Refinery & University Medical Center ....
Wow. I was wondering what those of you who live on STX think about the refinery being sold AND the new UVI in conjunction w/ Boston College Medical Center hopefully all being up and running within the next few years. Sounds exciting!

What medical center? Why would STX be excited about a medical center being built on STT? Just the opposite, in fact.
It was recommended that it NOT be built on STX.
"Board members felt that before a final decision was made on the location of the school's two facilities - a classroom facility and a simulation center - the public should be brought into the process, UVI President David Hall said after the meeting.
"We decided there has to be more opportunity for the public to hear about this," Hall said.
He said a series of public forums to discuss the medical school and answer questions will be scheduled in the next few weeks.
Hall would not disclose the details of the proposal presented to the board Thursday, but said it involved the location of the medical school - which will be new construction.He did say that the university is a territorial institution with two campuses, and implied that it was likely each district would get one of the buildings."

Thank you Alana for that additional information.
The article also stated that 3 senators from St. Croix were going to try and push for both of the building be on St. Croix. And that they were hoping the first class to start would be 2016-2017.
In typical Virgin Islands fashion, they will likely build one Medical school building on STT and the other on STX, thus dooming the whole project to failure. AS USUAL.
I do not live in the USVI yet, so I don't know how things are run. But I am curious, sunshine, as to why you think it will doom the project.
The article also stated that 3 senators from St. Croix were going to try and push for both of the building be on St. Croix. And that they were hoping the first class to start would be 2016-2017.
Well, it is an election year so what else would they be saying even if it turns out just to be a gambit for votes.
it should be built on stx, we need the small boost to our economy
I say failure as usual because of the hassle and disruption of having to move from one island to the other during the course of study. If you had come to STT and gone to the trouble of finding an apartment and getting set up, only to then have to uproot and come to another island to finish the studies. How f**king stupid is that.
sunshinefun, that already happens
Well, the JFL Hospital has finally lost accreditation. With a slashed budget, the departure of dozens of nurses after the illegal salary cut, and the Economic Instability Act the hospital has finally succumbed to deJongh wounds. No medical school for Stx. We don't deserve it. Thanks for your legacy John.
Both STX & STT Hospitals cost us Millions of dollars and have millions of dollars appropriated from the VI budget by Senators every year to support them because they have never been well run. Look how many times a new CEO head of the hospital comes in and lasts a few months because they are hitting their heads against a brick wall (unless of course they thieves like Rodney Miller and his buddies) when it comes to making the necessary changes to make the hospitals financially functional and pay its own bills.
I agree wholeheartedly that they could be run better.
But the hospital was not responsible for cutting nurses' salaries. DeJongh and Chucky and Sanes and Malone did that.
DeJongh and those senators cut their budgets in half.
DeJongh and senators forced experienced and competent 50 y/o nurses into retirement to sink the retirement system.
Most of the deficiencies the accrediting body cited was in nursing!
Everything he touched turned to mold
i did not think salary cuts were illegal? my understanding has been, unless you have a contract that states otherwise, your salary can change at any time as long as it does not go under the minimum wage.
and on a side note, if you have bills of 1,000,000.00 and you only have revenue of 750,000.00 where are you going to get the other 250,000.00 from?

If the hospital would run their finances efficiently and collect their accounts, they would not need funding from the government.
6 months now and I still have not received a bill from the hospital.
Well, the JFL Hospital has finally lost accreditation. .
Miss Justice do you have a link to this story?
You probably won't receive a bill. More likely a call and bill/letter from a collection's agency. It happened to me twice at RLS.
If the hospital would run their finances efficiently and Salicylates (including aspirin)
collect their accounts, they would not need funding from the government.
6 months now and I still have not received a bill from the hospital.
I am interested in a link to an article or source on this too, I haven't read anywhere other than here that the hospital lost accreditation (presumably medicare/Medicaid). This would be a huge blow.
i dont believe it has at this point or we all would have heard about it. this is not something that would stay quiet for any length of time
I found a reference in this article -
“They will not fund this medical school unless it can get accredited, and in order to be accredited, it has to be partnered with an accredited hospital,” Buckley explained. “And our understanding is that right now Schneider [Regional Medical Center in St. Thomas] is the only one [that is accredited]; Juan Luis is not. [The donor] said that was their number one priority and criteria for determining where the medical school would be placed.”
Well, the JFL Hospital has finally lost accreditation. With a slashed budget, the departure of dozens of nurses after the illegal salary cut, and the Economic Instability Act the hospital has finally succumbed to deJongh wounds. No medical school for Stx. We don't deserve it. Thanks for your legacy John.
MissJustice - Where is it published (apart from the questionable comment attributed to Buckley above) that JFL has lost CMS accreditation? I'd be very interested in your source for this shocking announcement.
Why do you find it shocking? Seems to be par for the course for JL in STX and RLSH has it's own issues with insufficient funds to operate, properly in the black.
It's shocking because of the impact of losing CMS accreditation. This, if true, is huge. Our hospital has been operating below solvency for a long time, but I've heard things were improving - specifically in the aforementioned areas of revenue management.
As I understand a significant portion of revenue comes from Medicare/Medicaid. I would think they would have done everything possible and then some to ensure they remained eligible for this funding. To lose accreditation means there is no feasible option but to close the doors - there simply isn't enough tax dollars around to keep it afloat.
And without a functional hospital to support a resident population of +/- 50,000 how can we encourage new business, or even maintaining already depreciated property values.
That's why I consider this to be shocking revelation - should MissJustice be correct in her statement that the hospital has lost CMS accreditation.
It is true...
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