scooters on St. Cro...
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scooters on St. Croix

Posts: 8
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My friend and I are moving to St. Croix in August and we were wondering if anyone could give advice about having scooters as a prime or secondary mode of transportation on the island. We will be traveling around for our jobs and are wondering if this will be feasible given any road, weather or other conditions we have no idea about!! Also, any advice on where two 30 something single girls might want to live would be welcome as well... thanks so much!!


Posted : June 8, 2009 1:46 am
Linda from Michigan
Posts: 550
Honorable Member

I haven't been on here since I moved off STX for medical reasons a year and a half ago, but I lived there for a couple years. I would suggest you do some research on this site as far as places 2 single gals would want to live. Each part of the island is different and while most places on the island are safe, I (as a former resident and a late 40's single woman) wouldn't want to live in certain areas.

It is hard to give advise like this when we don't know anything about you.

Scooters - I have seen very few - probably due to the road conditions and driving conditions - there is no shoulder, many blind curves and drivers don't move for you. Walking on some roads is challenging.

Have you been here before? Done a Pre-move visit? Got jobs lined up? Money to cover your first few months?

It is a magical place. I will be back this fall.

Peace to you - best of luck.


Posted : June 8, 2009 2:12 am
Posts: 812
Prominent Member

I use a scooter on STT(great way to beat traffic).
You`ll need at least 150CC to keep up, the weather is USUALLY good(heavy downpours are unbearable).
you can save ALOT of time as you can cut in front of many many cars(though, this is risky & not advised).
And,2 thirty something girls, certainly, you`ll get MUCH attention!
i do use a scoot as primary transport here,when the weather is bad, i use one of my cars or trucks.
FACT, a 150 CC scooter that max`s out @ 60MPH slowly will beat a $200,000 Farrari when there is traffic!
If time is your commodity, it makes sence(at least until you get hit,I always worry).

Posted : June 8, 2009 4:01 am
Posts: 8871
Illustrious Member

id be worried about the scooter in light of the road conditions. nothing but pot holes. the only time the roads get patched is right before the ironman and thats only the route the ironman triathletes use. nothing more nothing less.
now there is a group of bike riders who seem to have no problem traveling these roads.

Posted : June 8, 2009 11:32 am
Posts: 2045
Noble Member

If you are NOT an experienced motorcycle driver stateside, I would not start here. It is dangerous because of the roads and weather are worse and more extreme then most. As a woman I would be careful riding and stay out of bad areas.

We don't have the traffic on stx that DUN was talking about so you don't need them to avoid traffic here. Traffic is extremely mild here.

If you are not able to do minor repairs I would not buy one. Motorcycles/scooters need more maintenance then most cars. Finding a place that will repair your stateside scooter can be more then a pill. Especially if its not in running condition and you have to find a way to get it there.

Posted : June 8, 2009 1:31 pm
Posts: 2552
Famed Member

First, Linda good to hear form you again. Hope you make it back.
Second, would not recommend a scooter. You see very few scooters or motorcycles except on weekends when there is even less traffic.
Third, where will you be working? Csted, Fsted , or mid island?
Fourth, STC condos has many single nurses and other ladies living there. It is a very safe place. I would contact Alexandra who is a contributor to this board as she is a Realtor and lives there as well.

Posted : June 8, 2009 1:48 pm
Posts: 8
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Thanks so much for all of the advice. You all kinda higlighted and confirmed my hesitation in shipping my scooter or buying one there. It seems like the best idea might be to sell my scooter now and then buy an island car to get around just to be safe.

As far a little about us, we have accepted travel therapy positions in the schools so we will be traveling around the island during the week to the different schools. I have been doing travel therapy for awhile and have lived on an island for a year, spent several vacations in the caribbean, sailing and diving with a small group of friends. We are hoping to do lots of hiking, some surfing, and find some good yoga classes. I also teach bellydance and would like to get involved in movement/dance opportunities. Our company helps with living expenses and we do have enough saved up to cover expenses on our own for awhile. It seems we will need a chunk of change to get us going on the island. We are looking forward to the experience, are open to the beauty of what island living can do for the body and soul and hope to make some lasting friends and great memories.

We probably won't have the opportunity to come before we actually move there, but we will have a couple of weeks before we start work to get settled enough to start our jobs. Thanks for any advice,


Posted : June 8, 2009 1:56 pm
Posts: 2552
Famed Member

No GOOD surfing unless you do windsurfing. Great diving!

Posted : June 8, 2009 2:04 pm
Posts: 2045
Noble Member

Wouldn't say that around local surfers, I did once and got a lecture for about a hour. They're pretty passionate.

Posted : June 8, 2009 2:54 pm
Posts: 2552
Famed Member

Oh, I see a few sometimes at Long reef between our condo and Csted. But that is not what I consider good surf. It's as good as surf as the movie theater when compared to the stadium seating theaters here in AZ. Yea they show a movie but that's about it.

Posted : June 8, 2009 9:37 pm
Posts: 1914
Noble Member

You sound way to nice to be getting splattered on a scooter. I agree with the previous posters.
It might be a fun toy on the weekend but no way would I rely on a scooter here!!

Posted : June 8, 2009 9:51 pm
Posts: 284
Reputable Member

get an island car definatley. You can graduate to a scooter for short trips etc but getting to know the rhythom of the road first is essential. People drive crazy there. Plus learning to drive on the left is fun,every now and then I will pull out on the left here in Idaho-oops!

Posted : June 14, 2009 5:16 pm
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