Good Evening All: Where is the dump, recycling center or whatever it's called here? And how do I bundle my recyclables? Paper and cardboard separate from magazines?, shredded paper, milk and water bottles, aluminum cans and the other ones like soup cans, compostables - that sort of thing. And how do I bundle them? Paper bags? Bins? Many thanks, VT
I hate to break this to you...only thing that is recycled here is aluminum cans, soda cans. Most everything else goes into dumpsters at the side of the road or, if you have private pick-up, in your trash can...
I hate to break this to you...only thing that is recycled here is aluminum cans, soda cans. Most everything else goes into dumpsters at the side of the road or, if you have private pick-up, in your trash can...
Sadly, East is correct.
Well, big sigh here. Thank you. VT
Guys, where can I actually bring aluminum cans on STX? I tried contacting RAVI, never heard back from them.
It is my understanding that aluminum cans and cardboard can be donated at Gallows Bay Hardware. Newspaper can be donated to the vet clinics. Otherwise, no go. It is KILLING me to put glass and compostables in the trash...
You can drop off aluminum cans at RAVI's location on "Centerline Road, Anna's Hope [next to Public Works]".
I think their buidling is the one in the middle of this map (or it's the next building to the east or west). Zoom out to get your bearings:,-64.731992&spn=0.001454,0.003079&z=19
It's a wide entrance, with a chain link fence/gate near the edge of the road . There's almost never anybody there. If the gate is closed, just drop your stuff at the gate.
Well, here's an update:
I called Gallows Bay Hardware. They do NOT take any alumincans or anything else for recycling.
I've tried contacting RAVI via email. No luck once again. I tried finding a phone number for them. No luck there either. I'm beginning to wonder if RAVI is just a joke.
I guess I'll trySTXBob's suggestion and just leave bags of cans by the gate at Anna's Hope. Still, I must admit it feels a bit wierd just dumping stuff without anyone around to accept it.
Does anyone else have any solid info on recycling aluminum cans?
The last few times I've dropped off soda cans, the gate has been open.
You can drive right in and add your bag to the ever growing pile.
At the last Ag-Fair, the RAVI folks were there and were making a BIG push to get everyone on board.
They said they were waiting on a part that would make the operation functional again.
But, when you drive in and see the mess it makes you wonder if they ever got that part.
The pile has gotten so large that during this past hurricane season we were speculating on what would happen to all those cans if we did get hit with a storm. I can just picture all this little aluminum missiles flying all over the island.

Aluminum and steel cans to the site in Anna's Hope
cardboard to Cost u Less
no place for plastic
newspapers at the Animal shelter
pretty sad
The pile has gotten so large that during this past hurricane season we were speculating on what would happen to all those cans if we did get hit with a storm. I can just picture all this little aluminum missiles flying all over the island.
I am a member of RAVI and before hurricane season we had a clean up day and had a container brought in to place crushed cans in. We were aware of the dangers of these cans. The day was a huge success and it was in the front page of the Avis. Since then we have had some bumps in getting a site management to start working with the machines we have to crush and pachage the cans to export off the island. Our hopes are that the process of red tape will be done by May and the new company will take over.
Sorry you are having difficulty getting someone by phone. We have our next monthly meeting at AARP January 18th at 6.
There are Freecycle groups on both STT and STX. You Google for more info.
Some farmers are using newspapers for something. I know I gave some old newspapers for some farm use.
You have to think about how you can lessen your discards. When I get takeout, I refuse the plastic bag. I'm starting to look for large containers of bath products so I generate less waste. Everybody needs to lessen these garbage.
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