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Seek info about teaching on STX

Posts: 4
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Greetings!! I mistakingly sent this topic to the travel board - thanks to the one who pointed that out. Have a two year plan to be on STX teaching. I have over 14 years experience in language arts, ESL, GED, and Adult Basic Education, 10 years of which were outside the U.S. Worked 7 of the 10 years for private schools under the control of stateside school auspices. Are there any teachers or former teachers with STX info they would like to pass on?? Have been reading the message boards for two weeks and find the responses re: bugs and the lifestyle changes amusing and so, so familiar. Lived in So Amer for 5 years , then on to Turkey, and finally to Israel. Each very different, yet similar. Big bugs, new foods, terrific people, not so terrific people, etc. Am still struggling with being here stateside - I'm ready to fly away. I'd surely appreciate any solid info and opinions you'd care to send my way.

Thanks to all - Mirilady

Posted : August 24, 2004 7:39 pm
Posts: 3030

Hello Mirilady,

You might start looking at the school web sites; you can access them from

All the best!


Posted : August 25, 2004 1:18 am
Posts: 4
New Member
Topic starter

Thanks Islander. I did that very thing today - spent hours looking at various certificates, possible openings for my qualifications, etc. That is the formal, paper stuff. I was very encouraged with the website and have gotten in contact with Mr. Santiago, the STX contact fellow re; several things. The requirements for veteran teachers seem to be the same as mainland, so I don't anticipate any problems obtaining my VI teaching credential. What I really need is some "scoop" from teachers and former teachers in the USVI. Those of us who have taught overseas, and even here, know the "politics" of education in each district and school can be something else to deal with. Forewarned is forearmed!! I'd also like to hear from St Crucians who've bought property there. Lots to get ready for, but that's half the fun !!

Thankx again

Posted : August 25, 2004 5:17 am
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