I have been scouring this site for information on relocating to an island.
But I would love some "real" advice as far as doing things in a specific order..job first, apartment, etc...I have a small amount of income so I could probably move without having a job but would want to find one fairly quickly. Not sure about bringing a would rather live close to job if possible. Would appreciate any input and advice from people who have done this.Thanks.
I have been scouring this site for information on relocating to an island.
But I would love some "real" advice as far as doing things in a specific order..job first, apartment, etc...I have a small amount of income so I could probably move without having a job but would want to find one fairly quickly. Not sure about bringing a would rather live close to job if possible. Would appreciate any input and advice from people who have done this.Thanks.
Did you scour the info in the drop down menu's at the top of the page?
Which Island?
Whats a small amount of income?
I really dont have a specific preference on island..but was thinking St. john. I have about a 2K-2500/month income . I know its not a huge amount but it would supplement...if I can only get a job as a waitress or bartender. I have office administration experience but not sure how readily available those types of jobs are. I am actually willing to do least to get down there and then try to network. I did read all drop downs. thoughts?
Right now on St John there are very few rentals available, because many people who already live here have been displaced by Irma and are still looking for a permanent home. Housing is always a challenge here. Not sure when you are planning to move, but there might be more options if you wait until hurricane season begins. It’s not a good time to find work, but if you save up now for first/last/security and have your income available for the first month or two after you move, you should be OK. Once you are established, then find a job.
Thank you...that's exactly what I want to do. BUT of you think it will be VERY difficult to find housing and jobs on ST. John. Like I said it is my first choice..but not my only one. I was planning on sometime after May 1.
Thanks for all the help.
Affordable housing on St. John is an issue no doubt. But signing up on Facebook pages for St John are a good way to hear about places. So sign up for as many as you can 🙂
There are administrative type jobs available. A lot of them are opening up with non profits. What kinds of skills do you have in that area? I could give you some ideas of where to send a resume.
Do you have a month in mind for your relocation? I only ask because I may know if an inexpensive place to rent but it will not be available for awhile yet.
I have been an office manager for a heating and ac company for 10 years..doing everything from book keeping, quick books, customer relations, payroll, account receivable/payable..pretty much everything in the office. I have also been working for the past year at a restaurant manager, bartender and I am flexible to do anything to make some money to get by. I would appreciate any help you could give. I think I could be ready to move by May1 (or very close).
when you say "affordable " housing is an issue is it because there isn't a lot of housing or MOST of it is NOT affordable or both? Do you know hat an average rent would be? I can live with a one bedroom but would prefer a two. Bigger issue is I am not sure if I will bring a I would need to be near a busline or something to get to a job. Thoughts?
when you say "affordable " housing is an issue is it because there isn't a lot of housing or MOST of it is NOT affordable or both? Do you know hat an average rent would be?
Both!! This is a very small place with only so much land for residential housing. And then lot of that was rendered uninhabitable last fall. Right now so little is available, it's hard to tell what the rental market will be like in a few months. My guess is that at best it will go back to where it was ($800-$1000 for a studio, $1000-$1300 1BR, $1300+ 2BR). Keep in mind, the bottom of those price ranges buys a lot less than it would in the states.
The best way to find a place is word of mouth, and many landlords won't rent to someone until they are already here or have a personal recommendation from someone who lives here.
Bigger issue is I am not sure if I will bring a I would need to be near a busline or something to get to a job. Thoughts?
Hitchhiking is a way of life here. If you pay a little more to live in or near town, you can go without a car. Our bus situation is still in flux, but it is running more routes as the post-storm weeks pass.
Hope this helps!
I have a one bedroom with a loft with just one bathroom on STJ and pay $2,200 per month. Rents are going up on the island because there aren't a lot of options. Jobs are rare. Hate to be a naysayer but a lot of people I know that have been here for seasons are just scraping to get by and are still staying with friends. Housing for workers is a major problem and will continue to get worse.
You are really constraining yourself going to STJ without having work or housing already lined up. Lining up a job before you get there can be difficult as employers may not want to waste time screening for someone who may or may not show up. You shouldn't get into any leases until you are on island. You are probably better off going to STT and staying in short term living while looking for a job, then find long term rental convenient to your work location. Getting around without a car will be challenging. There are lot's of threads on the pros and cons and logistics of buying a car locally vs. shipping one from the states.
You would probably have better luck on st Thomas. Even though they were hit hard by Irma. I think you would have better luck finding a job. Depending where you live there are cheap taxis to take.
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