Roommate- St.Thomas
I have the same situation as Kyle, Dave, Dawn/Chad and others on the message board...EXCEPT..LOL..I am not as young as these guys..nowhere
I was in STT several weeks ago on a job hunting trip and was fortunate enough to get a job offer. I am to report to work on 4/19. I too am seeking a roomate but the situation is a little different. I am a S/W/M, and much older than others on the message board seeking roommates.I am actively seeking a place to stay in the downtown area where I am going to work. I was going to have my car shipped over but after a week in a rental car..driving on the left side..decided to maybe by a junker when I get there. I am a professional, straight,non-smoker, with two adult aged children. Had retired but decided am much too youg for that..not to mention I cant afford to.Have worked as head football coach/PE teacher, city/county recreation director, human resources manager, and more recently in sales.I look/act much younger than age,social drinker, and easy to get along with. If anyone on the message board would like to pursue sharing a place, please let me know and will E-mail and discuss.
ISLANDER..thanks for any info you may give to my the way..This is a great service you guys are doing for individuals wanting to relocate to Paradise.
I was curious as to the steps you took leading up to your job offer? Did you just fly down there , read the classifieds, and then go door to door? Also, it sounds like you are in the athletics industry, or were at least. If you come across any opportunities for a Sports Management and Communications major or the like, let me know.
Max -I emailed you about an Isuzu Trooper I am seling. It's not really a "junker" but the price is right. I can email pics if you want to see it.
If Max isn't interested in the Trooper, I might be willing to take it off you hands.
Hi Eagan:
Yes, I flew in for the purpose of finding a job..I was flexible as to kind of work..I went to the private schools, hotels, and retail offer in retail..No am not in athletics now.. I lost my job in HR Management (after 30 years) in '99 so decided I would start all over and took a job as Recreation Director with a small town in SC.( I had been in recreation early in my career) but left after a year because of fighting..I dont know what your work experience consist of but with a Sports Management degree it will be tough in the Islands..there are no pro teams..semi-pro that I know of..but if you have some experience in recreation..maybe while in college, you might do like I did..but with no luck..sorry to say..Your field usually is very competitive in that many colleges are pushing that curriculm but have found that not that many places to fit in. When I was Rec Director in that small town in SC..I hired a young guy out of Ohio State...and had about 75 resumes..and over 75% major was Sports Management. I wish I could help you Eagan. I am trying hard to find a place to stay a job but ..heck of a time finding a place..Let me know if you hear of something..Take Care..maybe we will run in to each other and have a beer.
Hi PH:
got your e-mail,,yes..send me a pic if much..what are you aware that's wrong with it? What would I have to replace now/in a short period of time? Sounds good..
Dawn & Chad wrote:
> ParrotHead,
> If Max isn't interested in the Trooper, I might be willing to
> take it off you hands.
> Chad
Chad -I sent you an email.
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