Refinery Rumors
Because they are taught that all big business is evil,
and they don't have an inkling of Business 101.As long as they collect their their food stamps and welfare checks and section 8 benefits, they will believe whatever they are told.
Truly a cheap shot CruzanIron. So many people complaining on this board about the lack of employment and there are no good jobs for locals.....then stomping on their necks for having to take benefits to get by.
I will never understand why so many people make the poor into villains. Many of us are at best a few paychecks away from being in their situation if something bad happens but we act like the minute portion of the federal budget spent on food stamps and welfare is the cause of all of our pain. Corporations and the rich take WAY more "welfare" in the forms of tax breaks and other government money than the poor will ever take.
And before that mind numbing argument is made about people abusing the system, take a deeper look. The amount of people that may abuse the system is VERY low. The amount of people getting welfare benefits that abuse drugs is VERY small.
Please stop making our less fortunate out to be the bad guys. They may be ignorant(not meant to be derogatory but the literal meaning) to some of the happenings in government and business but that doesn't make it ok to feel superior to them because you make a few more dollars.
I truly don't mean to come off harshly at all but the attitude toward the poor and less fortunate is mind boggling.
There is a very big difference in welfare being a temporary helping hand in time of need, and it being a lifestyle choice that is perpetuated to maintain a source of electoral power. I think that's where CI was headed.
We spend a ton on education yet many of our kids fail to graduate high school, let alone be able to read at a decent grade level. I'd hate to see the stats on young single mothers dependent on government housing and welfare. Massive unemployment levels for our young men who end up involved in nefarious activities, or simply dying on the streets due to lack of opportunity. Our system is broken, and our family structures are breaking down, but as long as those in power can remain in the game and trickle out the goods then all is well - Yea Right. The days when the GVI could spend like drunken sailors as come to an end and we are headed towards a new austerity.
But we can hope.
(PS. no offense intended toward drunken sailors)

Tommy, I don't see where a father with 15 kids with 10 women, or single mother with kids from multiple fathers has anything to do with a poor job market. Spend some time in court and listen to all the excuses people have for not supporting their children. It will make your head spin.
As a lifelong drunken sailor, I must remind you that we generally only spend our own money, and we tend to stop spending when the money runs out.:D
here is an article on the abuse of snap benefits int he vi for those who think it is only a small problem Tommystx.
this is not a small problem
The article is dated 2012 citing a 2 year fraud investigation. Is it still a big problem? Won't know unless feds report another investigation.

The article is dated 2012 citing a 2 year fraud investigation. Is it still a big problem? Won't know unless feds report another investigation.
The culture of fraud does not change when there is no enforcement of abuses.
Speee1dy and Cruzan,
I understand your concerns. The article you linked is showing how retailers have abused the system to give cash for SNAP benefits and not how poor people are getting over on the system. I implore you to fight the system that is giving BILLIONS and more to corporations and the rich so they only get richer. Poor people are not getting rich or breaking the back of any economy.
People are not trying to be poor so they can collect SNAP or welfare. There may be a few outliers in that but these people are barely getting by in most cases.
i appreciated what you said, you had good points but how are the rich making the poor poorer. i think that welfare is keeping people down and letting them think they do not need to strive to improve their lives. back before welfare people actually worked how ever many jobs they needed to make ends meet. now it seems people dont even want to work a full 40. i know thw job market is different here, but that does not ( should not ) stop them from trying to do more.
I think we can agree the whole system needs some sort of overhaul. There has to be something to help people get back on their feet when the bottom drops out. I certainly don't have the right answer. People will become dependent or complacent for sure in certain situations, especially places like here where unemployment is north of 15%. People start to feel hopeless I think and just give up. We need more job skills training or avenues to employment for these people but our government, federal and local blow that money on who knows what anymore. I think raising the minimum wages is a part of the solution. If someone can do a "menial" job and still make enough to support themselves and a partner and child then that would go a lot toward getting some people out of the welfare system. So many people that do work 2 or 3 jobs still qualify for benefits because minimum wage isn't nearly enough to even support 1 person. This is a polarizing subject for sure. I'm still hopeful there is some sort of way our politicians can somehow work together for some common good. Pie in the sky dreams I'm sure.
good post tommy, and i know the minimum wage has not kept up nor as social security, but i am just curious-you raise the minimum to 15. you have a company already struggling ( like all of them here ) who employees 100-200 people. say half of them make less then proposed minimum wage. so right now you have at least 100 people who need to have their wages raised. this does not even begin to address those who started out at proposed wage-do they get a raise too because their skill set already started them out higher? so is they already make 15 do they automatically get a raise to put them the same $ higher than they were to the minimum wage worker.. so now you have janitors making the same as a college educated worker? and can any company even afford to give 100-200 people a raise? diagio and cruzian might be the few that can-possible home depot. but think about the smaller establishments. say those who have ten people, how many will they have to let going order to afford the new wage? so now you have more people out of work.
i know my answer is jumbled but if you can decipher it, please debate

The answer is simple, Speedy - the employers can raise their prices to cover the wage increases 😎
I'm sure that the people would not mind paying more locally to help out their brothers.
or heck, they could donate to a fund and people can bring in their pay stubs and collect a supplement to bring their pay up to a higher level. 😀
I think you are on track speedy. I have almost 200 employees and while none of my employees are at minimum wage, they would be if it is raised above $11.00.
Raising the minimum wage will bring down the standard of living for a lot of people. What about people on fixed income? Costs will go up immediately and have a severe affect on them.
Look at cities that have already raised their minimum wage. It has been working out fairly well.
This article shows that increasing up to $13 shows almost no side effects. The price to eat out may go up a few percent but unemployment is not affected and there is less turnover in those jobs.
I don't know what the magic number is but even $12/hour seems like a good spot to start. Costs will rise only a couple percent if merchants are realistic and fair and not price gouging trying to prove a point. You get more loyal workers and those workers making a bit more money are more inclined to spend a little more in the community.
Thanks to the link for the article. It follows a lot of what I am saying. There aren't a lot of jobs lost @11.00 but they expect it @15. The restaurants did increase prices and so will any business with employees paid under $11.00. Social security hasn't gone up and neither has welfare, they just increased the cost of living.
San Francisco is a very expensive city, hotels, restaurants and parking. The employees that enjoy the wages can't afford to live in the city.

I disagree with the whole concept of minimum wage. Wages should be a function of market forces. If an employer is able to fill positions with suitable employees at a particular wage then that is what the position is worth.
If the employer is unable to fill required positions then he will be forced to raise wages.
If an employee feels that the employer is offering wages that are too low then they should not take the job.
If an employer wants to pay more than is required to fill a position in order to make his employees happy, they are free to do so. If an employee wants to make more in wages, they are free to change jobs or better yet to increase their skill set to make themselves more valuable to their employer.
Employees are also free to start their own businesses and offer wages that they feel are fair.
I do not think that the US should try to become France.
Most minimum wage jobs are low skill set jobs. Usually meant to be entry level jobs. Employees are usually expected to move up or move on from an entry level minimum wage job, not try to raise a family of 4 on minimum wage.
I agree.

I disagree with the whole concept of minimum wage. Wages should be a function of market forces. If an employer is able to fill positions with suitable employees at a particular wage then that is what the position is worth.
If the employer is unable to fill required positions then he will be forced to raise wages.
If an employee feels that the employer is offering wages that are too low then they should not take the job.
If an employer wants to pay more than is required to fill a position in order to make his employees happy, they are free to do so. If an employee wants to make more in wages, they are free to change jobs or better yet to increase their skill set to make themselves more valuable to their employer.
Employees are also free to start their own businesses and offer wages that they feel are fair.
I do not think that the US should try to become France.
Most minimum wage jobs are low skill set jobs. Usually meant to be entry level jobs. Employees are usually expected to move up or move on from an entry level minimum wage job, not try to raise a family of 4 on minimum wage.
what a concept, I'm all for it
On the main topic.....Hovensa employees remaining on island will be let go at the end of this month so they can receive severance pay. Some will be rehired as consultants. Hovensa will put more money into the business for the second quarter but If there is no sale they will declare bankruptcy by the end of June.
Hovensa employees will be let go by the end of this month so they may receive severance pay. Some will be rehired as contractors. Funding will continue into the second quarter of this year and if there is no sale by the end of that quarter, bankruptcy will be declared.
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