Safari Taxis on STT
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Safari Taxis on STT

(@Ezekiel Bridesmaid)
Posts: 15
Active Member
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is there any truth to the rumor that the safari fares will be jumping to $2 (short trip) and $4 (long trip)?????

Posted : February 2, 2006 4:05 pm
Posts: 2259
Noble Member

Firstly the 'dollar ride' fare is not a regulated fare. They operate outside the law. They allow them to operate to suppleent the lacking bus system Lately they have raised the $1 to $2 if you travel out of the town area, so it's still a $1 in town. This happened last summer when the Commissioner of Licemsing allowed bonifide taxi fares to add a $1, to help during the summer months, since gas prices kept creeping up. The 'dollar ride' guys used that directive to start charging $2, even though it is not a regulated fare. There was much opposition to it and I guess the $1 and $2 rule is the compromise. If they raise it again, it's their business as it is not regulated. Maybe more folk will drive on the new busses then as they are cheaper and have A/C!


Posted : February 3, 2006 10:59 am
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