restaurant pay
Would it be a realistic expectation to find a job serving food or busing tables relatively quickly and be able to take home $1200 a month or more? I have gathered that the north and east are the nicest areas to stay but would a good rule of thumb be that anything inbetween the water and the main road that circles the island be safe on Saint Thomas?
I can't answer that question. But I can't imagine that you would not get far making so little. On STX a lot of visitors are Danes. I have noticed they do not Tip. As most of your income as a waiter comes from tips that can be a problem. I am not sure if STT is also getting a lot of Danes or more Cruise ships. It will be the client tell of the restaurant/hotel which will determined tip as well as your personallity.
My wife had never been a waitress before and she got a job on STT witnin four days of landing on island at Tickles, and she made an average of $75/day in tips...more in season, less in off-season, but average of $75. Tickles is not a very high end restaurant, either. She moved into bartending there and her tips jumped to $150-200/day. Given what little experience I have (other than being the "tipper'), I'd say your goalof $1,200 is a little low. Then again, my RENT is $1,200. You can find much cheaper accomodations, but, even if you got into a tiny place for $500/mo, that only leaves $700 to try to eat, drink, pay utilities, get around, pay any bills and entertain yourself. So, to answer your question...Sure. You shouldn't have any trouble picking up a job that pays mor than $1,200 inthe restaurant biz.
thanks for the answer. I was planning on mooring my sailboat in saint john or saint thomas which would be less expensive than renting. I haven't been able to find anything on the mooring rates though asides from $15 a night for the parks. I imagine the rate should be less for Cruz bay.
My mother-in-law lives on her sailboat just off Water island, across from Sub base, Crown Bay, Tickles. Her e-mail is . I think she is at anchor right now, but has had a mooring ball there in the past, and I think she is looking for one now. Send her an e-mail and see what she has to say.
Hello Seamus,
Contact the Dept. of Planning and Natural Resources on St. Thomas and see if they would mail to you the Rules and Regulations for Mooring and Anchoring Vessels in the USVI booklet. (340)774-3320
You can anchor in most harbors but unless you have a mooring permit you must move the boat every two weeks. Mooring permits are $5 per foot for the length of the boat plus the cost of your ground tackle (varies but figure $750) ... permits are fairly easy to obtain. You may want to try one of the smaller marinas - Vessup or La Vida for affordable dock space.
Hey seamus,
Need a renter to help with your mooring fees? I really need a place to stay , prefer st. john though - let me know, email to Immediate occupancy needed. THANKS,
Could you have your wife contact me with any advice about landing a job in STT, where to apply (best bars/restaurants) etc? Would love to hear local perspective and get some advice. Thanks.
Hello Katie,
This is Marty's wife. There are many bars and resturants on the island. It really depends on what tpye of place you are looking for. The resorts are always good places because they have benifits, they are busy and you are guarnteed a tip. There are many local places that do not get tourist, but then you are dealing with the same people everyday which can be good and bad. Good because you are not depending on tourism to make money, but some times the tourists are the ones with money. There are many fine dinning resturants on island, where you can make good money if you don't mind working at night. My suggestion would be once you get here go to a couple of the place you would be interested in and have dinner while you obsever the staff. That is the best way to know if you would like working for that resturant. It is easy to find a job as long as you are willing to work.
Marty's wife
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