RN moving to STX!
Good day! I am considering a 3-6 mos. travel nursing assignment in St. Croix starting in Sept. I have a few ?'s:
-where to live and expected cost. East vs.West? Will work at hospital, would love to live on beach.
-weather during this time? will the water be beautifully blue?
-rent vs. buy a car and cost.
-29 single gal, what areas are rough and to be avoided? Is it generally safe?
-a few 'must do's...
-anything else you'd like to add.
All of the traveling nurses that stay at STC are furnished (?) a condo and a car. I believe it's part of their contract or a deal on a unit that is offered at a deal with their contract.
STC overlooks the ocean, the closest units are 35' from the cliff, but there is no beach. It is about 5 - 10 mins form the hospital.
-weather during this time? will the water be beautifully blue?
The weather is perfect year round! It may be a bit warm, but the trade winds keep it pleasant. It's also peak hurricane season at this time....
Will the water be beautifully blue............. YES - words alone can not describe the deep rich blues, green and teal colors! The sea is quite warm too, perfect for just bobbing around in.
Rents vary here, but plan on $1000 to $1500 per month plus WAPA (water and power...this can be $100 or more pm). You generally need 1st, last & security. There will be a deposit for WAPA.....around $150-$175. Most places are furnished including linens, cook ware & etc. You will just need your clothes and tooth brush. ........Pets can be a problem, most places have a NO PETS policy.
Renting a car is very expensive! But so are island beaters........how ever you can always sell the beater (car/suv/truck) when you are leaving island. We do have a public transit system here.........but the reliability can be so so. Taxi's are expensive as well.....
Good Luck
Thanks so much!
Anyone care to compare and contrast E. vs. W.?? Where should one live?
North shore or middle to be close to work. There is a nice area that there are some rentable units in Queens Quarter.
Studio apt available for $600. per mo + utilities @ Long Reef condos, just west of town & short drive to the hospital. The property has a security gate, pool, & laundry. You'll need a car on St Croix. Otherwise, you'll be paying a lot for a taxi every day. Other traveling nurses have stayed on this property & seemed happy there. Send a PM if you'd like more info.

Don 't rent anything sight unseen - ever, especially down here.
I sent you a private message.
What department will you be working in? I'll be in the ED 9/3/09-9/30/09. I'm a 3rd year resident in emergency medicine. Can't wait! I'm staying somewhere near the hospital (forgot the name... have it around here somewhere). Maybe we can get together and go exploring! I've been to the island and have a list of things to do.
Sometime traveling nurses have to rent sight unseen. They are only here for 13 weeks, and if they stay in a hotel to begin, it's expensive. They work 12 hour shifts, so not much time to get out and look for an apartment, and by the time they find something, it's almost time to go, and they have spent a truck load of money on accommodations. Seasoned travel nurses are not unaccustomed to finding rentals via the Internet, kind of like looking for a hotel room when you travel. You certainly have to book a hotel room sight unseen. If you book a hotel sight unseen for a week, you will most likely pay as much as if you book an apartment for a month.
Probably doesn't need to be said for travelin'bones' benefit, but the way to ensure a good rental experience from off island is to ask for references. Pictures can lie. Don't pay more than one month up-front. Pay with a credit card, if possible. You can also ask the hr dept. at the hospital if they are familiar with the rental/area. Correspond via email back and forth with a prospective landlord, talk on the phone, get a gut feeling for the person you are dealing with. It isn't fool-proof, but it's not bad! Another option is to find a real estate agent you are very comfortable with, and let them guide you.
BTW, there's nothing wrong with Long Reef. I don't know islandkid, haven't seen his/her apartment, but it's not a bad location. Lots of long term residents, Hovensa workers, travelers, etc. I would rent there.

2 nights staying in a hotel is better than 13 weeks in a really bad apartment.
Juanita: I know YOUR places are great 😉 but I have known travelers who have spent their first few days fuming about how awful their rental was and that they had to find new digs right away. A better option is to have the travel company put them in touch with the person they are replacing and have them get the skinny. Travelers are good about getting rentals from afar, but our rental units in the VI frequently are not up to stateside standards. IMHO:-)
Very true, stateside standard rentals are expensive and I doubt many traveling nurses want to pay that.
So unless you get lucky expect the place to look more like your first apartment when you left home. Maybe a little better or a little worse but nothing fancy. The kitchens and bathrooms will probably be old, but you might get lucky with a good view or good neighbors. Remember you come here to slow down and not sweat all the small stuff or keeping up with the Jones'. No one cares what your apt looks like here.
I am supposed to start in the ICU on STX Aug 24th. I think I have found a good Condo near the Hospital, but as of yet, nothing is for sure. But all this seems insignificant in comparison to what I was hoping to find. I lived on STT from 91 to 94. I was single and had a great life but eventually grew tired of some things and missed some things (and family) on the mainland, so I moved back. I was so happy to be back in the US. But, after just one year I longed to be back in the VI. I went to school, became and RN, met a girl, told stories of my life in the Caribbean, got married and finally....WE are coming back. There are trade-offs, there are adjustments, but I am so looking forward to the "Island Life" and I can't wait to show it to my love. To those of you who already live there, and to those of you looking to visit, WE would like to meet and make friends, hang out in a beach bar, go snorkeling, rent a boat and barbecue on the beach. If that doesn't sound to presumptuous PM me and we can meet up when we get there in a couple of weeks.
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