Relocating to STT
Hello All,
I am seriously considering relocating to STT next year as a single mother of 2. I am interested in my daughter attending the University, in the fall 2017. I also have 6 yr old. I really respect all of the shared thoughts on this board. Would you mind sharing your thoughts with a hopeful transplant 😉
Please provide constructive feedback about:
University campus - STT
Best location to live?
Schools for my son? Public or private?
Cost of living?
Locations to stay away from?
Typical cost for 2-3 bdrm?
I look forward to hearing from you.

What is your yearly income?
Great question - I will be working remotely. How is the Internet service? $60k
Private schools are expensive. Ranging from 4-12k/yr. Public schools are poor. No other way of putting it. Price of rental depends on many factors, but generally being on west end of island (closer to UVI) will be less expensive. You will still be looking at $1200+ per month minimum. Add utilities which are expensive.. Food costs are at least 2x what you see typically in the States. Health insurance should be a major concern for you since there are no companies offering individual coverage here. I'm not trying to sound now negative. This is reality here. We live here with an almost 3 year old son and love it (We have employer provided healthcare), but it is not the place for everyone. I've watched dozens of people that we became acquainted with go in the past 2 you years.
Wow... the public schools are poor? Do they allow home schooling? Interesting,... health coverage would potentially be a deal breaker.
Argh... is St. Croix a better choice? Can I ask what do you do for health care with such a young child?
No health insurance option unless you have employer coverage or are expat from non-US. Same for all USVI. Get a job at the university, maybe you can get health insurance through them and by the time your 6 yr old graduates maybe University benefits will help cover the tuition:-)
Thank you. I may have to look into that. What are your thoughts about the campuses? Which one has better options.
My employer provides health care through Aetna. I will look into in-network providers however, I do believe VI is included.
What's the typical cost for electric and water?
I do however, I would need to look into it a bit further. Hhhmmmm... that's a thought. Do you have children?
Electric is expensive, currently $0.2927/kWh, typically in the states it's around $0.12.
Most homes use cistern for water, city water available close to C'sted.
Ok. Thank you. What are your personal pain points?

Electric is expensive, currently $0.2927/kWh, typically in the states it's around $0.12.
Most homes use cistern for water, city water available close to C'sted.
Not true. I have city water in Hannah's Rest F'sted.
GoneGirl45, have you read the huge amount of information in the drop-down menus top of this page? Have you visited the USVI?
I believe you will find that your Aetna group insurance won't cover you here. Yes, home schooling is allowed. As far as which UVI campus is the better option for your daughter, you can find the curricula information for both (STT and STX) online.
The Christiansted and Hannah's Rest areas mentioned are both on STX, not STT.
Good luck with your researching!
GoneGirl45, have you read the huge amount of information in the drop-down menus top of this page? Have you visited the USVI?
I believe you will find that your Aetna group insurance won't cover you here. Yes, home schooling is allowed. As far as which UVI campus is the better option for your daughter, you can find the curricula information for both (STT and STX) online.
The Christiansted and Hannah's Rest areas mentioned are both on STX, not STT.
Good luck with your researching!
I was hoping to hear from you, OldTart. Yes, I am reading the posts and... you are very vocal along with some others. All good reading.
Ok - so, no. I have never been to the islands. I suppose my pre-move will offer answers to my concerns. I do hear the concerns about island living, the economy, and a host of other useful information. While I will continue reading and researching, it hasnt been a deterrent thus far. I am more informed and have time before a final decision is made.
Thank you for the feedback. Much appreciated.
Yes, I am reading the posts ...
On the off chance that you misunderstood, I wasn't referring to thread posts but the general information in those drop-down menus which cover everything from soup to nuts. Housing costs, education, everything. Wonderful information!
Yes - for several months now.
Electric is expensive, currently $0.2927/kWh, typically in the states it's around $0.12.
Most homes use cistern for water, city water available close to C'sted.Not true. I have city water in Hannah's Rest F'sted.
Forgot to mention F'sted, So I'm guessing there's a water main mid-island in between and probably city water also available close to it along the route. I'm not aware of a separate water plant in F'sted, just the one next to the Richmond power plant.
CJ/Gonegirl: Do you mind if I ask what your college student wants to study? There are few great majors, but many have been developed to meet local needs. Also, what is it about the VI that interests you? Many newbies end up leaving in 6 months to a year because their needs don't match with the reality of life in the VI.
CJ/Gonegirl: Do you mind if I ask what your college student wants to study? There are few great majors, but many have been developed to meet local needs. Also, what is it about the VI that interests you? Many newbies end up leaving in 6 months to a year because their needs don't match with the reality of life in the VI.
Hi East Ender - my daughter has aspirations for baking/culinary arts however, I am working on changing that as a degree program. I am pushing her to a Business Management/Business Administration degree. Its universal and will help her in any field of choice.
I am interested in the culture. A simplier life than what I am accustomed to here in the states. I am born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. I have moved around most of my adult life currently calling GA "home." I have never been to an island other than Long Island, NY:) - here's why VI is pulling at me:
I hate cold weather with a passion
I love the thought of opened toed shoes all year round
I love the water although Jaws scared the living crap out of me
I am interested in the village, locals, living together in a small community
Now, I'm not delusional. I know their are challenges everywhere you go. I see and hear the concerns. I see all that would be life changing. My kids may not like it at all. I may not but if I made a move, I would have to commit to it. I have a year and a lot could happen in a year's time. This however, has been a dream of mine since I was 20 years old. I am 45 years old... I feel the time is now.
The high level information posted about living on VI doesn't share what this forum offers. I want the real feedback not the advertising, like "poor schools and no health coverage." That's very important to me and may bring pause to my vision board. I pray not...
Let me add that my daughter can still pursue her dreams as a baker. I am not deterring her from that just on what her degree will be. My 6 year old will be just fine as long as he has mommy and friends to play with. My teenager will be an issue more than my son. As long as my family with ship goods to me, I can focus local shopping for our immediate needs. The utility bills - well, GA may be cheaper to live in NY, its all costly. As long as you live, "bill" will be in your life. I considered other islands (Belize, St. Maarten) as well, but VI is more appealing. I have a year to decide.
One of the best bakeries on St Thomas frequently runs ads on craigslist looking for a paid intern. I think it's Island Sweet Stuff at Tillett Gardens. Her cakes are truly gorgeous! You can find her on the internet. She does lots of cakes for weddings.
One of the best bakeries on St Thomas frequently runs ads on craigslist looking for a paid intern. I think it's Island Sweet Stuff at Tillett Gardens. Her cakes are truly gorgeous! You can find her on the internet. She does lots of cakes for weddings.
Thank you, Ms411. I will make a note to visit when there.
BTW- Anyone know the current WAPA rate for water on STX?
BTW- Anyone know the current WAPA rate for water on STX?
Guess I'm not used to looking at the water page. Hmm, our HOA charges double the WAPA rate. Of course by the time the WAPA water gets to us it's thoroughly rust colored and we (HOA) have to re-filter the heck out of it to make it usable elset our tighty wighties wouldn't be so much. Just another challenge of island life.
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