rumor about attempted car jacking last night?????
This is where "Pirate Justice" is needed. Bury them up to their necks at low tide and wait for high tide. You could even sell tickets.
Fish trap bait has been used in the past.
STT Frenchies don't take kindly to anyone assaulting their women.
Press briefing on Consortium FB page.
Names and photos of perpetrators released to the press.
The article and press briefing state that they don't know if these are related as yet.
Case solved
Ages 18, 19, & 22.
What a waste.
Having well-armed paranoid neighbors and colleagues does not make me feel safe. I really have no idea who they are planning to shoot.
It's great, after a 3 hour point and shoot class you are legally able to carry and conceal a weapon.
Have you ever seen a gun shot in public, or are you just afraid of dem jumbies?
your fear is completely unfounded and the opposite of reality, it's a political talking point from one particular party.
This is where "Pirate Justice" is needed. Bury them up to their necks at low tide and wait for high tide. You could even sell tickets.
Seem the guys on STX that dress up like pirates?
Do you know why they do that?
It's already here. (No ropes or low tides, just a concealed handgun ready to deal with any idiots that try anything).
I've got no problems with guns. I'm from a family where the opening day of hunting season is better then Christmas. We have two handguns in our home. Please know you don't have to be a Republican to bear arms. You have no idea how seriously well armed some folks you'd least expect are.
I have problems with stupid paranoid empowered people. People kill people, not guns.
I did not use the word fear.
Having well-armed paranoid neighbors and colleagues does not make me feel safe. I really have no idea who they are planning to shoot.
It's great, after a 3 hour point and shoot class you are legally able to carry and conceal a weapon.
Have you ever seen a gun shot in public, or are you just afraid of dem jumbies?
your fear is completely unfounded and the opposite of reality, it's a political talking point from one particular party.
This is where "Pirate Justice" is needed. Bury them up to their necks at low tide and wait for high tide. You could even sell tickets.
Seem the guys on STX that dress up like pirates?
Do you know why they do that?
It's already here. (No ropes or low tides, just a concealed handgun ready to deal with any idiots that try anything).
I've got no problems with guns. I'm from a family where the opening day of hunting season is better then Christmas. We have two handguns in our home. Please know you don't have to be a Republican to bear arms. You have no idea how seriously well armed some folks you'd least expect are.
I have problems with stupid paranoid empowered people. People kill people, not guns.
I did not use the word fear.
You good people talk about shooting In self defense.
Have any of you actually shot or killed another person? Have any of you ever seen a dead body? Have you ever seen a body of a person Who died of violent death? I assure you it is not that easy to pul the trigger. Even in combat situation the new solver is know to aim away from the target. So please all you amature vigilantes stick to gun cleaning and maintenance. If you have what it takes than hit the streets of Charlotte Somalia and try to impersonate Charles Bronson or face your limitations. Good luck.
Sjointer, those are great ideas, but they will only work with impressionable youth, who still have time to be saved. For those thugs whose lives have been entrenched in criminal ways for many years, those ideas won't work. There are some hard core criminals here, remember Dwayne Woodrup DMX? Wonder when he's gonna surface, or whether he succumbed to his injuries sustained after the second or third attempt on his life, when he was airlifted out of STX to Florida, I believe. Google that, and read up on his cohorts. Your ideas won't work on the likes of these guys.
I agree that what I propose is much easier to do on youth. And further, but unsaid, is that working with youth to keep them away from a life of crime makes such Samaratins targets. People would need to try to work with these hardened criminals in some fashion. Granted, walking into Hades could turn you into a devil or get you killed. The option, though, is to let them continue to try to make their way by taking away the successes that others have.
What really doesn't work is becoming what you hate. I do understand that the government isn't helping any, and the extreme frustration that causes when people get their kicks off raping high school girls and trying to run people off the road for purposes of nothing short than terrorism. My faith in God says you repay evil with love. I can't think of a better way to do it than "pay it forward". Imagine how effective that would be if you could turn one of these hardened criminals to this way of thinking?
It really only takes one.
Yes, my "idealism" is showing.
The article and press briefing state that they don't know if these are related as yet.
They sure seem related. A lot of similarities in the M.O. It could also be some type of gang initiation, as well.
Have you ever seen a gun shot in public, or are you just afraid of dem jumbies?
your fear is completely unfounded and the opposite of reality, it's a political talking point from one particular party.
I have shot a few guns as a child. I was completely incompetent. Yes, I was only ten, but that's not my issue with me owning a gun. I will state explicitly that, if a person is responsible with a weapon, then I'm all for your second amendment right to own and use a gun in the cases that we been looking at in this thread.
But, here's my story, and why I am having trouble swallowing the idea that I might need to own a gun.
In 1993/94, I lived in Long Beach, CA. It was just as bad as film and gangsta rappers make it out to be. For about a month, the front gate entering my little apartment complex was broken; the magnet didn't work and anyone could walk through any time they wanted. One evening, I wake up just after 2am to a helicopter "halo" shining into my apartment with police on a megaphone telling us: "Stay in your homes! Stay away from your windows! Do not open your doors!" The helicopter patrols for about three hours and they finally arrest a guy that just walked in and hid in the bushes. It turns out that the person had just mugged an old lady and was hiding out in the bushes hoping to escape.
I decided I was getting a handgun as soon as I could save for it, because I was never going to be victimized by someone that thinks I'm an easy target. And I do exude "easy target": average height (barely), not really exercising, computer guy...easy. And I wasn't going to be a victim in my own apartment.
Two days later.
I wake up around 3am to a hand reaching through a window trying to reach for the lock and open the door. I didn't have the gun yet, because I didn't have the money yet, so all I could do was shout, and the arm retracted. The thing about the incident is, the person's arm was into my apartment window all the way to the shoulder. That means I had a pretty good idea where that person's head was. If I had a gun at the time, I would have literally blown the person's head off.
The person in question was the VERY HOT girl that lived in the apartment next door to me. She was coming back from the club, was drunk, and mistook my apartment for hers.
I would have killed a hot chick simply for being drunk.
This is the reason I'm against me having a gun. I'm not certain I'd be responsible enough to make a clear decision before taking someone's life.
If you honestly believe that every person that owns a gun is going to truly respect the weapon they have, I would just point to me and say: "Not so fast". I'll grant that I'm older now, but I know I would have outsmarted myself in the past and killed someone that didn't deserve to die. She was drunk, not a criminal. Would I outsmart myself again?
If you want to get a gun, and you are going to be a responsible weapon owner, then go do it. I doubt my ability to respect the weapon, and I don't think everyone with a weapon is going to look take a hard look at themselves and determine if they really should own one.
I never did find the guts to ask her out, either! Damn it!
You good people talk about shooting In self defense.
Have any of you actually shot or killed another person?
I never have. I was an asthma attack away from joining the Marines when I was getting out of high school.
All I understand is that killing a person is an extremely traumatic experience. Even if I could pull the trigger...I'd be sick about it to the point of possible suicide. Hell, I get overly emotional after getting into a simple fist fight. If my friend from Dallas ever sees this post, he would be able to tell you all about it.
i know someone who was saved by owning a gun. someone broke into his home to rob him and his wife on STT. he had a gun and used it. the thug who thought he could take from another and possible kill them was killed.
that time a good guy won.
there are many stories like this.
there are also tons of stories about irresponsible owners who leave their gun in a place where kids can get to them.
i would rather have a responsible person allowed to carry conceal
In 2012, there were 259 justifiable homicides in the entire US and in 91.5% of the cases the shooter was male.
For every one justifiable homicide, there were 24 criminal homicides, 78 suicides, and 2 accidental shooting deaths.
There are now more guns in the US than people.
i read that there is still 1 person involved in the rape still out on the loose.
i read that there is still 1 person involved in the rape still out on the loose.
That was in the press conference. He's on the US mainland. They said they know where but he's not in custody yet.
thanks , did not see the press conference
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