Senates true priorities.
From “The Source”
“After making do with several temporary locations over the last three years, St. Croix senators and their staff moved into their new gleaming white, three-story, 20,000-square-foot home next to the Federal Courthouse on North Shore Road this week.
On Friday afternoon, Sen. Myron Jackson, acting senate president, hosted a media tour of the facility that replaced the Senate’s Frederiksted complex.”
Meanwhile, patients and healthcare professionals in our only hospital, occupy a building that has been without functioning plumbing since 2017. Not even floor plans for a new hospital (construction already fully funded by FEMA) have yet to be finalized.
The political class have always had their priorities, it's hardly unique to the USVI.
It's a freaking travesty that the $$$ was diverted from the HOSPITAL
the structure and expense magnifies their self importance. Now they can serve the people projecting image of authority and confidence.
Posted by: @STTsailorthe structure and expense magnifies their self importance. Now they can serve the people projecting image of authority and confidence.
In the modern day world of politics, power precedes wealth, the opposite of the private sector where wealth leads to power. Our founding fathers well understood this and this was a major tenant behind the idea of small government, as the saying goes "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely".
Wholeheartedly agree islandjoan!
$5,000,000 blown on a handful of Senators AND THEIR STAFF. Funds that could have gone toward the islands only hospital, which serves 50,000 residents.
Just wait until they get their first WAPA bill. Can you imagine how much electricity is needed to air condition a twenty thousand square foot building?
But wait a second... the government doesn’t have to pay WAPA bills like everyone else.
@singlefin They do pay WAPA, although the money is laundered from the people..
OMG I didn't even think of the Wapa bill! You are right it's gonna be huge!
I urge EVERYONE on STX to go use the bathrooms there!!!!
The press release said there are a dozen restrooms throughout the building, and it also said:
The new Senate facility will open for business on Monday. Jackson said it is a building where the public is welcome.
“This is a hall where the people can come,” Jackson said.
It appears that their next priority (after being reelected), is building a new police station. Although I'm not opposed to it, I would like to see some VISIBLE forward progress on hospital rebuilding. I also hope that they design and build a state of the art crime lab into the new police station. They need all of the help they can get to stop the violent crime.
Posted by: @rewiredI also hope that they design and build a state of the art crime lab into the new police station. They need all of the help they can get to stop the violent crime.
With the pitiful wages the VIPD pays and the 11% haircut they take off the top that goes to dumpster fire GERS, who would want to come to the VI to work in the crime lab? Oh wait...someone who can't get a job anywhere else?
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