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Saw my first Visit VI commercial

Posts: 798
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Just sitting here drinking a cup of coffee up here in Buffalo and saw my first Visit USVI commercial. Thought it was a pretty good commercial, needs to show the website address a little bit longer at the end. Here is the website if you haven't seen it:

Hopefully it'll help with the tourism, probably need to spend much more though to make it an effective strategy.

Posted : July 6, 2016 11:06 am
Posts: 681
Honorable Member

The tourism department has been advertising on TV for years. It must be at least somewhat effective because almost all my AirBNB guests says they've see them.

Posted : July 6, 2016 11:17 am
Posts: 798
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Maybe Buffalo is not there target audience. LOL. Saw it while watching FoxNews, which I watch most mornings when I'm off of work and this was the first time I have ever seen one.. I see more Sandals commercials then I see for the USVI. Weird.

Goes back to our ignorance in the states, when I discuss my trips to to STX, people always ask where it is, is it part of the US?, so on and so forth.

Posted : July 6, 2016 11:26 am
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Guess I'll never see that commercial since I don't watch Faux news

Posted : July 6, 2016 11:36 am
Posts: 798
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Alana, you should watch it once in a while, there is a real world out there, not just your MSM telling you what is going on. 🙂

Posted : July 6, 2016 11:52 am
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Don't watch MSN, either.

Posted : July 6, 2016 11:55 am
Posts: 1937
Noble Member

Don't watch MSN, either.

"MSM" is also an acronym for Main Stream Media... which is funny because he was telling you to watch ANOTHER main stream media channel...

80% truth and 20% lies... I don't watch any of that crap.. I lie to myself enough as it is already, don't need some talking head in a expensive suit reading lies to me.

Posted : July 6, 2016 11:59 am
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

I thought they were 80% BS.
Have to wonder how supposedly intelligent people can spout or believe so much crap that mistakenly is labeled "news."

Wasn't Fox get banned in Canada?

Posted : July 6, 2016 12:04 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

Meh. It's all (MSM) just another form of social engineering. Focus on stories that they want you to become enraged about and ignore those that don't fit their agenda. If you watch one, you need to watch all just to get all of the info. It's become exhausting, disillusioning, and time consuming IMHO.

Posted : July 6, 2016 12:06 pm
Posts: 1937
Noble Member

I thought they were 80% BS.
Have to wonder how supposedly intelligent people can spout or believe so much crap that mistakenly is labeled "news."

Thats the sneaky part... 80% truth to sell the BS... 20% BS to manipulate you into what ever is desired at the time.. which mostly turns out to be just "consume consume consume" but sometimes it's a bit darker... like ZIKA! FEAR PORN! (or Ebola, or what ever other insignificant fear bait is being used at the time).

We have guests from all over that say they saw VI commercials,.. I haven't heard from every state, lots of west coast and mid west visitors have seen it though.

Posted : July 6, 2016 12:08 pm
Posts: 6523
Illustrious Member

Never understood why Fox is designated by so many to be outside the MSM frame. Because more than others of its ilk it mixes non factual editorials in with its "news" reporting? Seems a very fragile distinction.

The majority of my TV watching I record for later viewing so skip through most of the clutter of commercials but the USVI commercials are well produced and apparently quite widespread and effective in promoting the territory.

Posted : July 6, 2016 12:08 pm
Posts: 1937
Noble Member

Never understood why Fox is designated by so many to be outside the MSM frame.

Super easy, it's the only "non-liberal" channel so it technically can designate itself as an outsider... DEFINITELY still MSM though... same old crap.

I haven't watched or paid for TV since 2005 when I first deployed and got to see the blatant lies first hand.

Posted : July 6, 2016 12:11 pm
Posts: 1914
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News channel rankings by viewership.

Posted : July 6, 2016 12:41 pm
Posts: 681
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I get my lies from CNN.

Posted : July 6, 2016 3:37 pm
Posts: 3554
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Tourism routinely announces their marketing plans, and they usually target tv ads to areas where airlift is direct and frequent. They supposedly do a lot of online advertising, but with location tracking on my phone, I guess ads for the VI don't show up on my phone.

Word of mouth is usually best advertising.

Posted : July 6, 2016 4:08 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Do they have Fox news in China?
Mapp's gotta get his bang for our bucks.

Posted : July 6, 2016 4:15 pm
Posts: 144
Estimable Member

If something big is happening in the world, I read up on HuffPo. News channels are all ratings whores and no one is going to change my opinions at this late date. I want the facts without all the spin. I'm an extreme left, pro-choice, anti-gun, anti-trump, pro-immigration, feminist, atheist, socialist peacenik who is in the very enviable and fortunate position of also being white, middle-aged, affluent, well-educated and well-traveled - I'm the demographic that the GOP are terrified of and I VOTE.

Posted : July 6, 2016 4:16 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member


Posted : July 6, 2016 4:20 pm
Posts: 2535
Famed Member

I want the facts without all the spin.

You hear what you want to hear, and to hell with the facts.

Look how many people here have already derided a channel they don't even watch.

"Do you like Anchovies?"

"No, they're gross"

"Have you ever eaten one"


Posted : July 6, 2016 4:31 pm
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

LOL! I'm a tree-hugging liberal, and even I know Huff leans left.

Posted : July 6, 2016 4:31 pm
Posts: 628
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I get my news from "Weekend Update" on Saturday Night Live!

Posted : July 6, 2016 4:34 pm
Posts: 465
Reputable Member

I want the facts without all the spin.

You hear what you want to hear, and to hell with the facts.

Look how many people here have already derided a channel they don't even watch.

"Do you like Anchovies?"

"No, they're gross"

"Have you ever eaten one"


Posted : July 6, 2016 4:41 pm
Posts: 2535
Famed Member

I get my news from "Weekend Update" on Saturday Night Live!

Got to go fort that since the Daily Show just doesn't cut it any more without John Stewart.

Posted : July 6, 2016 4:52 pm
Posts: 1937
Noble Member

If something big is happening in the world, I read up on HuffPo. News channels are all ratings whores and no one is going to change my opinions at this late date.

Oh I completely agree... and besides that, the WAY the calculate "viewership" is HIGHLY questionable to me..

I want the facts without all the spin. I'm an extreme left, pro-choice, anti-gun, anti-trump, pro-immigration, feminist, atheist, socialist peacenik who is in the very enviable and fortunate position of also being white, middle-aged, affluent, well-educated and well-traveled - I'm the demographic that the GOP are terrified of and I VOTE.

well we all have our failings, hopefully you'll pull through.

LOL! I'm a tree-hugging liberal, and even I know Huff leans left.

"leans"..... hahahaha!

I personally watch YouTube for my news (LOTS of them out there, just make sure you aren't locking your self into an echo chamber) there's several individuals out there with zero corporate influence doing some real investigative journalism (you know, the REASON we are suppose to have news?) not just product pandering and toeing the white house line. (both left and right at least can agree on this point: do what the white house says).

Once you get tired of the "choice" between pepsi (D) and coke (R) and do some research on your own you'll find that most those things you "believe In" are at their core still the same, but the fringes of the topic have been so over emphasized and the topics themselves so polarized by the "two parties" that someone from "the other side" cannot even have a conversation on those topics.

Posted : July 6, 2016 5:02 pm
Posts: 144
Estimable Member

There's a whole lotta assumption going on here...because I read HuffPo? ....and I'm wondering - when something big happens, where do YOU go for your who-what-when-where? Notice I didn't say "why"? Because ALL MSM - Fox, Huff, CNN, etc - will have their own "why" - THAT's what I avoid. Like any rational person, I will research the major factors separately and draw my OWN conclusions as to the "why" rather than let someone else TELL me their version of the "why".

I like how some of you are assuming that I would take the opinion of one news source and accept that as gospel.

Don't do that. Don't assume. It's ignorant and it's insulting. Think it through and realize that an opinion different from your own doesn't make me a sheeple. You're smart enough to have left the mainland and carve out a life for yourself on a weird little island. Take your smarts one step further and think through your judgement and understand that you know NOTHING about me except that which I choose to share. You don't know why I have come to hold certain opinions, or what life has shown me that makes me cling to certain ideologies. You haven't walked my path, nor I, yours. Stop doing this.

Posted : July 6, 2016 5:30 pm
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