This truly saddens me, to see people taking away Santa, regardless of your religious beliefs .... REALLY? It's for the kids, they're facing so many more challenges these days than many of us did as a child ... I never worried about being kidnapped and SO much worse. I'm a "boomer"' and I had a happy childhood looking foreword to Santa bringing me presents, it was an awesome memory of my childhood events. Thank you again Santa for my Chatty Cathy doll, it was one of my most favorites. A great memory of my childhood, even after knowing Santa wasn't real ... Didn't scar me knowing it was made up. It's fun recalling when I discovered the truth about Santa, I love those memories.
Why would you want to take that away from children in this day and age? They deserve a childhood and all the good memories they can get, please don't take that away from them. They deserve better.
I remember finding out about Santa when I was 8 years old and being SO ANGRY that my parents had lied to me. I would much rather they had told me the truth from day one. It is why when my daughter figured out at a young age (5!) I didn't try to continue the lie with her.
To each their own, children and adults. I'm in the camp of providing realistic, human role models of giving behavior vs. fantasy that winds up being so disappointing at times.
So no Santa ever would have been better? Did you not enjoy the 8 years of fun knowing about "Santa"?
I don't know when I realized Santa was just a fictional story. I must have been very young - I'm sure Santa wasn't pushed on me because my father was an atheist. My family gave me more than enough toys without having to resort to lies.
So no Santa ever would have been better? Did you not enjoy the 8 years of fun knowing about "Santa"?
Yep. The lie ruined it. I was ashamed at how I had stuck up for Santa to my friends who knew better and we're laughing behind my back. As far as I was concerned I would much rather have known my parents were the ones giving me the gifts. I could hug and thank them, and there was no mysterious supernatural stalker watching and judging my behavior to be "worthy" of gifts.
You all obviously need Santa Rehab.
"Horton hears a who"!!! ??? Your definitely Theodore Geisel's dream come true!!
" Stink, Stank, Stunk"
BTW,, Rotorhead & Juliekay,, It could be beneficial to resolve elsewhere your deep rooted childhood psychological parental
differential issues, than on a public forum. But Happy Holidays!!
Oh you're the smart one, PeteyToo, eh?
I see you edited your first message 1 minute after I posted mine. Good way to cover yourself.
I remember, upon learning Santa wasn't real, I was disappointed and pissed. I also recall something amazing happening ... I got over it, thankfully! 🙂
My kids don't really care much about the old Christmas rituals and such. Its difficult to get them out of bed before noon on Christmas Day. They already have most of the cool electronic gadgets and don't need any new clothes. We didn't even put up a tree the last few years. I look at it as a day of relaxation by the pool followed by a great dinner with family.
i think it is a shame when someone will base who they donate to depending on what they believe or do not believe. people need help regardless of their beliefs
personally i think there is something magical when you see the eyes of a child when he first spots the tree with gifts under it. that does not stop once they stop believing either. i was not scarred for life due to the "lies" of santa, tooth fairy or easter bunny. these things were a fun part of a childhood.
one more thing, i would not ridicule people for their beliefs or non beliefs. it is just who they are.
My brother played Santa at many Christmas parties. It would bring a tear to my eye seeing the kids run to him and hug him when he appeared. Especially the orphans from Nana Baby Home which we at Rotary take care of. Can't see Christmas any other way for kids. Sorry.
Always wondered why Santa's handwriting was the same as my mother's. Never asked. I guess that's when I started to figure it out.
Maybe some people want to take credit and be recognized for donating to the community because it makes them feel important.
"The ego is nothing other than the focus of conscious attention."
Alan Watts
The kids should be aware that it's the people in the community, not some fake person in a red suit, who are responsible for their joy and happiness. Why should somebody who doesn't exist get the credit? I don't want Santa getting credit for something he didn't do!
My brother played Santa at many Christmas parties. It would bring a tear to my eye seeing the kids run to him and hug him when he appeared. Especially the orphans from Nana Baby Home which we at Rotary take care of.
The children at the Nana-Baby Home were the first I thought of when the OP started the thread. I'll say no more other than that I've no doubt Herbie made a wonderful Santa Claus and the memory of his annual appearance is something which many of these children will fondly remember forever!

Maybe it's time to elect Obama as Santa Claus! The Affordable Santa Act. Every child deserves equal access to Santa.
Maybe it's time to elect Obama as Santa Claus! The Affordable Santa Act. Every child deserves equal access to Santa.
Obama says "if you like your gift you can keep your gift".
Ha! Now that's funny!

Great Selfie!

I was wondering who that was that took the presents from under my tree... 🙁
No Santa, No Tooth Fairy, No Easter Bunny, No Halloween:-o......?
What about cartoons? Ban them?
How about burning all books that are fictional?:-( Wouldn't want to mislead the little tykes!
What is this world coming to?

No need to ban anything. Just require more accurate labeling.
i think it is a shame when someone will base who they donate to depending on what they believe or do not believe. people need help regardless of their beliefs
Everything we do is based on what we believe or don't believe. If someone choses to donate their time &/or money at all it is up to them where it goes and they shouldn't have to justify it to anyone.
I get tired of seeing people beat up on this board instead of having their questions answered. It's no ones business if the OP wants to donate to a non-Santa charity. Leave them alone and just answer the question asked.
Yup. Obama sure is!
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