Hello Everyone!
I have just spent the last 2 hours reading all the posts on the board and I've found it very helpful in many aspects.
I have one question...
Every city has a good part of town and a not so good part of town. Where in St. Thomas is the not so good part of town? Obviously I would like to stay away from that area in my search to relocate.
My husband and I are just starting our research. We currently live in Austin, Texas and we're ready to move to the Islands! Darren is 33 and I'm 29. We have 2 dogs (of course they'll be coming with us) they are our children! Darren is in Software Design and I am in Property Management.
I'm willing to collect sand crabs for a living if I have to!!!
Thanks for any input!
Random thoughts:
1. With regard to how you make money, be flexible. (What you would do with the sand crabs after you collected them, I'm not sure--but that is the right attitude). Unless Darren works for himself, the chances of landing a software design gig right away are probably pretty slim. (I suppose that sort of career lends itself to telecommuting, so maybe he can work for a company based anywhere in the world). Your background in property management probably could make something happen, but it may take a week or it may take a year to find exactly what you want to do long-term.
2. Keep in mind that the airlines won't take the 4-leggers as "luggage" between May 15 and September 15 due to heat concerns. I think you can still send them as air cargo, but when I looked into that last year it was TEN TIMES more expensive ($800 vs $80 for my 70 pound dog).
3. With regard to the right neighborhood, it really depends on what you want. There are lots of Continentals living in enclaves that are 100% Continentals (or nearly so) while others live in more authentic neighborhoods. There are million dollar mansions behind gates and there are simple houses for rent in the country. None of these choices are "right" or "wrong" except for the individual. My advice is to arrange a rental in advance for just the first month or so, and use that time to get a feel for the island and the options.
Good luck.
I have found the same with St. Croix. Bad areas are literally outside the gates of good areas and one or two blocks up may be something different. You get a real good idea when (and I suggest you do) you go for a pre-move visit to the island. Take that week to get a feel for the island as a potential home... Do a site survey from the view of a move rather than a vacation destination.
Hello Jessica and Darren,
You might do some of your work research by looking in the yellow pages and seeing what businesses exist here. and then investigating the ones that could be possiable employers. Many employers won't hire you from away unless its something they can't readily fill from on island applicants, ie. highly trained professionals, managers, healthcare, teachers...
Read the moving pet section of this web site for information on that and read the What to Expect stories there this one or two by folks who moved with pets.
Yes there are some good and bad areas - you can pretty much figure it out when you do a site survery as suggested - good idea to do a premove visit. Its difficult to name them off because some areas have both a really good area a short distance from a not to good area and both areas have the same name. Ie. Hospital Ground is an area close to town, it has a good area and a bad area. Downtown has good and bad.
Thank you all for your advise. Darren and I planning our pre-move visit as we speak. We're thinking of coming down around Thanksgiving and we plan on staying for a couple weeks to check things out (and to do a little diving too!!!)
I received the Settlers Handbook in the mail on Friday and I've already read through the entire thing! There is a wealth of knowledge provided and it's getting us more excited for the big move!
About the "bad" and "good" areas...I guess it really doesnt matter much, here in Austin we live in a "good" area and we still had issues with break ins and such so the best we can do is hope for the best wherever we live:-)
Chat soon! Again, thanks for all your advise....
Hello Jessica,
Just wanted to let you know that it is a small world. My husband and I are relocating to St Croix in June, we have been planning for a long time and we too live in Austin, Texas. After we move, I will get back in touch and let you know how it all went. We are selling everything after 25 years of marriage and taking off to the islands as well.
Hello Leah!
I would love to talk with you!
We've just started our search and it would be great if we could get together before you leave (if you're not to busy)!
Where in Austin do you live?
My boyfriend and I are ready to move too. We're 23. He just received his business management degree and I do advertising/graphic design for a magazine. We live in Moline, IL. which is definitely not as nice as Austin. Like you, I am willing to do whatever so I can move down there. I'm planning on bartending if possible. This is what I did all through college. We plan on moving down there in August. Good Luck!
Hi Lorraine
What island are you looking at moving to? Have you done any research? You poor thing, it's still cold in the north! I'm originally from Michigan so I feel your pain....Hang in there!
We would like to move to St. Thomas Island because there will be more opportunities for work there. However, housing is much cheaper on St. Croix so we may end up living there and then taking a ferry back and forth to work on St. Thomas. We just started serious planning this about a month ago, so I still need to do some research. I really want this to work out. I really want to do something fun and exciting before seriously thinking about a career. I just graduated college last May, but it feels much longer. I work 8-5 Monday - Friday for a magazine. It's okay, but I feel like I'm 23 going on 40!! Which island are you planning on moving to?
Commuting on a daily basis between St Thomas and St Croix isn't the solution.
The ferry only run during the winter season. So for the rest of the year you would have to take the seaplane at $70 - $80 per day.
When the ferry is running it is an hour and fifteen minute trip and it isn't that cheap.
The ferry schedule isn't that frequent.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Hi Lorraine
We're planning on moving to St. Thomas. We also feel that it would be the best island to find work. We've researched a lot of housing on St. Thomas and we feel we can get into something for a resonable cost. We're making our "pre-move" visit in either September or November, I'll be sure to update you on what we find:-)
Hey all ;I am an old man (69) and am planing to move to St. Croix within the next year. Target date june of 05. I hope to have a houseboat to live on by then. I gota figure out how to get it over there. May sail it over myself instead of bargeing it over. I just ordered the relocation kit and am looking forward to getting it real soon. Any help or tips that you can give me will be greatly appericated. I have a friend who sails his own boat down thru that area and has told me some about it. some of you locals may know him (Dennis Bratton) Thank you in advance for any info you can give me John S. Hill
Hello Lorriaine,
As mentioned commuting between St. Croix and St. John is not feasiable or cheap for daily work - the only folks I know who do this are business owners who have an office on both islands and might send 2 days a week on one island and the other 5 days on the other - so the commute is really a round trip once a week. Re-think this.
Hello John - what type of tips or help do you want - best bet is to ask all the questions you can think of, its harder to get responses when its an open question - much easier with a series of questions - so ask away, 5 questions, 10 questions, 20 its ok - just ask. 🙂
rockportjohn -Just curious about your name, which "rockport" are you from?
I am 19 years old and My boyfriend, best friend, and I are planning on relocating on St. John in September. My boyfriend attempted to do so a few years ago but ended up returning about a month later due to lack of job opportunity. We are currently working on selling our cars but we have a question. Would it be a smarter decision to bring at least one of them with us or is there enough public transportation and are buisnesses and such close enough that we would not need one? Looking forward to hearing back-
I hadn't checked this board in a while and now it looks like a herd of Austinites are coming to town.
For you Austinites, there is no East Austin, Hyde Park, Westlake, or downtown distinctions here. I live on the East End near Red Hook. We have crime (someone stole a fan from the bar) and low lifes but also great people and a good bunch of folks that look out for each other mostly. I have friends that live on the North Side and have been burlgarized. I thought I could find a place to buy while I was in Austin but any searching I did couldn't provide the information I would have needed to make a decision. There are beautiful houses next to homes that are half finished or semi-destroyed from hurricanes. Excellent people living in some crazy neighborhoods. Just as others have said, there isn't any simply good or bad neighborhoods.
Best advice I can give you from experience is put on your best manners, be willing to learn how it works down here, and utilize every little talent you have for work. I know a tailor who is a cook. A former demolitions expert who works in a water lab (testing). A nurse that tends bar. I'm a mac technican who builds websites, installs wireless networks, manages a bar 2 days a week, security for a marina and a host of other things that are planned.
Take care,
P.S. As for the car - I brought mine as it is fairly new and fairly sturdy. From the folks I've known that have bought used cars here it seems to be a nightmare. The islands are rough on the cars here. Front wheel drive is good, 4 wheel drive is better but not absolutely necessary. Some of the long time residents could probably tell you more.
TTom. why didn't you tell them about your CIA stint & fed witness protection program?
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