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(@Bob Dellamano)
Posts: 12
Active Member
Topic starter

Hi All.
I've seen the postings warning people about riding bikes on the Islands. What about scooters/mopeds? Same advice? Are they available for rent/purchase? Are electric ones available?

Posted : April 17, 2004 12:42 pm
Posts: 3030

Hello Bob,

Yes same warning. The roads here in general (it differs some by island) are narrow, the drivers are not savvy when it comes to sharing the road with bikes, scooters etc., we have short rain showers, curvy, steep roads - just better navigated with a car but a few people use scooters ( I don't know whether this is their only means of transportation or whether they also have cars). Yes you can rent them; on St. Thomas and St. John. I don't know of any scooter rentals on St. Croix.


Posted : April 19, 2004 2:03 am
Posts: 5404
Illustrious Member

Also, there is not a full time neurosurgeon on STT (and none on St John or St Croix) to put Humpty Dumpty's noggin back together again...;-)

Posted : April 20, 2004 7:52 pm
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