Question for all you locals
I am moving down to STT on Monday the 23rd. (YAAAAY!) Can't believe it's so soon already! I already have the job of my dreams, and a place to stay...which is where my question comes in. We are staying with my new boss when we get there until we can find a place. Can anyone give me some ideas on something that might be really sought after on the islands that is easy to get in the states, not to mention easily transported with us on the plane? I'd really like to get him something as a thank you for giving us a place to crash till we find our own place. Thanks in advance for your ideas! I have absolutely loved these forums, they are such a great source of info!

I always ask for Arby's, Burger King, Taco Bell, or Krispy Kremes! I know it sounds silly, but, if they are from the States, I'm sure they'd appreciate a dozen Krispy Kremes! It shows as a very thoughtful gift, IMO. For a place to stay...well, maybe you could put a whole "Care Package" together that includes a little of all the stuff they can't get here...4 Whoppers, 4 Big Roast Beef Sanwiches (with Horsey Sauce!), 4 Seven Layer Burrittos, and a Dozen donuts...I'd be THRILLED! Haha!
If only we had power to use the microwave to heat them up!!!!
Just kidding....mine came back on at 2103 last night...
As far as your boss and a nice thank you, you could take him to dinner at "Room with a View", nice place with decent food and incredible view...but if it must come from the states.....hmmm....I'm with Marty.
Vermont maple syrup 🙂
Ooooo - yes - maple syrup. It's what my friends on STX always are most grateful for.
Where are you coming from? Do you have access to fresh, home-grown tomatoes. How about peaches. Impossible to get good ones here, not to mention, very expensive. Any really fresh produce is always good. Don't bring mangos, bananas or papayas.
You can't go wrong with the Krispy Kremes (unless he's diabetic or something).
You can get really good coffee here. Some people like to pick up Dunkin Donuts coffee when in the states. I know you can get 100% pure maple syrup, but maybe you get a better quality in the states? I buy the same brand here that my daughter buys in Oregon. Of course, if you are coming from Vermont, that's another story.
Some things cannot be shipped into the islands, but you can bring them on the plane. For instance, I like Ojon hair products, but they won't ship here. You probably don't know your new boss well enough yet to know what he would like, and that kind of thing might be too personal anyway. But maybe you could ask someone else who works for him.
Good luck with the new job, and welcome!
Thanks to all! These are great ideas. I'm coming from Pennsylvania, lots of farms here, not too many maple trees! lol The only problem with the krispy cremes and arby's is that whatever we bring needs to go in our suitcases as we are carrying our dogs on the plane. And I guess I could take a big purse, but I don't know if a dozen doughnuts and tacos will fit! I can try though! I really appreciate all the ideas! Keep 'em coming!
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