Realistic cost of housing and Riding a Bike
HI folks,
I've enjoyed reading all of your posts and thank you for taking the time to do so.
I am contemplating moving to St. Croix, and even though reading through the posts has given me some idea of what it's like living there, I still don't have a sense of what the average cost of living is there. Could someone tell me what would be the average monthly rent of a 1 bedroom cottage, not necessarily near the towns, in fact more out of the way.
I am a single parent, age 52, my daughter will soon be going to college, and I need to get out of the cold New England weather, so I am thinking about where I will relocate.
I am not a very materialistic person, but I like to have a tv and internet service, the latter being most important. I am on a fixed income,and I really want to know if it will be feasible. I also want to know if travelling around by bicycle is practical at all. I just don't believe I will be able to afford to move my car. Any help will be much appreciated. Take care,
IMHO, bicycle not feasible at all for transportation. Bad roads, "interesting" driving techniques.
Health care costs a major factor...I am sure that Alexandra will be able to help you with rent, etc. Be prepared for utility sticker shock though.
Most of the cyclists on STX are serious riders. Many race and with five triathalons there are always people out on the road training. Most of the riders are strong and skilled cyclists. The best road riding is the south shore road and the east end loop.
Cycling to commute or shop is a risky. You either have to walk to the store and your job orbe able to afford a car. Walking in certain areas is risky enough. Many roads don't have sidewalks much less shoulders.
Marsha - since you expressed a preference for a cottage that is out of the way, I'd have to agree with Jane and Jim that you would NOT be able to get around with just a bicycle for transportation. If you lived right in town in an apartment you might be able to manage without a car. There are only a handful of grocery stores on the island and you would be hard pressed to bicycle to and from them to an out of the way cottage. Maybe you would be best off selling your car on the mainland and buying an island car here. The $2K to $3K you save on shipping a car will buy you something that will run and get you around. There are often people leaving island who have cars to sell in a hurry.
There are several different kinds of rental properties on the island. There are high-end vacation properties that rent for thousands of dollars per week, mid-priced long-term rental condos and houses that generally range from $1K to $3K per month, and also small apartments and/or cottages that are extra units attached to someone's home. Those small apartments and cottages would be your best chance of finding an inexpensive rental in the $400-$800 per month range. Apartments in the lower price range are usually not handled by property managers. You need to be on-island and asking around in person to hear about upcoming vacancies. They fill very fast. Sometimes they aren't in the greatest condition, but other times you get lucky and find someone who needs a trustworthy caretaker for their property and will give you a great deal on renting their guest apartment.
Much of the island has wireless internet service available. Figure on about $50 per month for the service and there will be a set-up fee if the property doesn't already have the equipment in place. Check into the availability of service before you sign your lease since there are still areas where the existing towers don't have line of sight to provide a signal.
I would plan on at least $1000 per month for housing/phone/WAPA/cable/internet - the total cost of Putting a room over your head in a safe, clean environment.
I don't think a 52 year old woman is going to make it living alone on STX without a car - maybe of you find something right in C'sted and close to Schooner Bay grocery.
Have you visited already? If not you should consider coming for a visit before taking the plunge.
Thanks everyone for your feedback, I really appreciate it. I will probably come for a visit in Spring. Take care!
I am a 53 y/o modestly retired man. I have made similar inquiries concerning bicycle use on StX, and areas to live. The healthy, robust way I live does not revolve around Grocery Store access, nor how fast I can travel around an Island.
I was forced after Hurricane Wilma (Key West) to ride a bike. (And that is the only thing I can be grateful for from Wilma). A new world of friends and possibilities opened for me. I moved to old town Key West and because I could stop and talk to people and look at places I found more than one housing situation and alot of cool cash jobs (dog sitter, etc).
My long term plans are to start a new adventure in Stx about July/07. I plan on arriving with one carry on, and the first thing I'm going to do is buy a 7-10 speed Boss/ or Beach Cruising Bike.
Marsha, Yes you can get along on Stx without using an expensive, filthy, car, and you will find what you want and where you want to live riding a bike.
I beg to differ, sir. I would be interested to hear your views 6 months after you have moved to StX.
Rhallen maybe you should wait til you get here before you tell people you can definitely survive here without a car. What are you going to do without a car here at night? There are ALOT of places i would not suggest a woman be driving a bike around here at night. This summer on the east end they were car jacking women on the east end of the island (east end is considered the safer end of the island with higher home values). I believe the car jackings even made it on the message boards so you can find the info. I would never want to be riding a bike to go to sunny isle to see a movie or to c'sted at night for dinner. You have to remember too this isnt the states, drivers are not used to seeing being riding bikes often so they are not looking out for bicyclers at all. The roads are usually very narrow and windy. If you get hit here and need an ambulance its going to be a nightmare to get one. You would be much better off walking to the bus stop and using it or taxi's to get around as far as safety is concerned. I think Linda was on the right track but i think you would be better figuring on AT LEAST $1500 a month for rent and utlities, afterall wapa just keeps going up and you want to live is a good area being on your own and new to the area.
Been there - didn't even try that - unless you live downtown and are willing to take a cab or the bus to the grocery store, you are going to find living there pretty unmanageable by yourself with only a bicycle unless you have a close friend to hitch a ride with...if you live away from downtown you are greatly reducing the number of places that are accessible, or the places that have bus service which runs on a schedule only the good Lord understands.
It would be plain foolhardy to recommend relying on a bike as one's sole source of transportation. Besides, once you get there and see the way some of these folks drive and the way the roads have blind spots and curves, you'll want to put an armored car around you. I consider the athletes biking around the island to be brave and fearless people and wonder how come they don't end up splattered on the pavement.
They run in packs!!!
Cyclists on STX survive by usually riding early in the day when there is less traffic, ride on the south shore and east end loop. I would never ride my bike to Sunny Isle during the day or anywhere after dusk.
wow i am trying to move to stx ,but if i have any good sence i would not try to use a bike for transportation ,that's crazy.
I think the STX Police Dept use bicycles to get around town.
rhallen - EXACTLY! The police use bicycles to get around downtown Christiansted. They do NOT ride them to get around the rest of the island. With the shortage of parking in town, bicycles make sense if you don't venture beyond the main town area.
You said you did fine in Key West on a bicycle... but that is a very different topography than what you will find on STX. Do you want to ride up 300-1000 vertical feet of hill several times to get to your destination? You'll be in great shape in no time, but you'll also be exhausted and not likely to go do the things you want to do once you realize the amount of time and effort involved in getting there and back again.
Bicycling is great as an activity, but less ideal as your primary source of transportation.
My plans were to always ride in town, and like here( K West) if its not available or accessible by bike I didn't need it that badly. Also I don''t think the boaters on the hook or in marinas all have cars?
rhallen: I'm not on STX but on STT where your question is still relevant to a degree. In continuing to respond to Marsha's post and the various most responsible and well-guided responses she has received thus far, you say, "My plans were to always ride in town, and like here( K West) if its not available or accessible by bike I didn't need it that badly. Also I don''t think the boaters on the hook or in marinas all have cars?"
With all due respect. I think you're missing a point here, First, the transportation and general road situation on STX is is in no way comparable to the situation in KW. The topography is very different, the whole environment is very different and Marsha has been given excellent adfvice which fortunately she has taken to heart and plans now on making a PMV - and have YOU done a real PMV yet?
I venture to guess that the longterm "boaties" on STX are just the same as those on STT. They may not necessarily have a car at hand (although most do which may surprise you) but, those who don't, have an exigency plan which relies on land-based friends.
That you went through Hurricane Wilma in FLA is admirable But you weren't here during Hurricane Hugo which devastated STX and you weren't here during Hurricane Marilyn which devastated STT so, I'm sorry, but your viewpoint and particularly since it seems that you haven't done a PMV, leaves me a bit cold and enjoins me to question your postings.
I'm really not trying to be antsy in my response to you but I just question your responses to Marsha when it seems that your advice to her has rather gone against the general grains of knowledge as posted. Cheers!
rhallen, you're making some awfully big statements there - have you biked to Kmart at Sunny Isle from downtown? If you want to pay tourist prices for clothing, knock yourself out downtown - but if you want to get real, you won't be biking to the clothing shops much.
I don't believe you ever made it clear that you only intended to ride downtown anyway....when I read your post, I took it to mean that biking was a breeze or only a small effort. It is not. Heck, driving there isn't always easy - and let's not forget there are no shoulders or bike paths, and a whole lotta rum lovers.
Get a clue.
I have never biked to K Mart or Box Stores and do not plan to. I have no monthly car payments /etc. Think of the income that frees up to spend at maybe a better clothing store, market place , and or restaurants. I am looking at STX because the biking will be more challenging for me. It is not a breeze and dangerous..StX is not the only place with horrible driving conditions, no shoulders, and drunks.
I need to throw this in because it seems to be a basic need that flows through all posting. In that ,why in the world are daily ease , enjoyment of life and recommendations mostly basted on location and access to K MART, HOME DEPOT, and a Box Food Stores. These places are found in great numbers in the states, and they are quite accessible by 1000s of cars all the time. You would be able to as was published in a posting "I finished all my earns and was home eating lunch reading People Mag. Before 1:00pm."
I might needed to research a clue, but I am not clueless
I do know a couple of people who bike for fun and exercise. One drives her bike to the Carambola area and bikes the hills there, the other lives in Judith's fancy and bikes in that gated, low traffic community. I live smack dab in the heart of downtown F'sted and can walk to do most of my activities, ie, going to the cofee shop, walking down to the pier to feed the fish and buying basics at the bluie market. (Like a 7-11, good for an emergency, but far too expensive and not enough stock to be your regular grocery store.) Fred is a great walking town.. BUT I have to drive to the grocery store, I have to drive to do laundry, drive to go to different beaches besides my own. I suppose it COULD be done, if you straqpped a pack to your back and hauled all of your stuff, and we willing to risk getting run over on the narrow roads... but what about when you lose track of time and end up staying out al ittle later than you intended. I don't get caught walking through most areas after dark. I don't imagine you would want to bike through most of these areas. I definitely feel for the idea of biking.. trust me, I spend 6500 on a car, put thousands of dollars into it, trying to get it to run and a year later, it still doesn't work and we can't even sell it for a loss! If I could just get a long with a bike, I would. But I have to get friends (fortunately I have several good one) to take me to those errands i can't run on foot. Without good friends with similar schedules who can synch up their errands with yours it would be nearly impossible to live here without a car.
And something I forgot to mention the first time.... Are there even any bikes racks anywhere, where you can actually lock up your bike when you go inside a place? I haven't seen any in fred, and can't remember if there are any in C'sted.
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