PT Boat in Salt River Bay?

I'm told there is a PT Boat, reportedly owned by Rockefeller, in the bay. I have seen it but from far away and don't have binoculars to get a closer look. Can't see it from the road and it is partially submerged. I'll try and get a picture.
Anyone have a story or more information about it?
Maybe the NPS may have information on it.

NPS? Sorry. I'm not too good with acronyms.

NPS? Sorry. I'm not too good with acronyms.
National Park Service

Thanks. In talking with friends I was told that a couple who owned a lock & key shop may have been the last owners and lived on it. I was also told it is not wood but aluminum. Made at the end of WWII.
I don't want to buy it but was just curious about its origins. It's not every day I get to learn something new about the island, and PT boats...
That boat has been there since hurricane Marilyn; it is partially submerged.
Pat boats were wood. If this is aluminum then not a PT boat
the restaurant. i had noticed the next photo was of the restaurant and was wondering if they had started to rebuild yet

Pat boats were wood. If this is aluminum then not a PT boat
I'm just repeating what I've heard. Supposedly, at the end of the war they were making them from aluminum. Been trying to find more sources online to confirm.

the restaurant. i had noticed the next photo was of the restaurant and was wondering if they had started to rebuild yet
I probably used the wrong link to the boat. Those were 'other photos' on my flikr account and not to be associated with this thread. Sorry for the confusion...

That boat has been there since hurricane Marilyn; it is partially submerged.
I was told it has been there quite awhile.
I was down that way yesterday, but didn't go past the breakwater to get on the resort beach itself, so I didn't get a real close look. From what I saw, the outside bar structure is still AWOL. The windows and doors were boarded up, so there could be inside work going on. It has been a while. If someone else doesn't answer you, I'm gonna have to get nosy and find out what's going on.
Edited to say this was about Shoreline, not the boat.
thank you for the answer. . i had actually forgotten about it until you posted the photo of the pt boat
I was down that way yesterday, but didn't go past the breakwater to get on the resort beach itself, so I didn't get a real close look. From what I saw, the outside bar structure is still AWOL. The windows and doors were boarded up, so there could be inside work going on. It has been a while. If someone else doesn't answer you, I'm gonna have to get nosy and find out what's going on.
Edited to say this was about Shoreline, not the boat.
PT-8 was an experimental PT made of aluminum. It didn't pass speed tests for PT service so it was reassigned as harbor patrol boat YP-110. PT-8 was last known to be in LA in 2012.
The boat in the pic doesn't have the V shape bow. The rear deck seems a bit short for hauling torpedos. Would be nice to see some close ups shots.

Here's the photo:
The boat in this photo is not a PT boat. I rowed out a couple of days ago and took some pics but am having trouble uploading. Its neither wood nor aluminum, it is rapidly deteriorating fiberglass.
I think you may have mixed up a couple of stories and have mistaken a sunken PT boat with the Sondra II. The Sondra II was a former WWII era Canadian sub chaser originally designated HMC ML Q119 that was bought and fitted out to be a private cruiser by a 60's era musician. He brought it down the east coast and ended up on STX where it sank a couple of hundred yards off of the Frederiksted country club.
About the only thing left is the engine blocks, prop shafts, and some hardware here and there.
Years ago on a kayak tour we were told one of the sunken boats in the bay belonged to one of the Monkeys, Micky Dolenz I think. Any truth to that? We also kayaked by soap opera creator Agnes Nixon's house on the bay who coincidentally died yesterday. Current property records show she owned the house and property at the top of Rust up twist.
The house on the bay belongs to Agnes Nixon's daughter.
Michael Nesmith of the Monkees owned the boat that sunk
I have often wondered why the sunken vessels are not raised and disposed? The harbor is nice and could be a stronger asset to STX if cleaned up. It must be a navigational nightmare for yachts, especially at night.
What is happening to the fuel remaining in the tanks of these vessel's? If any, one day, there may be a disturbing sheen on the water......

I have often wondered why the sunken vessels are not raised and disposed? The harbor is nice and could be a stronger asset to STX if cleaned up. It must be a navigational nightmare for yachts, especially at night.
What is happening to the fuel remaining in the tanks of these vessel's? If any, one day, there may be a disturbing sheen on the water......
1) Cost. Who is going to pay to have that done?
2) The boats are not in the harbor, and were sunk by hurricanes over 20 years ago.
I would have thought the coast guard would have held the owners responsible for the cost of removal as insurance probably wouldn't have covered this. I don't know the details of the storm, but I would have thought there were some federal funds allocated to this. But again I do not know. Probably was, but the gov't used it for something else.
As for the fuel, that has washed away a long time ago. There is typically a breather tube that goes through the side hull of the boat.

2) The boats are not in the harbor, and were sunk by hurricanes over 20 years ago.
Not sure what your definition of harbor is, but Salt River is the safest harbor on St Croix. That's why many boats get moved there when storms are looming.
At least 5 boat in Salt River have sunk in the past 4 or 5 years due to neglect. Many are breaking up due to their own waterlogged weight and, though they are still currently visible above water, will soon cause a hazard to navigation through Salt River. There are several other sunken vessels that are not visible above water which are hazards.Spot on with your #1, though!
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