Ready For A Change
So here is a little more information ☺. My father and husband both have VA insurance. Do you know about those services on the island?
Good day Uphostery Girl,
The nearest VA hospital is in Puerto Rico, so they would have to arrange travel for services there, or pay out of pocket (or under other insurance coverage) for care locally.
Is there a VA clinic on the island?
There is one on St Thomas -
and one on St Croix -
both with very limited services.
Posted by: Gator's MomPosted by: STTsailorWith a budget of $5000+ a month one can live the royal lifestyle in Panama, Uruguay, Ecuador or perhaps solid middle class in Greece, Portugal, Spain or south of France. Without ever worrying about healthcare. So what makes this third world, murder capital of North America so attractive to retire to? Surely $5000 a month budget won’t get you far in VI. I would say you would live in paverty on that budget while surrounded by some most disfunctional population on the planet. I presume that US flag they are flying here gives you all the assurance of safety plus the English language.
All of those places you named require residents to purchase some type of health care plan - for less than what a Medicare/supplement/drug/evac package costs in the VI. However, most older Americans will still opt to have Medicare part B once they qualify, adding to monthly costs. They would still have a med evac plan if living in South or Central America, too. Most foreign countries' health plans are only good within their respective borders.
I may be wrong, but I think many are looking at the VI as an alternative to FL for sun and sand. They are not fully aware of how different it is from mainland US. An adventure but not too exotic LOL.
Right now, I think PR should be on the list for retirees, too.
Yes. Costs about $100-150 for full coverage, no deductible, privat health insurance. Quality of healthcare is generally good but if you need a new heart or liver that you are out of luck.
I agree about PR. The island has better infrastructure that VI and there are huge tax incentives is you relocate your business there. San Juan is very cosmopolitan and cheaper than South Beach. Rincon has great laid back beaches and is cheap. The downside is sales tax at 11.5%

Posted by: Cabcash58 years young. Self-employed forever. Woke up one day ready to do something else. Not sure what that is but whatever it is , I want it to be in the Virgin Islands. Sure , it’s crazy but I’ve put this off far too long. Im as interested in a buck as the next guy but it’s not the main consideration. Ready to simplify & get the hell outta Dodge. Please don’t try & talk me outta this. Any ideas appreciated. Who’s hiring? Ya know someone who is? Tired of debating this. That thing you’ve had in the back of your mind forever that ya dust off & take a look at once in awhile? This is mine.
I would "strongly" suggest reading the book "DON'T STOP THE CARNIVAL"
for a better understanding of "What" you are about to do!
Upholstery Girl: Here is where you will start seeing the problems in the VI..
"I called the hospital on St Thomas and spoke with a social worker and asked her about supplemental health insurance. I will be receiving Medicare this year and wanted to make sure I have the right plan for the island. She said AARP, Atena and United Health are the most used. "
The social worker did not understand the difference between Medicare supplemental insurance and regular health insurance. When you come for your PMV, make an appointment with the Medicare ladies at Nisky Center. They can explain the supplement deal, which is really easy because UHC via AARP has a monopoly.
You might also want to visit the VA clinic which is behind the hospital. They do have limited services, but provide vouchers for local providers when possible. They used to send everyone to PR for services, but that has changed in recent years. Only they don't always know what services are available locally. LOL
P.S. To all of you who think health care is great in PR, I hope you speak Spanish. Yes, the doctors do speak English, but many of the support personnel are monolingual.
Thank you for the information. I will add the information to our trip binder and schedule in a visit during our week on the island. My binder is filling up fast with "must check out" things!!
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