter of safety - a strange person walking in on some sort of deal can make a scene get ugly. The island is fairly small and areas that are not inviting look NOT inviting. LOL so you kind of know. Like mentioned in the post above, down town in some areas is not the safest to walk around at night - that would be down in Savan area - not sure why you would want to walk around there, its a residential area really, but not a good idea. I would not recommend poorly lit, remote areas during the night.
It is hard to say dont go in this area - because some areas are fine to drive through just not a good idea to go strolling through - for example Smith Bay area in the day is fine, in the night its fine too - just would not recommend you walk around there at night. Bovoni area is the same, some areas of Sugar Estate... they are OK.... but not for late evening strolls, driving through is ok.
So...there must be designated areas for things. For example, I head that St. Thomas has GREAT nightlife, but in the next breath people are telling me not to stroll around at night. So, there must be places that are fine at night and other places that you STAY AWAY from at night, am I right in that assumption.
Also, tell me how much you like it. After reading about St. Thomas in magazines and hearing about it through advertisements and seeing it through pictures, is it as good as everyone says it is. Is it worth it. Is it a great place to live or is say the coast of Florida or California just the same. Let me know what YOU think of the Island.
Thanks. Most people aren't giving me honest answers when I need them.
Kronovar, St. Thomas has good nightlife, great depends on your what type of nightlife you are looking for. Some might think its redundant.... ie. Two for Tuesdays at Greenhouse is always fun... however how often can you do this every Tuesday. There are just so many spots... and most have one or two nights in particular that are really good... so it makes for bar hopping on different days of the week. However if you are used to casinos and big fancy clubs - no St. Thomas will not offer that and you will be disappointed. St. Thomas has more nightlife then the other three Virgin Islands.
Having heard about great nightlife and being advised not to stroll through dimly light not very good residential areas is not contradictory at all. Nightlife spots - restaurants, bars, clubs are not in residential areas, they may be close, several blocks away... many spots are in Frenchtown right next to each other, in town along the Charlotte Amalie waterfront or in Red Hook also places are right next to each other. Sure if you want to hop from one restaurant to a bar that are two or three spots away from each other by all means walk... these areas often have great lighting, parking is lit.... Now if you are feeling a little annoyed and you don't want to be in the house and you want to go for a stroll or jog or walk at 1 oclock in the morning - no I would not advise you do go strolling around in the street particularly in some areas of the island.
As for having said town has nightlife, and then town has great shopping, and town has bad areas, and town has several schools and churches, and some people live in town... those are all true... no contradictions there either. Charlotte Amalie is town and it is a spread out place. There are residential areas on the hillsides rising up from the waterfront. The waterfront area has lots and lots of stores. There is a cathedral at the far end and an Anglican church on the other end with other churches scattered in between. There are several schools there. HOWEVER there are blocks that are unsafe to walk through. The area beyond the Cathedral also has strip clubs that offer a bit more .... surely I would not recommend a visitor or a resident unfamiliar with the affairs of this business and area to go strolling through just because its only one block from a church and 5 blocks from other good clubs.
There are designated areas for things like you said... as there is in cities on the mainland. When people excercise in public... they do so in parks, when they take their kids out to play... again parks... why? because there are other people there, its safe, good parking. Well same concept applies. When I say stroll around.... I mean take a joy walk, walk for walking sakes, you aren't looking for someplace or someone you just walking to see what is going on - some areas you just don't do that in. That is why I said its ok to drive through - because you are driving, you are doing something. If you are walking around then you draw attention to yourself and look suspicious.
So yes you are right in your assumption there are some areas that are fine to linger around, hop from restaurant to a bar and so forth. And there are some areas, residential often times that aren't a good idea for you to be in.
As for liking it or not liking it. Its all in you. There are some people that come to the islands and absolutely love, they move there and never leave. Others come for 2 months and hate it, and pack up there stuff and go back home. The people who stay will tell you that the frustrations of island living or USVI living, the red tape you go through with governement offices, the inefficiency of many offices government and some not, the hurricanes, the power outages from time to time, the lack of choices for things to do, the high price of tickets to fly back home to visit friends and family, being far away from your old home, the cultural difference, the touristy feel of going into town during the day, the higher prices land, homes, gas, and living in general.... are all worth it for the ability to take your boat shove off the dock wave to your buddies, open a couple cold beers and go out fishing in 80 degree weather, sun shining, breeze blowing - everyday of the year! And I suppose you could do this in California or Florida and still maintain the conviences of US mainland living!!
What do you like to do, what needs to be part of your life to make it complete and happy, what things do you do and want in the mainland that you would want to conintue doing and getting in the islands, paint a picture of what you would want island living to be like - and I will see if its realistic. Thats often times where people get tripped up when they move... they read books, see beautiful pictures and they picture something in their mind of what they want it to be like, and when it is not quite so they are frustrated. The islands are paradise but people live here so life here contains the frustrations of living!
To add to the above ... the Virgin Islands are NOT like anything on the main land. Yes, it is American...kind of. St Thomas does not have a city planner nor does it have effective zoning. That means the Catholic church is within whispering distance of notorious night spots, a tumble down house may be next door to a lovely home, residential streets have goats and chickens running through them. Designated areas, well, sort of... Frenchtown has lots of restaurants, bars, nightclubs, etc. It also has one of the big ball fields for softball, a fishing fleet (whew!), homes, stores, schools. You will see upstanding citizens and down on their luck substance abusers in the same room- heck they might even be the same person! The concept of cultural diversity is very much the norm. Have you and your wife been for a visit? Not a vacation, but a look around and kick tires kind of a visit? Sit down and talk to people who have chosen St Thomas as their home. As Islander indicated, I know people who came here on vacation, called back home and had their clothes sent (here 20 years now) and I know someone who had a job lined up, flew in on Friday, flew out on Sunday. Whether I like it here has little bearing on whether you will like it; it is a very personal decision. Just don't burn your bridges, but give it a fair chance...and good luck!
the above comments seem to be right on to me. i've just moved here and expected things to be different from the states. and of course they are. if you're expectations are appropriate you'll be able to deal with frustrations that will arise. but no matter where you move, there will be adjustments and frustrations. while i've only been here a short time, i've found the beautiful weather and location, slower relaxed pace and really friendly people to outweigh the frustrations. i moved here with my husband and child and i think having a support network was helpful. if you're moving here with your wife, you should be able to work through things together. it does depend on the individual person, but if you've seriously thought it out, go for it. worst that happens is that you hate it and move back. wouldn't you hate to regret not having done it 20 years from now?
Thanks for everything. I can see you really care about the perception of the island and make sure people have the right information.
My picture is wife and I are close to getting professional jobs and moving to St. Thomas. I want to work for a living, make good money, and come home to my wife and enjoy the peacefulness of St. Thomas. I want to be able to go to different kinds of places to eat and listen to music, but mostly...I want to enjoy the weather, the island, the culture, and the people. I want to escape the normal United States living and try living in a place that is a little bit more relaxed, more laid back, and more serene. It's not about partying or about's about enjoying the clear water, the peaceful ocean, and the quiet time with my paradise.
As far what everyone's saying, I am worried. What if I work late and need to walk home, or what if my wife works late and doesn't get out of the office until 8:00 p.m. I want to live in St. Thomas, but I don't want to be MORE worried than where I live now, which is D.C. Here in Washington, D.C. there are also certain places you cannot go in, but I can still stroll around the city on a nice Sunny Day and never worry. Is it possible for my wife and I to go walking sometime, somewhere, to see the sights and enjoy the island, OR, is this a place where we can NEVER go walking unless we are going somewhere. I just don't want to feel trapped on the island and only be able to go to certain places, at certain times.
I imagine our life being this.... I imagine working normal business hours making good money (same with my wife). At night I imagine spending time with my wife and maybe sometime enjoying the night air on a beach or somewhere peaceful, if that's even possible. I also imagine our weekends filled with exploring the island, and other islands around the Virgin Islands. I am not rich and I don't own a boat, but I still want to think I can live in paradise. I want to walk out of my door and feel the warm weather every day, AND, I want to be able to hop on a boat a snorkle in magnificant water, AND, I want to be able to walk to the center and go shopping without having to watch over my back.
That's the best I can do about describing what I expect from St. Thomas. I don't want to sit in an apartment ALL the time. I want to enjoy the island, but we're not partying people, if that makes any sense. I hope you can understand what I am looking for, and can give me ANY feedback possible. These jobs might come through faster than expected and I want to make sure that St. Thomas is the right place for us. I do appreciate all you time and effort in helping my wife and I out. We want this change, but we don't want it at the cost of our leisurely freedom. We love going for walks and enjoying nature, the ocean, and each other's company. Thanks again, and let me know your thoughts after reading this email. Take care.
I'm ready to give it a fair chance. I am the type of person who loves the ocean and it's beauty. My wife and I are not going there to partying and go clubbing all night long. We are going there to work, AND, to experience something new and exciting. In experiencing that new and exciting culture, we want to make certain that the price isn't too great. We want to be able to go to the ocean and enjoy ourselves without watching over our backs. We want to be able to walk around the island without worrying about what's around the next corner. I live in D.C. and I know how certain areas can get, BUT, at the same time my wife and I can go walking for two hours on a nice Saturday afternoon and not be afraid. Can you say the same thing, or do you still have to watch everything on a nice sunny day.
People who love it they love it because of just the ocean. I can't imagine being in St. Thomas but being locked up in my apartment all the time because it's too dangerous to walk around after 5:00 p.m. What if I want to go to a beach at 6:00 p.m. one day. Am I just out of luck or is that a possibility. Please let me know what you think.
I want to know that I am not sacrificing more than I am gaining by making this move. I want to know that my wife and I will not only be safe, but have options as well. Give me any additional information you can based on reading this email, and by all means, ask me more questions and I'll give you more information. It's important that we have all the facts, and no...I haven't visited there yet, but I would if we planned on living there. Thanks again, and take care.
Your picture: Go to different places to eat - absolutely the dining in St. Thomas is wonderful and lots of choices - great food. Listen to music - there are different places that offer live music. The Reichhold Center also has performances. Enjoying the weather is easy to do. The islands is easy to explore, its easy to island hop to St. John, St. Croix, Water Island - just ferry rides away.
As for your concern: If you need to walk home??? Well its hard to walk anywhere in St. Thomas - hitch hiking is not the norm and the roads are in many places very steep - people really don't walk as a method of transportation. If you are not going to have a car then learn the bus route or the dollar safari route. Walking is fine but it depends on the area. There are a few areas that it wouldn't be a good idea to walk in. But like i have said before you would not just stroll through them, they are not in easy places to just get to. If you worked in town... you would be walking a long long time to get to Bovoni for example. Walking home from a job would more likely be difficult to do for distance reasons. Many jobs are in town, Tutu or Red Hook for the most part.... if you are living in close proximitiy to these areas then sure you could walk home. If you are living quite a distance - no you wouldn't be able to walk home because the roads literally go up and down and up and down. Will you not be bringing or purchasing a car? It is a good idea. Lots of people work late, restaurant people work till 11-12 at night. Store folks that do inventory leave at 6,7 pm. You compared DC and walking around during the day.... I on the otherhand am talking about walking around at night. Walking around some of these same areas I dont recommend for nighttime is fine during the day. Like I mentioned the same area of town that I said not to walk around at night, has a Church there with high attendence, day time is fine. Sure you and your wife can go walking around. Walk on the beaches, walk for excercise along the road, walk in town, walk around the stores. You should not feel trapped in your apartment in St. Thomas. No reason to be. Be aware - overall the areas of the island are fine. There are a few areas are that are not, particularly at night. Learn where they are.. they are all residential for the most part and have nothing in them really for you to need or desire exploring them. If you should make friends with or have co-workers that live in these areas for example who need a ride home for example - thats fine, take them home and drive right back out the way you came. You can go walking in St. Thomas. Enjoy the weather, snorkel, walk, island hop, shop === all very good, all safe, all possiable, no worries - but still be aware.
Hope that helps.
i agree with islander that a car is a must for getting around. i also have a professional job and leave between 5:30 and 7. going to the beach or out to eat afterwork is fine. some beaches even have bar/resturants so you can enjoy a nice dinner and watch the sun set. during the day its fine to walk around downtown, but the shops close up at night so there's not much reason to be down there after dark anyway. there are some resturants downtown, we drive to them after dark and it's not a problem. i don't feel unsafe here day to day, and i have a 9 year old daughter so safety was a concern for me as well. with respect to crime, i think people just want to make you aware that actually living here is not like living at a resort, completed insulated from reality. there is crime no matter where you live. day to day the atmosphere is pleasant, the locals are helpful and friendly and it's wonderful to wake up to the waves crashing on the beach and a beautiful sun rise. i've lived in nyc and london and just like there, use good judgment and you'll be fine. we also cookout at night and sit on our porch. you don't have to be locked inside. i think it's good you're are seriously considering these issues, but you should be able to find safe housing.
I have to ask you a question? have you ever BEEN to the USVI? If not, you are being very foolish considering a move here.
it's not foolish to consider...he is seeking out information and doing research about what it's like to live here. and just like anywhere else, a visit isn't going to be the same as actually living here. it might be more helpful to point out things he might need to know to move here.
Why is he being foolish moving to the USVI?
I too am moving there. Care to explain your point of view? Do you live there?
I have visited STT and certainly plan to return for more visits (at a minimum) and a possible move in about 10 years (retirement).
However, even during my 1 week visit we (wife and I) noticed that things would be very different from mainland living as far as things to do, places to go, costs involved...
My first visit we stayed at the Mariott (Reef), so it was purely a vacation with eating out and some exploration (drove over the entire island, even to some far off windy dead end road out in Fortuna on the West End...).
On my next visit we plan on staying at a place like Bluebeard's, Amazing Villas, etc. that has a full kitchen, etc. so we can actually experience grocery shopping (again, only for a week, but it will offer some perspective).
On subsequent visits we will decide what other things we want to do, such as looking at some real estate, checking out the hospital, etc.
HOWEVER, when that 10 year mark comes we are not going to pack up and consider a permanent move right away, no matter what my weekly excursions have shown us. We plan on finding a rental for 6-months to a year so we can fully get to know the islands as a place to LIVE not just VISIT. With a short-term commitment like that, what is there to lose? It should be long enough to determine whether we like it enough to invest in a home/condo purchase or to be happy to get the hell out of there and go back to weekly visits!
Of course...I'm talking about a retirement situation, not quite the same as moving down there to work, etc...
For what its worth,
I think it is foolish to seriously consider moving to a place you've never been. Especially someplace as difficult to get to as an island in the Carribean. This is not like moving from Minneapolis to St. Paul.
Please be advised that the above listed post under my name was in fact posted by my wife, Linda, who negelected to change the name on the post.
Dear Former Mainlanders,
I would like to commucate with as many people as possible about your experiances and opions about moving and living in the Virgin Islands.
My wife and I have visited there twice and we are looking to move there in January 2004. We would like to work one to two years on the island and then retire there. We are moving from San Diego and would like to hear from other people that have moved to the islands over the last two years or so. The more honest opions the better.
Do you feel safe there? Do you feel welcome there?
Are you working there and how is the working enviorment and pay scale to local cost of living?
How hard is it to make friends there?
What city or town did you move from on the mainland?
How long have you lived there? Which island do you like best?
Are you renting or purchasing? Do you plan to purchase?
How safe is ones investment on the islands? Are prices going up or down?
We hear local goverment may be curroupt and inefective, how stable do you think
the ecomeny on the islands are?
Are you a boater or sailer? If so how safe is crusing between the islands?
Did you ship a car or buy one on the island? How much does car insurance cost?
What does health insurance cost on the island?
Do you have any other sujustions.
Thank you for taking the time to give us valuable information.
I live in DC also. After looking at the last 6 months: code orange, sniper, cold, cold, code orange, blizzard, and back to code orange, I'm trying to get my wife to move also. If you know of any computer jobs down there (and an Anne Taylor), maybe I can convince her. Good luck!
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