My name is Paxie and I am planning to move to St Thomas within the next year. I was wondering, what are the schools like from a teacher's prospective?
Awful, low-paying, disruptive children...shalI I go on? I dated a girl from Texas who was a high school teacher, then a guidance counselor. She moved here, got a job at Cancryn (public school), was amazed at how low the pay was, andquit after just 3 days. She said that she couldn't get pencils or other supplies, the kids were totally uncontrollable, the other teachers didn't offer her any advice or help. I've heard that teaching at Antilles is much better. I guess being a private school makes all the difference. I've never set foot in one of our schools, so this is all heresay. Anyone else?
I would love to hear anyones ideas about the schools on St. John. I have 3 children and I'm planning a big move to the Island in February. Big sacrafice to find out that the schools are less than desirable. I plan to put them in a private school but would like to hear the pro's and con's of them.
Also, I would like any advice that anyone can give me about moving to St. John with a 14, 6 and 4 year old. What kind of fun do kids have there and Is there a community there with family life as a priority? I really hope so because I really want to be there! Anyone?
It looks like we will likely be moving to stx in the early part of the year and I have been wondering the same thing. I have done a lot of research, as I am sure you have, and everything I have seen says that there is a lot for families to do. I too am wondering about the private schools. Almost everything I have heard is good, if you can afford it. Anyone down there have any more input about family life or schools???
Sadly, the pay for most positions seems to be pretty close to what my wife makes here in the states (SC). And she runs into the same probs. with supplies and disruptive kids too. Wouldn't be much of a change for her. lol
Thank you for your response. Can't be much worse than teaching high school in Las Vegas. Disruptive students? Imagine that, I thought all students were that way. Anyway, thank you again.
Here's a recent article on the schools and related matters (private schools are said to be quite good):
sorry, have to disagree about the pay. it's much lower here than in the states.
Hello Paxie,
There are public, private and parochial schools on St. Thomas, the environment differs based on this. Public schools in general have problems that can make teaching difficult/frustrating. They include supply shortages, large classroom sizes, loss of accreditation in the high schools, lack of resources for students that need special attention for learning, emotional, behavioral problems, failed promises for pay raises and benefits. In terms of the classroom/students; this varies by age/grade. The two junior high schools and two high schools contain students that are excited to learn through to delinquents so there can be a tough crowd (ie. the junior high school Marty mentioned).
The pay for public school teachers in the Virgin Islands is comparable to low paying states in the union. You can find the dept. of education's pay scale on their web site:
The private schools vary; some have a large number of resources for students and teachers, planned trips, an abundance of extra curricular activities and some have a good classroom but not many extra activities or resources. At private schools the pay/benefits vary, should be researched on an individual school basis.
Thank you. I still don't see anything different than what I am already used to. I checked into the pay scale and it seems to be better than the one I am on. Do you happen to know at what level the school will bring an experienced teacher in on? I have 14 years experience.
Hello Paxie,
I am not aware how the Dept. of Edu. figures where in the scale to bring an experienced teacher in on. Definately contact their HR person. The same website given that had the pay scale has employment info.
Let me first say God Bless you for what you do. Teaching is a noble endeavor and too often is under appreciated. I would never discourage you in coming to the V.I.'s because this territory definitely needs all the good teachers it can get. As far as comparing Las Vegas to here...I can tell you I had family in the Las Vegas school system for 3 1/2yrs from 2000-03 and it would be hard to compare it with the V.I. public schools. You would need to come here and see it for yourself. My guess is the challenges here for a teacher far exceeds that of a Las Vegas teacher. Those who choose the teaching profession do not do it because it is easy. If you do come here, I say thank you and Good Luck!!
Thank you for your comments. And you are correct, we don't go into teaching because it is easy or to get rich. But you have to admit, the hours are great! And dealing with the kids is pretty fun as well.
In most places I've travelled to, Home schooling is prevalent in areas where the existing options are limited.
Is there a big home schooling community on STT?
Here is the web site for the homeschooling people. It looks as so there is real good support. I would for sure consider this option.
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