As usual, you've completely missed the point.
Maybe you ("as usual"?) simply failed to make one.
I know a bake sale is not going to change things. I came from Syracuse and the community raised millions of dollars to help fund the childrens hospital because there was a need.
We did just sit around and complain. I know things are different here but they can change if enough people try. The negativity on this island doesn't help. I think a lot
people move back because change never happens. It seems to me that people spend more enrgy complaining than trying to help change things. I know that I am new here but it doesn't take long to see the way things are. I'm am going to continue to try to change things but it is very hard when other say don't bother it will never happen. I hope you have a nice day Cat
This board is very helpful at times but it usually turns into a fight between posters. I guess they negativity is contagious.
I know things are different here but they can change if enough people try. The negativity on this island doesn't help.
It's nothing I've not said before but of course things can change, one small step at a time. There are many, many people here (and there always have been) who invest a lot of their (free) time making changes in many different arenas. They just (a) don't run around tooting their own horns and (b) certainly don't include in their numbers those who sit behind a computer screen peeing and moaning about every little t'ing that "should" be changed. Finding the positive elements here is just as easy as mingling in with the negatives.
Cat brought up a very solid point, that's been hounding the hospital since Moses was a baby. She was harsh, but I'm sure that was out of pure pent up frustration. We have watched the mismanagement for years. There are actually people on this board who have admitted to skipping out on their hospital bills, because they knew the hospital notoriously fails to collect what it is owed from people who can pay. There was a point last year where the hospital was on the brink of losing its CMS accreditation. Staff has even not gotten paid in a timely manner before. The list goes on.
It's laughable to suggest that community fundraising could help much on an island with around 50k people, whose median income is below the national average and whose unemployment rate is higher. Wait til you've been here a while, and you start seeing all the fruitless attempts to change many issues, by people who do stay and keep plugging along. When you're fighting windmills, it's hard not to go negative from time to time.
I am glad that I was able to make you laugh, at least I was able to do that. Have a great day and when you need a laugh think about my comments.
This board is very helpful at times but it usually turns into a fight between posters. I guess they negativity is contagious.
"fight" or discussion?
Perspective is everything my friend!
I don't see any negativity on STX unless I go out east... real life is pretty damn sunny 😉
we moved to the island and started a horse rescue in less than a year, we train youth from the projects on horse ownership and riding techniques & doctor horses.
we also started a popular tourist attraction so we could fund the project.
that was a few years ago, we have worked with around 50 horses and around 300 dogs and cats (we fostered for the shelter when they were too full). We were on the board of the shelter and now on the board of the horse association for the race track (trying to improve!) making positive changes there and starting a "bush register" for the local horses we have on the island (they are special for various reasons and "formalizing" ownership would help the horses a lot).
SO, it CAN be done, and in very little time.... we did it.
I live out west, right near Williams delight (supposedly a notorious neighborhood) and feel safe as hell.. (my attempt at being on topic)
(tu)(tu)(tu)(tu) to Liquid Fluoride, you guys are doing so much for the animals and the community!
(tu)(tu)(tu)(tu) to jonrobin for wanting to help!
(td)(td)(td)(td)to OT for saying things like this: those who sit behind a computer screen peeing and moaning about every little t'ing that "should" be changed because you don't know what anyone who posts here actually does!
(td)(td)(td)(td)to OT for saying things like this: those who sit behind a computer screen peeing and moaning about every little t'ing that "should" be changed because you don't know what anyone who posts here actually does!
Oh dear, did you take a generalized comment as a personal attack - again? My sincere apologies. Obviously in order to separate the wheat from the chaff I should have continued the sentence by adding, "...but do nothing constructive to change the situation". Now I must return to my project of the day and, while doing it, mull over what else I've left out which may cause irritation and stress to sensitive souls.
OT my point was that you don't KNOW whether anyone does anything constructive to change the situation. You simply assume they don't and then rebuke in the most irritating way.
OT my point was that you don't KNOW whether anyone does anything constructive to change the situation. You simply assume they don't and then rebuke in the most irritating way.
Seriously? Dog/bone much? Obviously I was directing my comment towards the faction I was describing, not making assumptions about anything. If the shoe fits, wear it. Your semantic pettiness is likewise irritating. It's a beautiful day in the islands - get out and enjoy it.
Liquid Fluoride!!! Great post man! We haven't had the opportunity to visit you out West yet, but will make it a higher priority. I applaud you for the work you and your team have done on STX and your persistent positive attitude. Looking forward to meeting you one of these days soon!
This board is very helpful at times but it usually turns into a fight between posters. I guess they negativity is contagious.
"fight" or discussion?
Perspective is everything my friend!
I don't see any negativity on STX unless I go out east... real life is pretty damn sunny 😉
we moved to the island and started a horse rescue in less than a year, we train youth from the projects on horse ownership and riding techniques & doctor horses.
we also started a popular tourist attraction so we could fund the project.
that was a few years ago, we have worked with around 50 horses and around 300 dogs and cats (we fostered for the shelter when they were too full). We were on the board of the shelter and now on the board of the horse association for the race track (trying to improve!) making positive changes there and starting a "bush register" for the local horses we have on the island (they are special for various reasons and "formalizing" ownership would help the horses a lot).
SO, it CAN be done, and in very little time.... we did it.
I live out west, right near Williams delight (supposedly a notorious neighborhood) and feel safe as hell.. (my attempt at being on topic)
Good on you LF for all your hard work. Thank you and your family for all that you do for our islands animals and to encourage the youth with positive action.
My contribution to going off topic! 😉

OT my point was that you don't KNOW whether anyone does anything constructive to change the situation. You simply assume they don't and then rebuke in the most irritating way.
Seriously? Dog/bone much? Obviously I was directing my comment towards the faction I was describing, not making assumptions about anything. If the shoe fits, wear it. Your semantic pettiness is likewise irritating. It's a beautiful day in the islands - get out and enjoy it.
You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you
You're so vain, I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you?
don't you
I don't know if CruzanIron is directing that song towards me or OT, LOL!!!!
Anyway I would love to get out and enjoy the day, but I work full time from 8:30-5 M-F so my time to enjoy the day will be on my half hour lunch break and when I get off work.
Ok OT.....we all know you have lived on STT for 30 years.
You are very opinionated.
In my mind you have really not experienced the rest of the world. No offense.....but STT is not the center of the universe.
I don't care what friends that you may speak to that are not on STT. It is not your first hand experience.
Get a life. This message board is not your personal forum.
Go ahead and blast me. I KNOW I left STX 4 years ago.
Get a life.
I can only hope your computer dies again....
Lots of love,
Just keeps getting better and better. From today's St. Croix Avis:
"Crews from Emergency Medical Services at the VI Department of Health said they responded only to critical calls on Wednesday, a day after the St. Croix Avis broke a story that the Department of Property and Procurement denied a request to renew private liability insurance coverage for ambulances, and by association, the EMTs who staff them."
St. Croix Avis, page 1, July 7 2016
The EMTs may be peacefully protesting this afternoon in front of the DOH's Charles Harwood Complex because their insurance coverage remains in doubt, and that may put them at significant personal risk of financial liability. Apparently, the EMTs are also required to "drive the ambulances which insurance and registration had expired since 2015."
I know, I know, I should just leave, because emergency services are just fine if you get a minor boo-boo on your boat.
Just keeps getting better and better. From today's St. Croix Avis:
"Crews from Emergency Medical Services at the VI Department of Health said they responded only to critical calls on Wednesday, a day after the St. Croix Avis broke a story that the Department of Property and Procurement denied a request to renew private liability insurance coverage for ambulances, and by association, the EMTs who staff them."
St. Croix Avis, page 1, July 7 2016
The EMTs may be peacefully protesting this afternoon in front of the DOH's Charles Harwood Complex because their insurance coverage remains in doubt, and that may put them at significant personal risk of financial liability. Apparently, the EMTs are also required to "drive the ambulances which insurance and registration had expired since 2015."
I know, I know, I should just leave, because emergency services are just fine if you get a minor boo-boo on your boat.
Wouldn't the VI government have self-funded insurance liability coverage? Why would private insurance be necessary?
(tu)(tu)(tu)(tu) to Liquid Fluoride, you guys are doing so much for the animals and the community!
Thanks for the support, it's not just the animals though! These (mostly)boys from the projects have very few "good" mentors, we have 8-12 of them from ages 8-19 that come over EVERY DAY (yeah.. E V E R Y day.....) for an hour or two.
We let them ride horses & put them to work, show them the proper way to ride so the horses mouths aren't damaged (most horses come to us with "joker scars" at the corners of their mouths due to the riding "technique" that is popular here).
The ones that pick up fast on the training and have the right attitude towards horses we employ on our tours (pay them) as assistants and let them keep any tips they might get...
I'd like to think we are doing a lot for them, hopefully more for the boys than the horses, since the boys are the owners and that's our real goal (horse owner education & a shift in the mentality towards horses)
My wife and I don't want to run this rescue.. We'd rathera it wasn't needed. (we have 24 horses under our care right now... that's a LOT of horses to feed!)
Liquid Fluoride!!! Great post man! We haven't had the opportunity to visit you out West yet, but will make it a higher priority. I applaud you for the work you and your team have done on STX and your persistent positive attitude. Looking forward to meeting you one of these days soon!
Raingbow Beach, Trivia. Thursday @ 7... you'll find me there every week 😉
or at lost dog.. or the various resturaunts around C'sted... we are pretty outgoing.
Frederiksted is getting a good amount of revitalization & we are glad to be apart of it.
I know several people who live in frederiksted and feel perfectly safe (see, i'm still on topic!)
(tu)(tu) thanks for all of you hard work and dedication
In my mind you have really not experienced the rest of the world.
I understand how difficult it is for some who've never lived outside the US for any extended period to comprehend that there are those who've done so before settling in one place. Your mind's completely faulty reckoning only goes to confirm Fletcher's now well-coined admonition that a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
In my mind you have really not experienced the rest of the world.
I understand how difficult it is for some who've never lived outside the US for any extended period to comprehend that there are those who've done so before settling in one place. Your mind's completely faulty reckoning only goes to confirm Fletcher's now well-coined admonition that a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
So I'm snarky because I respond to someone who launches a rude personal attack filled with inaccuracies and assumptions? Not only that but, horror of horrors, she hopes my computer will die again - as though my world would fall apart should that happen. 😀
Aw shucks, she probably missed the Early Bird Senior Special in Florida she was counting on by wasting time and energy developing a psychological profile of me and spouting it out which incensed her even more. Maybe it would have been kinder and way less snide had I simply suggested she double up on the Xanax and Maalox ..,
Whatever happened to agreeing to disagree and then continuing on with the kumbaya around the campfire routine? So many people these days seem to be slighted and take offense so easily, lashing out furiously at the least provocation and seeing an enemy lurking around every corner.
Peace and persimmons on this gorgeous evening.
Sorry Dad was in the military and we lived all over the world.
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