Schneider Hospital at Breaking Point
Schneider Hospital at Breaking Point
Everything in the Virgin Islands is at the breaking point.
Except the spending.
So they owe $30M to vendors. That is a big problem as most vendors work on 30 days credit term and enything over 90 days equals default and stream of supplies gets cut off.
The best solution seems to come from nature. If potent hurricane levers the island FEMA and Feds would have to step in and take over.
The best solution seems to come from nature. If potent hurricane levers the island FEMA and Feds would have to step in and take over.
The feds/FEMA don't "take over", they come in to render assistance. Without their assistance and the assistance of teams of utility employees and National Guardsmen from stateside who descended on the island after both Hugo and Marilyn and stayed for months to put us back together we'd have been totally lost.
At my company, we make JFL on STX pay in advance for anything they order.
I'm not here to finance the hospital's operations!
How would you feel if the hospital did same?
This isn't the same poster that bragged about not paying their hospital bill because they didn't get one?
WAPA is one of the main vendors owed.
Sell the hospitals and pay WAPA.
This isn't the same poster that bragged about not paying their hospital bill because they didn't get one?
If you're talking about this thread:,265447,266050#msg-266050
then the answer is no. If you've simply got posters mixed up and are referring to the incident where the hospital failed to bill the insurance company (which would have covered the charge 100%), that poster never "bragged", simply noted that the hospital never submitted that part of his bill to the insurance company but months later billed him directly because of their oversight.
Here is a question for you. If you had a business, could you stay in business if you had to give anyone who showed up at your door your product/service for free?
Of course not.
The hospital is mandated to provide a lot of care without the asurance of the customer to pay. Furthermore, hospital just like every government run institution is bound to the unions and mandate to not shead some dead wood. Cuz dead wood has nowhere to be unloaded to but Gov assistance.
Since we have plenty of undocumented, uninsured and underinsured and BC is pulling out it is a recepe for disaster.
The average healthcare expenditure in US has reached $10000 per person. That is insane. We are the society of sick people and compulsive consumers of healthcare.
This isn't the same poster that bragged about not paying their hospital bill because they didn't get one?
Yes, that was me. And it's because I know first hand that the hospital's administration is inept and unable to figure out how to run their business and get paid, I make sure I get my money upfront.
I'm acquainted with many other business owners and I don't know one that is still giving JFL credit terms.
BTW...we also make several unreliable government agencies pay deposits upfront even with DPP Purchase Orders.
You can't trust any of them.
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