Hello, I am considering relocating in two years. I was wondering if there is a support group for new commers.
Ariel: this is the support group for new comers and those who are planning to move and for those who have lived in the VIs for a while. Just keep checking the posts and ask any questions that you will have and you will get the answers to them. We all help each other here and we have get togethers for the new and old every month or so after we arrive so that to is a support group
Funny enough.. I kinda figured after I had already asked. thank you for your response. : )
My pleasure
I have a ton of questions.. I am from Wisconsin and will be graduating with a bachelor in sociology and a certification 1-9 in teaching. My other half has roofing and painting experience. We would like to relocate for a minimum of one year. Our reasoning is to experience another culture (I guess that is the sociologist in me). The message board is helpful but I have some basic questions which I suppose are a bit mindless of me, forgive me as I have just began my research. When employed what types of taxes are there taken out of one's check? How is the price of water... what would be the average cost per month? I have read about the average cost to live being higher but when I compare them to here is Wisconsin they seem so close. Thank you for being patient, I have ordered the handbooks but still awaiting arrival so perhaps these questions could be answered in the book. Just the same I am starting from scratch. As for a visit I will be on St. John for 10 days in Dec of 2005. : )
You will pay federal tax rates on your income but the money will go direftly to the USVI government. You will also pay FICA (the socialk security and medicare taxes). There are no other income taxes assessed by the USVI, and there is no sales tax. There are other ways in which the government makes its money, though, such as an annual road tax that you pay based on the weight of your car ($0.16 per pound).
Most folks who are not connected to a city water system get most or all of their water for free by collecting rain water in a cistern located beneath their house. If you run out of cistern water, you can have a truck deliver 3000-5000 gallons of water and have it pumped into your cistern. Prices for these truckload deliveries vary by island but using $175 for 5000 gallons seems to be in the ballpark. Many people do not use their cistern for drinking and instead but bottled water. Am still researching what a delivery service would charge for that.
There are a few non-city residences that have wells, but they seem to be few and far between.
Most condo associationa also charge residents for their water usage from the common property cistern. I've seen folks post that prices range between $0.03 - $0.05 per gallon.
Can someone who is hooked up to a city water system educate us all about the rates that are charged for it?
Hope that helps. Keep asking those questions -- it's great that you're doing your planning for this big move so far in advance!
I would prefer to rent a place that is furnished and includes utilities. Is this something that could be found easily for a resonable price or would a better bet be renting a furnished place with utilities seperate? Also speaking on income what would one say the average income necessary to live on St. Croix. I am hoping to live as close to how I am living now which is not luxury but a decent area, 2 bedroom, utilities included. What would be a better bet on cars? Bringing your own or leasing (is leasing even an option?). Thankx again. Also on the water thing... how many gallons per year does one go through on average?
The main portion of this site contains a wealth of info on the questions you asked and more. Here are direct links to the three topics you inquired about -- you can get to the rest by going to the site's home page at and clicking on the topics you want to investigate. There's also a lot of input from the message board folks who have answered these questions before. Try running a search on your topics -- you'll be amazed at how much you find!
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